Immediately afterwards, they saw Lord Yin-Yang Sect above the summit, slowly walking out, and the miserable scene below, they didn't even look at it!

Just let those people who are Buddha have nothing to do with him!

da da da!

As each step fell, all Yin-Yang Sect dísciple couldn't help trembling involuntarily, as if they couldn't help but kneel down.

This is their Yin-Yang Sect's strongest battle strength, and it is their greatest support to kill Ning Tianlin!

"sect master!"

"Please sect master take action and kill Ning Tianlin!"

"Ning Tianlin is too rampant, to slaughter sect disciple million People! Ten thousand people!"

Seeing the sect master coming, all Yin-Yang Sect dísciple, bow together!

"Kill Ning Tianlin!"

The overflowing voice of murderous intention resounded endlessly.

When he heard this, the corner of Yin Yang King's mouth showed a smirk.

Yes, he is laughing!

The one who smiles is that 10,000 dísciple died well! Dead well!

"Ten thousand people? Just right!"

"All of this is under my control, and their hatred will soon be reported!"


The words of the King of Yin and Yang made all Yin-Yang Sect dísciple stunned!

They don’t know what Sect Master Bai means.

Thousands of sectarians were lost in vain. Is this actually under control?

This is too awesome right?!

"The blood evil formation, if it is to be opened, it must be sacrificed with the blood of ten thousand people, not one less person!"

In the eyes of the King of Yin and Yang, Senran and ruthless, heart-trembling.


This sentence made the martial artists in front of the screen extremely frightened.

Dignified Yin-Yang Sect sect master, the veteran powerhouse in the universe, used the lives of his own dísciple to sacrifice the array!

This yin and yang king is crazy!

However, this does not stop.

Next, the King of Yin and Yang continued.

"Yin-Yang Sect, the most important thing is the dísciple who wants to get started. One batch is dead, and there is the next batch!"

"Ning Tianlin will kill, Their death is worth it, and Yin-Yang Sect will remember them!"

At this moment, Yin-Yang Sect dísciple's complexion is so complicated!

In order to kill Ning Tianlin, the sect master disregarded the life of sect disciple. This kind of vicious and merciless made them surprised and frightened.

Successfully succeeded, the bones and bones are dead, but these ten thousand people are all Yin-Yang Sect's dísciple, Ning Tianlin did not hurt the vellus hair!

It’s just that, for everyone’s fear, the King of Yin and Yang doesn’t take seriously.

He stared straight at Ning Tianlin with his eyes straight, and the corner of his mouth showed a brutal grin.

"Use the blood of tens of thousands of people to sacrifice the blood and evil spirits!"

"array start!"

With the sound of the king of Yin and Yang falling.


Clan Protecting Great Array, the blood evil array is finally opened!

After that, a weird scene appeared!

The blood on the steps suddenly stopped moving.


They seem to be attracted by some mysterious power, and they start to flow backwards crazy!

The speed is getting faster and faster, all rushing towards the top of the mountain.

oh la la!

Yin-Yang Sect main peak trembles suddenly, as if awakening something terrifying!

With a grim voice resounding, I saw that mountain suddenly burst open!

bang bang bang!

It seems like the sky is falling!

The rocks fly across the mountain, and the whole mountain is shot with blood in an instant!

xiu xiu xiu!

Countless light curtains, like dense nets, crisscross, densely packed moved towards Ning Tianlin shrouded!

Suddenly, Ning Tianlin was shrouded in a blood mist. On the dense net, the deadly and strange energy, like a snake, haunted constantly!


Yin-Yang Sect is halfway up the mountain, a strong wind blows up, and one after another a stone the size of a person is swept up by the strong wind.

Those media people outside of the blood web, almost unable to stand, have retreated violently!

The battle strength is slightly worse, and it is directly torn into pieces by the terrifying suction, and there is no flesh and blood!

Those who retreated from the media, all have lingering fears.

They never thought that their companions would not die under the sword of Ning Tianlin, but under the blood of Yin-Yang Sect!


Everyone looked at this scene with amazement.

The polite Yin-Yang Sect is far more ruthless than Ning Tianlin, murderous, and murderous innocent!

First, ten thousand people sacrifice the array! Hundreds of media people were slaughtered again! It is simply frantic, although Ning Tianlin is exhausted by killing, he kills all the people who should be killed, and has never killed indiscriminately!

At this moment, in the blood.


The tyrannical energy directly drove Ning Tianlin extremely Avatar back and flew out!

Shock it!

Their feet made several deep ravines on the ground, and the whole person stopped only after tens of meters.

