Ning Tianlin, who crossed the bookshelf, glanced roughly. Most of them are books on management and gambling, and there are other books in different fields. On the contrary, they are on Martial Artist cultivation. There are not many books.

Manager Shi, who is familiar with the road, finally came to a desk, turned around, looked at the man in front of him, and pointed to the wide leather seat behind the desk.

"Sit down, with you here, I really dare not sit there."

Ning Tianlin chuckled lightly and didn't shy away. After going around the desk, I just sit down. Go down.

"Would you like something to drink?"

Slightly hesitated, Manager Shi pointed to the various fine wines on the wine rack, and asked first.

Now she is not in a hurry, as long as she follows the man's will, there should be no mortal danger.

The most anxious ones should be the Old Guys in the company, right? They must have seen the scene just now.

"No need."

Ning Tianlin waved his hand.

The embarrassing atmosphere only lasted for a moment. Manager Shi let out a soft breath, pulled out a seat, and sat down aside.

"Thank you for helping me just now."

"I reacted too violently just now, I apologize to you!"

Red lips slightly pressed She said sincerely.

Anyway, the man in front of her really helped her out. It was just a means of doing things, a bit extreme.

"That guy has always had some disgusting thoughts towards me. Normally I don’t want to offend him, so I can only choose to ignore it."

Shi manager’s wisp of forehead Blue hair, some helplessly said, she also hated that guy from the bottom of her heart.

"hehe, you think too much, he is wrong about jumping in front of me."

"However, for that kind of person, the more you give in, the more he It is unsatisfied. Only by killing can it be done once and for all."

Ning Tianlin first shook the head, then added again.

At the same time, I am also dissatisfied with the response speed of the Australian senior management, which is too slow.

"Well, I know the truth naturally, but I am just a woman, and I don't have that powerful method yet."

Shi manager said with a smile helplessly, in With this complex network of Australians, it is not easy for her to get to this point.

"Then, what will happen if you take power?"

Seemingly inadvertently asking while chatting, Ning Tianlin flashed a thought in his mind. The purpose of this trip was also somewhat adjusted.

At this moment, a huge monster like the Australian family looks like a hen who can lay eggs. It seems to be better than just stewing and eating the eggs regularly.

Small water can flow for a long time, even more how Australia’s gambling industry’s gold absorption is not comparable to any industry.

And this woman seems to be a good candidate to hold this hen.

"In power? Hehe"

Manager Shi doesn’t think she has any hope of being in power in Australia, and at best stops at her current position, but since she was asked, She still pondered for a while and continued.

"Once I have a chance to be in power, the kind of domineering guys you killed just now will be the first batch of rubbish expelled by me. When the time comes, I get revenge and make them feel Fearful."

Ning Tianlin did not interrupt, but continued to listen. If the woman continued to be patient, he felt that there was no need to listen.

"As for the daddies above, as long as they don't infringe on the company's interests for those unfilial sons, I have to find a way to put them all empty!"


"Don't underestimate women. Women's fever is not only the most vengeful creature, but also has more thoughts than your men. Otherwise, how can there be the most poisonous and feminine claims?"

The current manager, who inadvertently revealed her ambition and strength, seems to be the real her.

"tsk tsk..."

When I heard this remark of the manager, Ning Tianlin's face also flashed a strange look, and he still looked down upon this woman.

He didn't expect that this seemingly weak woman would have such a forbearance. Fortunately, she was still sane.

"Stop talking about this, let you laugh."

shook the head, Shi Manager's delicate face showed an awkward smile, and she was thinking about those things in her heart.

"It's time to do business."

Ning Tianlin feels that there is no need to consume it anymore, and no one has troubled him yet, I am afraid that those people are discussing some countermeasures. Bar?

After a few random taps on the desktop, he said instructed to the opposite woman.

"You can arrange for someone to send in a set of video equipment. I want to talk to the Old Guys above you."


