Machine Race, their three people, are the people of Machine Race.

Hearing this, another old man behind him took a step forward and said in a respectful voice.

"Big brother, according to the message received below, the person patriarch was looking for, after getting rid of the previous wave of brother's tracking, came to this planet!"

Immediately afterwards, the old man, frowned, who was called the third child, continued to add.

"It's just that that person is too cunning. He is very cautious along the way. Maybe he is pretending to be an ordinary tourist."


The icy eyes of the youngest man were constantly scanning the crowd around the street.

"I'm sure, that person is hidden among these pedestrians!"

This sentence made the headed old man look more ugly.

"That man, he killed so many of our brothers, what a damn!"

When I thought of Patriarch’s order, if they couldn’t find him again this time, they would Can't go back alive, the killing intent of this old man is even stronger.

"Tell the brothers who are ambushing at the import and export, this time, must guard it, if there is any abnormality, immediately report it!"

hearing this, the youngest dare not have the slightest He was vague, quickly took out the communicator in his hand and sent the message out.

"Let's go, keep looking!"

In the eyes of the headed old man, cold and sharp, like a falcon really looking for food, scanning every pedestrian.

da da da!

At the moment, the three of them continue to move forward, frantically looking for the person's trace!

Can't find that person, they are the dead!

If the avenue is not found, then go to the shop and look for it...

Finally, when they walked through an uninhabited alley, they were the first step one stopped by the elderly.



The two old men beside him were all taken aback.


They saw the boundless ferocity appearing on the face of the headed old man.

"I smell it!"

"That's...that person's breath!"

The old man, the head, urged immediately.


"Quickly send the location here to patriarch!"

As the voice fell, he turned his eyes and looked at Another alley quickly swept past.

The two behind, followed closely, and their speed was extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them came to the deepest part of the alley.

Until then.

They saw that at the end of the alleyway, a man with black hair was standing with his back to them and facing the wall.

It's like waiting for them on a special trip.

An uneasy feeling quickly rose from their hearts.


This man, except for running and hiding, will fight head-on unless he avoids inevitable circumstances!

And this time...

I feel the arrival of three people behind me.

The black hair man turned around and smiled gloomily.

"The dog of the machine clan, you guys, it's really a soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed!"


Seeing this person, first The look in the old man's eyes was extremely bitter.

"You, you killed my brothers!"

The voice fell.


The black clothed bodies of the three of the machine tribes suddenly shattered, revealing the mecha metal flashing with cold glow inside.

The three of them, like tigers emerging from a cage, made no secret of the crazy killing intent.

This man, if they escape again, they will die!

However, if they fight, although there is also the possibility of death, if the patriarch arrives in time, they will have a glimmer of hope.

nine deaths and still alive, compared with ten deaths without life, there is one more possibility!

"Earth people, today, you don't want to run away from here again!"

"If you are still acquainted, hurry up obediently surrender, don't force us to do it!"

Leaded Elder, his face looks sinister terrible, and his gnashing teeth threatened.

Time is their fate!

If you can hold that person for a second, their hope of survival is even greater!

Hearing this, the black hair man’s eyes showed a touch of joke, as if he heard the funniest joke.

"tsk tsk, it’s such a big tone. It’s just three stars and nine dans, so dare you not know the immensity of Heaven and Earth?"

paused, the black hair man continues Taunted.

"Are you guys from the cyborg so cheeky? Oh, yes, how can the Demon Spirit King teach something with a face and a skin!"

"You guys Say, right?"


This sentence immediately made the faces of the three old men ugly.


This is an insult to their machine clan Chi Guoguo!

"I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing the black hair man is so rampant, the other two old men are like crazy, they will rush to kill.

It's okay to insult them, but if you dare to scold their patriarch, then you can't, and you can die and apologize!

"Retreat all to me!"

However, when the two elders started their hands, they were shocked by the head of the elder! .

"Big brother!"

"We can't bear it!"

The two are angry, killing intent surging!

The old man, his face was dark, and the corners of his mouth squeezed out a cold grin.

"Well, you a sharp-tongued dog thief!"

