It's not just them, but those Lord of Universe who are fighting with the three servants, one by one, their scalp bursts and they are dripping with cold sweat.

And when they want to turn around and run away.

bang bang bang!

one after another big sword strikes.

puff puff puff!

Qin Family patriarch, the gaze that looked towards Ning Tianlin at this moment was horrified.

He never thought that the ants who were still hunted down by them would have such a weird and cruel method at this moment.

Let them lose so miserably and miserably!

"The next one is you!"

At this moment, the corner of Ning Tianlin's mouth was full of bloodthirsty.

"You scum, you don't deserve to be in charge of Human Race!"

After that, the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand, facing the Qin Family patriarch, fiercely blasted out.

Pu chi!

A head, mixed with this silky flesh, was chopped off raw, leaving only the Qin Family patriarch, mournful scream, which resounded endlessly .

Immediately afterwards, Ning Tianlin looked around.



There was a crisp sound.

The fleshy body of Stone Golem Race patriarch, under the blow of Ning Tianlin, the fleshy body blasted violently broke, and blood splashed!

The attack continues!

bang bang!

The two beast kings of the orc tribe have been destroyed!


Queen of Elf Race, killed!

Pu chi! Pu chi!

The dull voice kept resounding, one after another the body fell to the ground!

The rest of the Lord of Universe were also severely injured by the three servants. It was horrible, leaving only the last breath to support the body.

Yin-Yang Sect has the remaining dísciple, and the face is like ashes. Ning Tianlin's brutality has already terrified them.

In their eyes, Ning Tianlin is simply a pervert, a monster, a bloodthirsty ominous beast.


It is another splash of blood mist, and the entire body of the undead patriarch necromancer is violently violent by Ning Tianlin!

skeleton doesn't exist!

Another Lord of Universe is dead!

It’s just that Ning Tianlin’s reaction is different this time, his eyebrows are slightly frowned, he said with interest.

"Don't pretend, Immortal Body, it won’t hang up so easily!"


Pretending to be a dead soul, a harsh voice , Suddenly sounded.

"Ning Tianlin! You damn it!"

Under everyone's stunned eyes, I saw the blood mist scattered by the dead, beginning to condense quickly.

In a blink of an eye.

His feet congealed first.

Next, calves, thighs, hips, lower abdomen, chest, shoulder blades, arms, until finally, the head condenses.


This scene made the martial artists in front of the screen stunned.

They only know that Undying Clan is very difficult to kill, but they don't know it will be so weird and powerful!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't imagine that after being bombarded into blood mist, the undead would not only not die, but also recover so quickly.

It's just that at this moment, the spirit root didn't pay attention to this. His eyes, staring at Ning Tianlin, were full of resentment.

"It has been hundreds of millions of years since the destruction of the ancient Earth. You are the first person to force me to reunite my body!"

"But, what? Means, it can't kill me!"


This undead...hard spirit!

Listening to the words of the undead patriarch, Yin-Yang Sect dísciple, immediately seemed to see hope, Immortal Body, the existence of immortality, this is simply too sturdy.

Looking at Yin-Yang Sect and the others cast envy eyes, the corners of the necroman's mouth were full of complacency.

Your sect master, the king of yin and yang, how about high battle strength? It's not that I've died in battle, but I've survived!

Retracted his gaze, the necromantic voice said gloomily.

"tsk tsk, Ning Tianlin, you have some means, but so what, I am not dead, how do you kill me!"


Speaking, the necromancer laughed wildly.

And now.

Looking at the laughing and arrogant, invincible necromancer, Ning Tianlin's eyes are cold and gloomy.

"What about Imortal Body?"

"I let you die today, you will never live tomorrow!"

After that, Ning Tianlin body flashed , Once again facing the undead, violently left.

bang bang bang!

The ominous beast that put the Buddha on one head!

One halberd after halberd, blasted constantly at the dead.


The body of the undead was once again blown up by life, all split up and in pieces, exploding.


Fleshy body is condensed again.

It's just that his body hasn't completely condensed yet, Ning Tianlin's Dualbladed Halberd hit it down again.

bang bang bang!

At this moment, the martial artists in front of the screen burst their scalp.

They saw that the body of the undead was blown up again and again, and condensed again and again.

However, every time he freezes, he becomes weak.

Ten times!