"Should you not go up? Or should I go up and invite them down?"

A touch of astonishment surged on the manager's cheeks. She believed that as this man, the request should not be excessive. If so, the board of directors should all agree.

But no matter what, I won’t use video conversations here.

"Well, it is very comfortable here, I am lazy to walk around."

Immediately, Ning Tianlin adjusted to a more comfortable posture, leaning on the seat.

"You just do it, it's not a major event, just a few words."

Seeing that the other party is still hesitating, Ning Tianlin urged softly.

Now that there are new candidates, there is no need for him to meet those Old Guys. He is only going to say it once.

As for listening or not listening, it has nothing to do with him. Means are often more useful than talking!

"Oh, that's right."

"Don't disclose my identity yet, I will slaughter a chicken to refresh the monkey spirits above."


"By the way, I will solve my worries, I don't want to be worried by the child's father."

When the manager was about to prepare, he was taken aback when he heard the other party's words.

Butcher a chicken? child his father?

In just a moment, she understood the meaning of the other person's words, but the relaxed and indifferent tone, extremely inappropriate metaphor, how could it sound so awkward...

This chicken is an ordinary chicken. The battle strength of Old Guy is the level of Lord of Universe. Although it has been maintained at a certain level, it is indeed the strength of the genuine Lord of Universe!


It's another pervert like Ning Tianlin. It is estimated that they are the only ones who dare to compare Lord of Universe to chickens, and they all have the ability to kill chickens. She can only be in the heart like this. Exclaimed.

As for the opposite man’s proposal, she somewhat agreed. The domineering youth just now was killed on the spot. The most important reason was still on her side.

His, unconsciously, Manager Shi only feels that he is on the other side's thief ship.

If the young man’s father is not dealt with, she will not be able to stay in the company because of the slight people’s words. I am afraid that this little life will be difficult to guarantee. Inevitably.

This thought flashed through her mind, and she couldn't help but stand on the other side's angle and began to think about some urgent questions.

"I don’t think the child’s father would be stupid enough to come and find you."

Immediately, there seemed to be a sudden sound of something, the manager opened his mouth slightly to remind road.


"Didn’t you say that he has a dad who protects the calf? He can bear it?"

Continue to play with Bauble, Ning Tianlin who didn't raise his head, teased pretending to be puzzled.

"It's not fake to protect the calf, but it depends on who it is?"

The manager Shi's helpless curl one's lip, and then continued with a little embarrassment.

"Do you really think that those Old Guys don’t know who you are now?"

"If it’s a trivial matter, now it’s such a big mess, they will definitely be immediately Let people investigate."

"In other words, from the moment you step into the company’s door, every detail will be carefully screened."

For these Manager Shi is still very clear about the routine steps. The bright and dark monitoring instruments have long been distributed in every corner of the company, and there are very few blind spots.

"So what?"

I looked up at the other person's expression with a serious explanation, Ning Tianlin couldn't help but said with a smile.

"How? That is to say, the content of our conversation from the very beginning, they already know it now!"

The manager glared at the other side angrily and groaned slightly.

"Hehe, you underestimated my methods."

"All they can know is only what I want them to know."

Ning Tianlin snorted, his face full of disapproval.

As early as when he disclosed his identity to the manager at this time, he had already quietly printed a Space Formation, and blocked everything that should be blocked.

"Really, fake?"

When the other party said that, Manager Shi couldn't help but feel relieved, but he still didn't believe it and wanted to confirm it.

If this is the case, the father who died of the child will definitely be found. Maybe it is on the way now.

"Love Believing or Not."

Ning Tianlin turned his head to the side, too lazy to explain.


Seeing the arrogant look of the opposite young man turned his head, Manager Shi thought he had misunderstood him. How can this be a very ruthless youth center who has made a bold move? The demeanor he should have is clearly what an ordinary big boy looks like when he is angry.

"Just believe you."

