"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The monstrous killing intent is plundering here.

They are here to stop all the army of the Black Temple!

xiu xiu xiu!

one after another The sharp blade slashed on the body of the Martial Artist of the Black Temple.

As if they were not unconscious, they continued to wave the warblade in their hands, attacking each other's vitals.

Even if there is one last breath, their warblade will continue to wield. The hideous knife wound will only make them even more crazy and bloodthirsty!

Blood fills the entire main city!

a Black Temple Martial Artist was traumatized, and Mu Clan soldiers one after another collapsed to the ground.

Exchange blood for blood, life for life!

They are worth it!

At this moment, it is destined to be the end of Mu Clan!

oh la la!

With the continuous joining of the black palace army at the rear, the pressure on the vanguard of nearly a thousand people has been reduced.

Thousands of people have been discounted in half!

However, their results are remarkable. The wooden army phalanx in the main city area has long been crushed by them!

At the same time, under the strong attack of the rear army, the Mu Clan soldiers suffered from the enemy's back and forth, and the battle strength was suddenly reduced!

So, what awaits them is to be discarded!

Ah! Ah! Ah!

The sound of mournful scream resounds endlessly.



Here, the scarlet blood wets the ground, and the place where it rests is full of stumps and pieces of meat!

More and more army of the Black Palace broke in.

More and more blood is flowing all over the ground, gathering together regardless of each other, like a river of billowing blood.

Tu Lun’s progress continues!

Behind him, the sound of Mu Clan soldiers fighting each other is gradually turning into a mournful scream.

The battle strength of the black palace army is like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, which is crushing crazily. Every scream of Mu Clan soldiers contains endless despair and panic.

da da da!

Tu Lun is holding the warblade, and one person rushes forward at the fastest speed!

At this moment, a hideous voice came.

"Kill him first!"

A Mu Clan general, with a wave of his palm, led the team towards Tu Lun and besieged him.

"Dead! Death! Death!"

A sharp blade, extremely sharp, in the blink of an eye, it slashed away at Tu Lun.

It’s just that Tu Lun doesn’t evade!

As if simply didn't see it, his eyes stared at Mu Clan's headquarters, and walked towards there.





With one knife after another, fiercely slashed towards Tu Lun.

"haha...an idiot!"

The general did not expect that his subordinates would strike Tu Lun so easily. At this moment, there was a thick grin on his mouth. .

But, immediately afterwards, his grinning froze completely!

ding ding dong dong!

One after another spark splashed on Tu Lun's body.

However, his body was unharmed.

On the contrary, the sharp blade of the handle was shaken so that it was full of nicks, and the blade was rolled back.


He didn't think that a person's body could be so hard.

Body Refining Technique!

This is his wild capital!

This Tu Lun must be cultivated some kind of Body Refining Technique, and the level is definitely not low!

However, just when he was shocked.


Tu Lun's warblade has already been raised, and attacked him.

"Damn it!"

For an instant, the general only felt as if he was being stared at by an ominous beast, and he was cold all over.

At the moment, he didn't even think about it, shaking his hand, and the long wooden whip stabbed at Tu Lun fiercely.


This wooden whip is much harder than a steel whip, and it has barbs, and the barbs are full of venom.

Once you are stabbed, you will be severely injured. Life is better than death!


However, at this time, Tu Lun warblade pulled, and instantly entangled the whip.

Then pulled it suddenly.


General Mu Clan only felt a majestic force, which came from the wooden whip, causing his palm to suddenly loosen.

In an instant, the wooden whip was taken away by Tu Lun.


I saw Tu Lun, the warblade flickered, and the wooden whip was fiercely threw away by him.


The wooden whip immediately resembled a snake, piercing the body of General Mu Clan fiercely.

Blood splashed.

This is just the beginning.

After that, Tu Lun’s warblade slashed out.

puff puff puff!

a Mu Clan soldier, was hit to the point, and the scarlet blood paved Tu Lun's path of blood.

Tu Lun continued to move forward.

Step by step.

His warblade is covered with Yin Hong's blood.

So cruel!

Mu Clan soldiers, one by one got cold all over.

They followed Tu Lun closely, but no one dared to take another step forward.

The headquarters is getting closer and closer.

Just then.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Almost instantly, within the headquarters, Seven Great Elders rushed out, and they surrounded Tu Lun.