A hundred times!

A thousand times!

When he was blown up a thousand times, the body of the undead became weak.


The undead is completely crazy.

He couldn't believe that a person could beat himself a thousand times in a short period of time.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the person is still not breathing, as if doing an insignificant thing.

Especially, he has a feeling if this continues.

Even if he is an Immortal Body, he will eventually be killed by life and cannot recover anymore. Thinking of this, the undead only feels his scalp numb.

At this time.

Ning Tianlin stepped on his feet, staring straight at the necromancer, the latter only felt that all his thoughts were grayed out, so that he did not have the slightest desire to fight again.


Without any hesitation, the undead turned around and wanted to flee!

Just, at this moment.

A gust of wind howled.

A Dualbladed Halberd, fiercely hit his back.


The scarlet blood filled the sky.

His entire fleshy body was once again blown up and turned into a ball of blood mist.

The recondensed necromancer was shocked and terrified.

"I can't go on like this, otherwise, I will definitely die."

The dead are completely afraid, and even begin to regret being an enemy of Ning Tianlin.

"It seems that you can only use Undying Secret Technique!"

The face of the dead is ugly to the extreme.

Undying Secret Technique, that is Undying Clan's Life Source secret technique, which allows him to escape in a flash.

But the cost is extremely heavy!

That will consume the potential of Immortal Body and cost him half of his life!


However, when the necromancer hesitated, Ning Tianlin's spear came in an instant, and he might get formidable power, making him tremble.

"Go out!"

He didn't have time to think, the essence of his body was surging crazily, and the whole person turned into a cloud of black energy, instantly disappeared.

At this moment, the Necromancer is whole, as if disappear from the face of the earth.

"Want to run?"

Ning Tianlin was slightly taken aback.

"Have I said, let you leave alive!"

Looking at the direction in which the dead are fleeing, Ning Tianlin's mouth is full of sorrow.

"Bring me back!"



A talisman compiling surging out!

Xuanming Talisman!

In the universe, there are all things that are chased after. With just a trace of the remaining breath, you can find someone to chase!

xiu xiu!

Like a poisonous snake, the Xuanming Talisman suddenly penetrated the space, suddenly turned into a fuzzy white glow, and rushed towards a void.

The end of the white mang is very sharp, and the tip part is full of mysterious rune. Under the impetus of energy, there is a hint of baleful aura faintly!


Not good!

For the talisman who penetrated through the space, the necromancer was shocked and frightened, because the talismanic target was impartial and pointed directly behind him!

Hurry up!

Necromancers hate to give birth to two legs. They just want to escape here as soon as possible. Only if they escape, can he survive, otherwise, he will die!

But, he is fast, the mysterious life talisman is faster, like a urge talisman, the last one comes first!


The two collisions, the deep sound is resounded, but it is not too intense energy explosion sound.


Only a circle of whiteness, mixed with mysterious energy ripples, quietly spread out, and where the energy spread, even the space appeared trembling.


Immediately afterwards, a bloody silhouette appeared from the mid-air, and then, he fell heavily to the ground.


At this moment, the undead looks extremely miserable, and even the breath is very weak. Obviously it is caused by the repercussions brought about by the undead secret technique.

His body is in tatters, with traces of scarlet blood turning out, the kind of pain that is corroded by the white mantle, and he trembles again and again in pain!

"Damn it!"

The bitter and bitter screams resounded throughout Yin-Yang Sect.

In the eyes of the necromancer, there is a thick and unbelievable glow, his face is white and pale, even the Undying Secret Technique can't make him escape!

It's just that Ning Tianlin's screams of horror and horror were unheard of, and a voice that made the dead soul fearful.

"Undying Secret Technique, it's rubbish!"

"I will give you a chance, do you want to continue running?"


The old blood spurts out of the dead soul!

The first one!

Ning Tianlin was the first person to severely wound him, and the first person to invalidate his Undying Secret Technique!

At this moment, he is definitely in a scream, and he has never encountered many dangers!

The pupils of the necromancer suddenly shrank, and Ning Tianlin, who stepped over, made his heart tremble. He wanted to beg for mercy, but he, a long-time superior, couldn't hold back that face.

You can only shout loudly and stubbornly.

"Ning Tianlin, stay a line as a man, do you have to kill to the last one today?"

Stay a line? kill to the last one?