"Blood evil formation!"

"The rumors turned out to be true, Yin-Yang Sect is really blood evil formation!"

Some people like to hunt for secret history The martial artists are all horrified!

Blood evil formation!

Peerless Killing Formation from the ancient Earth!

It is said that the existence of the Lord of Universe can be killed by cutting mountains and rocks, cutting rivers and seas!

They only know the terrifying matchless of Killing Formation, but no one has actually seen it, and even thought it was just an exaggerated rumors!

How can a Formation have the formidable power that kills the Lord of Universe?

At this moment, they can really see it!



Looking closer, everyone opened their mouths in shock!

This is too powerful!

I saw that Ning Tianlin's body had pierced dozens of blood holes!

Permeating through the body, it is striking!

This is incredible!

You must know that even if Ning Tianlin slaughtered tens of thousands of dísciples of Yin-Yang Sect, it did not leave a trace on his body!


Ning Tianlin's eyes were gloomy, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

His body possesses Bowen's terrifying compound ability. That's it, fiercely scarred at the moment.

The abnormal repair speed is not equal to the power of blood!

His voice just fell.

xiu xiu xiu!

Blood evil inside the formation, and several bloody beams flashed by!

The angle is very ruthless and fiercely moved towards Ning Tianlin at an incredible speed.

Ning Tianlin hasn't seen clearly, the sharp redness, and he stabs fiercely everywhere in his body!

"Not good!"

Ning Tianlin's complexion changed transiently, and a dangerous atmosphere enveloped him.

At the moment, the mind flashes, the two Avatars fit together, and the body shape is strangely twisted!

puff puff puff!

The scarlet blood is splashing continuously along his body.

Shoulder! arm! abdomen! thigh! Calf! ....

The whole body was pierced fiercely by nearly ten bloody beams of light!

The whole person flies upside down again dozens of steps away!

It can stop your figure!


At this moment, the entire picture on the screen is like a Buddha.

All the Martial Artists who watched, looked at the blood hole in Ning Tianlin's body, and the blood was flowing from him, each of them was so complicated.

And the black three and the others who were slaughtering the Yin-Yang Sect branch, just happened to see this scene through the screen during a short break.

One by one complexion greatly changed!

"sect master!"

Anyone who sees this scene is crazy!

My eyes are cracked!

One by one, they can't wait to change their bodies and endure the pain for Ning Tianlin. They stared at the screen tightly, only feeling that the heart was about to stop beating!

"Everyone listens!"

"Follow the order of the sect master to slaughter the Yin-Yang Sect branch! Endless slaughter!"

Hei San is angry!

The black palace army is crazy!

One by one, the eyes are red, the killing intent is boiling, their sect master is in trouble, but they are powerless!

All they can do is to do the task assigned by the sect master!

Destroy the Yin-Yang Sect branch as quickly as possible!

At this moment, they don’t need to rest, they just need to fight and slaughter!

They want revenge, and they need to use Yin-Yang Sect's various branches to release the anger in their hearts!

Just then.

"Ning Tianlin is going to lose?"

All the martial artists who watched, one after another, stared at Ning Tianlin on the screen.

At this moment, they were surprised to find that in their hearts, they hope that Ning Tianlin will win!

Yes, Ning Tianlin wins, Yin-Yang Sect loses!

The very ruthless of the King of Yin and Yang, killing indiscriminately, is far more than Ning Tianlin!

one minute!

two minutes!

When 3 minutes passed, Ning Tianlin still maintained the posture after the retreat, motionless!

Only the densely packed blood hole stained his body red.

"haha, Ning Tianlin is defeated!"

Yin-Yang Sect's elite disciple, all let out a long sigh of relief, the fear in their hearts, suddenly disappeared.

"If you lose, then you will die!"

One by one, bloodthirsty enthusiasm, a strong resentment, appeared in their eyes!

It’s just that they are too happy!


With one after another dull voice sounded.

In the horrified gaze of everyone, the blood hole on Ning Tianlin's body was slowly healed!


This scene makes everyone incredible!

They never dreamed that Ning Tianlin's healing ability was... so powerful!

Is this the fleshy body that Human Race should have?

It's just that, at this moment, a gratifying smile appeared on the corner of Ning Tianlin's mouth.

Bo Wen!

He can feel that Bo Wen, who is far away from the Hou clan, has improved her realm for a while!

This horrible healing ability is about to gain a lot!

Although it is not enough to resist the blood loss, he is really happy for Bo Wen!

At this moment, the King of Yin and Yang who had been staring at him sternly shouted.