One by one baleful aura, looking towards Tu Lun, the gaze is full of thick killing intent.

"Boy, you are courageous!"

"Since you like Mu Clan so much, today, you can stay here!"

Seven Great Elders, Xinghuang 8th dan, while Tu Lun only has Xinghuang 7th dan!

They are confident, beheaded, only need to turn their hands!

Just now, the reason why they have been so late is because they are afraid of going into the black palace, for fear of the Lord of Universe coming.

Once there is a mutation, they can escape!

However, the scene they expected did not appear, but this desperate slaughter, pressing on every step of the way!

If this is the case, then they don't mind and send it back personally!

Behind Tu Lun, the Mu Clan soldiers flocked to each other and saw Seven Great Elders appearing behind them, all of them were ecstatic.

Elder shot, they are saved, this Tu Lun will die!

"Great Elder, kill him, he is from the Black Temple!"

"Your son, General Muyuan, was killed by him!"

"Yes, kill him, avenge clansman!"

One after another clamor, one after another.


At the moment, Great Elder's complexion changed drastically.

"My son?! You damn it!"

"Everyone in the Black Palace will be buried with you!"

His eyes are very scarlet, dead Staring at Tu Lun, the corners of his mouth were full of brutality and cruelty.


Seeing this scene, the corners of Tu Lun's mouth became colder and colder.


He shook the warblade in his hand and thrust it into the ground.

Although warblade is extremely sharp, there is something sharper than warblade in Tu Lun!

That's his biggest killer!

He knows that all this is due to the cultivation technique rewarded by the sect master, and that set of cultivation technique is almost as tailor-made for him.


In this scene, Seven Great Elders snort disdainfully.

Don't use warblade?

That is simply courting death!

No matter how hard your fleshy body is, can it be harder than a weapon?

even more how, now it's seven dozen one! Seven eight stages, and one seven stages, this is the crushing of strength!

At this moment, Tu Lun's voice sounded.

"The one with the dead son, don't worry, you will see your son soon!"

"Also, everyone in Mu Clan will go!"




overestimate one's capabilities!

Seven Great Elders smiles back with anger.

In their opinion, this Tu Lun is more like an idiot. Not only is there a great disparity in battle strength, but without weapons, he even dared to speak out!

This is Chi Guoguo's provocation, dare to ignore them, that is courting death!

"Very good!"

"Boy, you will pay for your madness. We will not only kill you, but also chop your corpse into pieces! "

The sneer at the corner of Great Elder's mouth became more and more intense, and the eyes looking towards Tu Lun were already a dying!

Immediately afterwards, he and the other six people looked at each other, and their eyes were full of cruel colors.

Obviously, they have to do it together, and do it quickly!

They are not stupid, they dare to shout so rampantly, either they are fools, or they really have capital.

Tu Lun, who can lead the army of the Black Palace, is obviously the latter, so they have to deal with it carefully!


Crazy energy surged above Seven Great Elders’ Iron Fist. They had to use their fists to blast this mad man into meat sauce!

"haha, this idiot is finally dying!"

"Death? That's too cheap for him, the Elders want him to die without a whole corpse!"


The soldiers of Mu Clan grinned again and again. In their eyes, this arrogant and conceited Tu Lun would have only one end, and that was death!

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Their figures flashed back one by one, for fear of being affected by the aftermath of the battle. In an instant, a large battle circle was vacated.

As for the ongoing battle in the main city, they have a chance to win, because as long as this Tu Lun dies, the Black Palace army will not be afraid!

Mu Clan, will be the burial ground of the black palace army!

It's just that they discovered that Tu Lun faced the siege of the seven Elders, not only did not show the slightest fear, but revealed a bloodthirsty pleasure.

The expression was not only like a madman, but also a desperate outlaw, which made their hearts feel nervous.

In the battle circle, murderous intention was triggered at any moment.

"Second, third, you attack this kid's bottom plate!"

"Old Fourth, the fifth, you attack his top plate! The sixth and seventh, you Attack the back!"

"Control it with the fastest speed, I will tear him apart with one claw, and pay for my son!"

Just one In an instant, Great Elder not only assigned the six attack points, but also determined Tu Lun's death method.

At the moment, they didn't hesitate to kill them instantly!

shua~ shua~ shua~!