Hearing this, Ning Tianlin smiled, looking at the dead soul's eyes, as if looking at a fool.

"When we invaded ancient Earth, someone once said to you like this, but what did you do in the end?"

It's just that they were speaking in Ning Tianlin moment.


Peeked into the palm of the necromancer, a thick black air rushed fiercely toward his neck.

This Danger Land counter-killing blow, the killing intent burst.

Obviously, it was the unwilling full strength attack of the undead, even if he died, he would have to take off Ning Tianlin's skin!


His effect is minimal.

"hmph, Final Struggle!"

Ning Tianlin seemed to have expected it, the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand slightly waved, a force of terror, instantly turned the black Cover all the air.


The dense black air was shattered at the sound, and it was shaken out of existence in an instant!


The face of the dead soul was like ashes. Right now, his scalp was numb, and a fierce touch passed in his eyes, and he wanted to do it again.

However, it is too late.


A rope struck suddenly.

Like a snake, he suddenly tied the body of a dead spirit, and his whole person, like a tied rice dumpling, fell to the ground fiercely.

No matter how hard he struggles, it is difficult to break the rope.

"You! Despicable!"

"If you have the ability, kill me now!"

The undead was horrified and terrified, he screamed loudly .

He was desperate.

If you had known that Ning Tianlin had that kind of damn talisman, even if the king of Yin and Yang knelt down to beg him, he would not be willing to face him.

It’s just that regret is useless.

da da da!

Ning Tianlin's footsteps are getting closer and closer, he joked coldly.

"Kill you?"

"tsk tsk, don't worry, it will be swallowed directly later, how about?"

The words fall.

Ning Tianlin no longer gives the undead any chance to speak.


With a flick of the palm, he lifted the dead spirits up, and then roughly threw them into the space ring.

After that, Ning Tianlin looked around.

Staring straight at the remaining Lord of Universe, murderous intention surged.

"You guys, it's time to pay for your life!"

Patient patriarch!

The patriarch!

Thirteen Lord of Universe, only the last two are left, and these two are also rare races!

No one thought that these two would be left in the end.

What they didn't expect was that they would come to Ning Tianlin of Yin-Yang Sect alone, and the siege of the Lord of Universe would be so swift.

It is simply a one-sided crush.

Especially at this moment.

You should pay your lives too!

This is more like a trial from the ancient Earth!

What Ning Tianlin reported is not private revenge, but the family revenge from his mother star!

When Ning Tianlin's sharp words resounded, the two patriarchs shivered shivered.

They regret it!

I regret the greed of the year!

The rare race should not join the army that invaded Earth, otherwise they will not be revenge!

"What should we do, what should we do?"

Patrick patriarch, completely panicked.

It is a fluke that they can survive at this moment!

The trance family can instantly turn their bodies into countless particles and hide endless void. As long as one after another escapes, they can come back to life again.

But at this moment, he dare not!

The Necromancer is the best example!

Xuanming Talisman!

Not only can you defeat Undying Clan, but you can also defeat him!

Especially when I saw Ning Tianlin's hand, he was still holding a mysterious life charm, and drops of cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

He simply can't escape!

"Damn it, I don't know what to do!"

The patriarch, flustered and exasperated yelled, he never dreamed of such a miserable end.

Their body can transform into golden light shining holy armor in a short time, greatly increasing the defense.

It can make the enemy eat the sky like a tiger, unable to lay claws!

Not only that, golden armor also has an additional function, that is, it can counter the shock, and all the attacks it bears are counter-shocked back.

However, under the restraint of battle strength formation, the duration of his holy armor is too short!

Not only is it short, the defense effect is also greatly reduced!

At this moment, the faces of tragic patriarch and patriarch were full of dead gray and unwillingness.

They have a life-saving method, and with this method, even if they lose against any Lord of Universe in the universe, escape is more than enough.

However, they met Ning Tianlin, the weird freak of this method, it is their nemesis!

However, Ning Tianlin simply did not give them time to react.

"It's time to go on the road!"

Dualbladed Halberd waved upwards, his body flashed, toward the patriarch, and rushed over.


The violent whistling sound shocked the patriarch.

He hurriedly ran his energy and exerted all his energy, and smashed fiercely towards the Dualbladed Halberd that Ning Tianlin had attacked.

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