"It's really a surprise to me, but you don't want to be mad!"

"This is just the beginning!"

Immediately afterwards, he headed towards the top of the mountain Above, shout out loudly.

"Eight Great Elders listen to orders, speed control!"

As soon as the voice of the King of Yin and Yang fell, the eight Great Elders above the main peak were flashing. , Flew in the air.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Eight people form a circular shape, each standing a corner, deadlocking Ning Tianlin in the formation.

oh la la!

The vigorous essence rushed out of the eight people, one after another bloody misty energy, like a waterfall, sprayed out of their palms.

Intertwined with each other, regardless of each other.

Then spread rapidly, and in just a few moments, the passive attack of the blood evil spirits turned into an active attack controlled by them.

xiu xiu xiu!

Suddenly, there is a lot of blood, moved towards Ning Tianlin, shooting away, the angle reaches the point, directly everywhere, and all his retreats Sealed!


Ning Tianlin is over!

For an instant, everyone held their breath.

Their hearts suddenly became heavy, and they couldn't imagine how bloody it would be if they were hit!

Skeleton doesn't exist, or is the minced meat flying?

No one thinks that Ning Tianlin can survive!

The large-scale attack just now caused Ning Tianlin's body to be covered in blood, and this precise attack...only worse!

Just when everyone was worried, a shocking scene appeared!


With a very brief loud noise falling.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, Ning Tianlin self-destructed in place!


This scene shocked everyone.

No one would have thought that Ning Tianlin would be so resolute!


Existence crueler than Wandong Chuanshi.

The whole body, minced meat flies all over the body, directly turning into a ball of blood mist!

However, this is only a means by Ning Tianlin.



Immediately afterwards, a crisp sound came out, and the energy wall of the blood fiend array shook slightly!


With the prestige, I saw that Ning Tianlin was fiercely rushing towards the corner of the big array in an extremely arrogant state.

self-destruct? heal? Launch an offensive!

This set of actions is simply in one go! I dare not imagine that Ning Tian could complete it in such a short time!

Sure enough, very ruthless!

Everyone in front of the screen was dumbfounded, with unbelievable faces.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe that someone would be so cruel to themselves!

It is Undying Clan, I am afraid I dare not do this!

The terrifying resilience is far more powerful than the undead!

However, this does not stop.

I saw, Ning Tianlin rushed to no avail.

The offensive is on again!

With a wave of his palm, a wave of terrifying energy full of several feet suddenly burst out, slamming heavily on the shield.


There is another shaking, but the latter is still tenacious and shows no signs of breaking!

"Damn it, it's so hard!"

He cursed in a low voice, Ning Tianlin just wanted to continue his attack, but behind it came ten thousand fierce blood!

The blood of hiding the sky and covering the earth, the splitting the air sound of the carrier's whistling, make Ning Tianlin not to be underestimated!


Between the TV blazes, Ning Tianlin self-destruct again!

At the moment, everyone is extremely worried about Ning Tianlin.

They can be sure that if they change to themselves, they will definitely be killed by a single move!

However, this self-destruct is not always a solution!

The blood evil formation does not break in one day, Ning Tianlin can only self-destruct endlessly, this is a vicious circle!


"You are too naive!"

"Blood evil, irreconcilable, when can you self-destruct? !"

A bloodthirsty curve appeared at the corner of the eight Great Elder's mouth.

Self-destruct consumes energy, and the energy in Ning Tianlin's body must be exhausted at the moment!

When the time comes, Ning Tianlin must die!

Thinking of this, their bloodthirsty smiles grew stronger.



In just a few minutes, Ning Tianlin has self-destructed no less than a hundred times!

The offensive of the Blood Fiend Array can be described as swift and violent, every time it is very ruthless, Ning Tianlin simply has no time to react!

"Fuck, it's not over!"

Ning Tianlin, who reunited his figure, shouted furiously.

This blood evil formation is so hard everywhere, there is simply no dead end!

Not only that, under the control of the Eight Great Elders, the power of blood, like gangrene with bones, makes him inevitable!

"Okay...a terrifying offensive!"

The martial artists in front of the screen, eyelids jump wildly, and their bodies tremble.

It's just that, in the next scene, once again let them see the horror of Ning Tianlin's methods!

"Invincible Golden Body!"

Suddenly, Ning Tianlin's whole body was enveloped by a cloud of gold, and a terrifying coercion instantly spread.

Ning Tianlin within the golden glow, floating in the air, a voice of Dao Accumulation full of disdain came out.

"Blood Evil Array, only this!"

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