"Our patriarch has an order, as long as you hand over the tantra of the eye, we will let you go. No longer hunting you down!"

"What do you think?"

After that, the old man's turbid eyes stared straight at the man in front of him.

It seems that the conditions offered are very tempting to the latter, enough to allow him to use the secret technique in exchange for a life.

As for letting the man go? It is fundamentally impossible! That's just his deceptive words.

Killing so many brothers of their machine clan, how can you just stop like that, only to worship the heads of their heads!

hearing this, the black hair man shook his head and laughed lightly, said with curled lips.

"I see...not so."

"If you Demon Spirit King kneel down and beg me, I might be able to show mercy and leave him a dead body."


Headed by Elder, his stature trembled fiercely, and on top of his already ugly face, he was instantly astonished.

"Don't go too far!"


I saw the man with black hair, suddenly took a step forward, the killing intent that appeared above his eyes, without any concealment.

"tsk tsk, how can this be held back? The skin is really thick!"

"But it's a pity, as long as I see people from the machine family, I can't help it. I want to kill him!"

When the words fell, he moved and looked towards the three people suddenly.


Damn it!

At this moment, the three old men only felt a beast attacking!



Under the angry roar, the other two elders also used the strongest killer moves, surging out .



Crazy culling!


At this moment, under the violent energy, the walls around the alleys shattered every inch.




Three muffled sounds resounded, three silhouettes, instantly flying backwards!

After that, mournful scream sounded endlessly.

The head of the old man, his body was extremely sunken, and he collapsed into an irregular shape, hanging in his last breath!

The other two elders were not so lucky. They were hit directly and killed by one blow.

In this alley, it was a match-up slaughter, but it had already ended before it started.

The battle strength is so great that there is no suspense.


The head of the old man looked at the black hair man with horror. He only felt the Life Aura in his body, which was rapidly disintegrating.

Fate is coming soon!

The man with black hair was indifferently wiping the blood stains on his palms, and then stepped towards him.


"Don't come here!"

The head of the old man burst his scalp, used his limbs together, and crawled frantically towards the alley.

At this moment, the black hair man’s voice came from behind him, feeling indifferent.

"Demon Spirit King, want to find me, don't you?"

"You tell him, I will find him soon, let him wash his neck Waiting for me!"

...When the old man turned around and looked around again, in the alley, the black clothed man had disappeared.

The next second, when the black hair man appeared again, he was already outside the planet's city gate.


The black shadow that broke through the air directly trampled a soldier of the aircraft family into violence!


This sudden bloody scene caused the rest of the Yuji clan soldiers to be taken aback.


"Dare to disturb the aircraft family, courting death!"

On their eyes, murderous intention collapsed.

However, when they saw the appearance of the man on the corpse of their companion, their figures trembled fiercely.

The man with black hair!

It's him!

Suddenly, the soldiers of the aircraft clan were horrified.

I was found!

"Escape, run away!"

At this moment, they only have a single thought, stay away from this demon!

Looking at the fighters who fled frantically, the black hair man slightly smiled, and his dark eyes were filled with cold killing intents.

"Did you escape?"

Immediately afterwards, on his palm, a surging energy suddenly burst out,

Suddenly, the sound of one after another mournful scream resounded non-stop not far in front.

With a casual glance at the pile of stumps, the black hair man licked his lips with his tongue, and a touch of bloodthirsty appeared on his face.

"A bunch of annoying flies died again."

The words fell, both of his hands supported, and the space in front was directly torn apart by him, when the space closed again At that time, his figure had disappeared.

Just after he disappeared, another powerful dragon-like silhouette came from the Tearing Space and descended within the planet.

"Damn it, it's a bunch of useless waste!"

Looking at the corpses of two old men who were shattered into pieces in the alley, the Demon Spirit King looked ruined. The color.

"Very good! Waiting for you, right?"

"I'm afraid you don't have the guts to come!"

The scarlet-eyed Demon Spirit King, crazy Screamed, with a deep resentment glowing in his eyes.

"You wait for death here!"