But I still endured it, bulging my cheeks to hold back the smile, and the willow brow bends a shallow arc, lightly said with a smile .

However, what she still can't figure out is that since the Old Guys on the board don't know the true identity of this young man, why didn't they choose to do it immediately? This is not their style of doing things.

It is estimated that you want to ask the deputy director of Bo to try this young man first, right? After all, the hottest person now is the deputy director of Bo whose son was killed!

"Little fan, come here for a moment."

The manager Shi, who thinks so in his heart, ignores these first, walks slowly to the desk, Qianzhi stretches out , And press a button on the desktop sideways.

Immediately, a charming-looking maid walked in from the door ticking.

"Go find a few people, and bring the video equipment in the Conference Hall over. Be quicker.

Shi Manager will pass the card to the maid by the way. Seriously instructed.

"Yes. "

Although the maid looked puzzled, she didn't dare to ask more. After complied respectfully, she quickly stepped back out.

"You wait a moment, and the equipment will be taken right away. coming. "

Looking at the maid who quit, Shi Manager, after sitting back in the chair, said to the man.

slightly nodded, Ning Tianlin did not speak, just so quiet I’m waiting.

When I think of what will happen later, the manager’s heartbeat speeds up a lot. At this moment, I can only sit quietly in a chair and no longer dare to talk.

It’s just that, occasionally, a slightly strange look will look at the direction of the seemingly boring man from time to time.

Whether it is fighting the deputy director for revenge or talking to the board of directors, it doesn’t matter. It's not easy, but this man calmly terrifying...

With the silence of the two, the atmosphere in this room gradually became dull.

But as time goes by, Ning Tianlin, who is not impatient, is finally slightly frowned.

As soon as she was about to speak, the maid who walked in panic at the door was the first to break the dull atmosphere. Is out.

"The device is out? "

Hearing hurried footsteps, the manager of the time lifts the head, looking at the maid who is returning, but there is nothing beside her, willow brows slightly wrinkle, solemnly asked.


"Manager Shi, equipment..."

"The staff who moved the equipment were forcibly detained by Bo Dong and were not allowed to move. "

The maid said with a little panic on her cheeks and said timidly.

Ordinary aloof and remote’s Bo Dong simply won’t be here, but it hasn’t been long since she left. , She ran into her, and the aggressive battle really shocked her.


hearing this, Shi Manager couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. , Yushou put his hands on the chair and stood up with a scream. Dong finally got the bait!

"I see, you can go down first. "

She waved to the maid on the side, and immediately, when the maid was about to retreat to the door, she opened the mouth and said again.

"Don’t go far, for a while. Just put the equipment in again. "

When the maid heard this, she was taken aback for a while, and then turned around. After complied, she continued to move towards the door and walked outside.

She has since entered the company. She has been working by Shi Manager’s side, and the formalities such as her internship transfer are all handled by the other party. She is the best person the company treats her.

Even so, she doesn’t think Shi Manager I was able to get the equipment back from Bo Dong, let alone move it for a while.

But I did the same, and asked the staff who moved the equipment to wait a while longer.

"hehe, it really didn't disappoint me. "

Hearing this unexpected change, Ning Tianlin said softly with a sneer.


Shi Manager took a deep breath, The plump breast is slightly undulating.

"Are you afraid? "

Ning Tianlin squinted his eyes slightly, seeing the other's nervous look, indifferently asked.


"However, I can only Keep staying here, if you go out, he will be torn to pieces immediately. "

Manager Shi’s pretty face is very solemn. She still remembers the scene on the stairs just now. I am afraid it will be repeated again here.

"Not yet Too stupid. "

There is no major enemy who is currently waiting, but when he hears the man’s relaxed ridicule, Manager Shi can only follow the pretense to calm down.

At the same time, he is also in the heart. Admire the other party’s calmness. Even if you really kill a chicken, you should be appropriately nervous, right? This makes people feel like stepping on an ant.

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