It is obviously not the first time that these seven people cooperated. Their tactics complemented each other. Almost once they made a move, they completely sealed Tu Lun's various routes!

Let him be unavoidable, dodge impossible!

bang bang bang!

Seven Great Elders teamed up, and within the battle circle, a sudden gust of wind raged and raged.

The sharp and unmatched offensive made the ground crack ka ka, and it seemed that it might crack at any time.

Not only that.

The surrounding Mu Clan soldiers only felt the cold glow that escaped from one after another, and it hurt their skin very much.

However, compared with the fierce energy around him, Tu Lun was much calmer. Not only did his feet remain unmoved, even his hands did not launch any attacks!

This huge contrast made Seven Great Elders ecstatic!

Not moving?

It's okay!

It's all dead anyway!

ka ka!

Almost instantly, the Six Great Elder took the lead in attacking Tu Lun's body, and before he took a shot, fiercely grabbed his limbs.

"Haha, be scared!"

The six Elders who succeeded, suddenly felt relieved, no matter how Tulun had a hole card, at this moment, it is true. Was captured by them!

So, all their worries are overwhelming!

I can't move anymore, how can I fight back?

Then only suffer!

Six Great Elders, it seems that they have already seen the next scene. With the blow of the Great Elder, Tu Lun’s head was torn apart!

Then, arms, thighs, internal organs...

"Boy, go to hell!"

And taking this opportunity, Great Elder's mouth appeared A killer smile, two sharp claws, like lightning, fiercely thrust into Tu Lun’s neck.


Great Elder's claws instantly hit Tu Lun's neck.

The smile on his face has grown stronger. Under these sharp claws, I don't know how many Martial Artists have been slaughtered, including Xinghuang Jiudan!


It’s just that the feeling at this moment is different from his usual!

It seems that instead of piercing the fleshy body, it is inserted into the steel plate. Not only is there no blood splash, but it is difficult to continue to penetrate!

The Great Elder who noticed something was wrong, the smile on his face suddenly froze.



Immediately afterwards, the essence in his body was poured frantically on his arm. This time, he would be successful!


However, still to no avail!

bang bang bang!

Even the ground under his feet was cracked with several cracks at this time!

Great Elder tried his best, cold sweat oozes from his forehead, he couldn't imagine how a person's fleshy body could be so strong!

And that Tu Lun was staring at him coldly as if he was okay. At such a close distance, Great Elder only felt as if he was being stared at by a bloodthirsty ominous beast.

That feeling makes him very uncomfortable!

No matter what!

The anxiety in Great Elder's heart grew thicker, avoiding Tu Lun's gaze, and shouted loudly.

"Quick! Tear him to me!"

It's just that his voice hasn't completely fallen off yet.

Tu Lun moved!


His head twisted with force.

"Not good!"

Great Elder's anxiety is getting worse!

The instinct of fighting all the year round told him that Tu Lun’s attack was definitely not simple!


After that, his face was incredible!

Because, he saw that Tu Lun's head was moving towards him fiercely and hitting it fiercely.


What is the style of stepping? Street brawny man fighting!

Great Elder only felt that his hair stands on end, a crisis of death, instantly enveloped him.

He wanted to avoid it, but it was too late. The distance between the two parties was too close!



A dull voice resounded.

Bump your head!

Great Elder's head sank in an instant, and scarlet blood splashed out!

da da da!

Immediately afterwards, his whole person retreated violently, leaving a long mark on the ground before he stopped.

bang bang bang!

As soon as Tu Lun succeeded, the offensive in the hands of the remaining six Great Elders had already begun. They used all their strength to tear Tu Lun’s fleshy forcefully body.

They will tear off Tu Lun's arms and thighs!




one after another The tearing sound of a crippling person, resounded.

Immediately afterwards, they saw an incredible scene, that Tu Lun, standing in place like an Iron Pagoda.

It's body, one after another, the white bones, exposed!

Sen Bai is dazzling!

On their hands, the torn limbs, simply have no bones, not even a piece of skeleton!


What's the situation?

Separate flesh and blood!

The Six Great Elder was terrified.

In this scene, not only them, but the Mu Clan soldiers outside the battle circle, were also shocked, and their faces were full of unbelievable.

tsk tsk!

It was torn like this!

Are you still alive?

One by one, they squinted slightly and looked at Tu Lun suspiciously.

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