Looking at the old man crawling on the ground, the Demon Spirit King looked like a pig dog, without the slightest pity.

What is the use of the dying person?

It's self-defeating!

da da da!

The Demon Spirit King who turned around and walked out of the alley, his anger reached the point, one after another cold killing intent, surging crazily in his body.

At this time, chaotic and noisy cries came from the street.

"Come and come, walk by, don’t miss it, don’t be afraid of you comparing goods, but afraid of buying the wrong goods!"

"Opportunities don’t happen every day. Just do it, lest you go home and regret heartbroken, low-cost direct sales, good quality and low price!"

"You can buy it with confidence, but use it in a big way. My products are guaranteed!"

Listening to the yelling of the vendors on the street and looking at the bustling crowd, a bloodthirsty madness evoked from the corner of the Demon Spirit King's mouth.

"The machine clan is about to die, you still have such a good mood, you really damn it!"

"So, let us be buried with the machine clan!"



The Demon Spirit King is crazy, laughing wildly, and perverted.

Suddenly, a monstrous killing intent spread out around him, instantly covering every corner of the planet.

oh la la!

The residual temperature in the setting sun drops rapidly, like an ice cellar!


"Why do you suddenly feel so cold? What's the matter?"

A hawker who was selling the goods in his hand suddenly frowned and wrapped his clothes hard. , But still can't resist the rolling chill.

"Really, it's not right, it's freezing cold!"

A little girl opposite the hawker stall, rubbing her hands vigorously, her little feet Chopped hard on the ground.

However, it didn't make any difference. She even had the illusion that she would not be able to drive the chill out even by standing under the stove.

Not only them, but even some martial artists who stayed in the planet for a short time, felt abnormal.

"This is...killing intent, a cold killing intent!"

"really strong!"

A foreign Martial Artist, sucked in a breath of cold air, with amazement on his face.

After that, he quickly mobilized the essence of his body to protect his body tightly, and at the same time, he watched the surrounding environment vigilantly.

This killing intent made him very uneasy. The big knife taken out of the space ring was gripped abruptly to prevent the mutation from happening.

The killing intent is getting stronger and stronger!

"Everyone must be careful!"

At the end of the word, this Martial Artist swept the big knife in his hand and blocked it in front of the companions behind him, reaching the facial expression grave.

The several Martial Artists behind him also felt the killing intent that came quietly, and they were all waiting.

"No, we have to get out of here as soon as possible. This killing intent is getting more and more prosperous. It is not something we can handle!"

Another Martial Artist brows tightly knit, tight Holding the sharp blade in his hand, cold sweat was already overflowing on his forehead.

"Yes, let's go quickly, I feel the inner Qi blood is rolling so hard, it is about to explode!"

Another female Martial Artist hurriedly said, her body shape She was thin, her face was pale and bloodless.


Walking on the road, the air exhaled from her mouth was very hot, in sharp contrast with the cold surroundings.

hearing this, the Martial Artist who spoke first, forcibly calmed down, and looked at the people behind him cautiously.

"Here, it has become a place of right and wrong, there must be a major event!"

"Murderous aura is raging, cold and gloomy, trembling in spirit, ready to come out, everyone quickly leave, don’t stay !"

The sudden change made the female Martial Artist somewhat completely unprepared, she said anxiously to the communicator in her hand.

"Lao Tiemen, it's really sorry, I won't live broadcast, I have to leave first, we will meet again."

Speaking, she will be the communicator in her hand She put it away and hung it around her neck.

"Quickly, what time is it, it's still live broadcast, don't die!"

Under the urgent urging of her companions, a distraught female Martial Artist suddenly became a Stuffed.

In a hurry, she forgot to withdraw from the live broadcast room for a while, and hurriedly followed along to several companions.

Just when a few people walked to the street, they saw it.

A little girl holding a candied fruit stick, her pale face is distorted, and she is obviously suffering a lot.

"Mother, save me!...Save me..."



The little girl's fleshy body bursts apart!

The head, arms, and calves, together with the internal organs, were all split up and in pieces that were directly blown up, almost minced meat.

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