
Not only Cao Dafa wants to know, but everyone in the house also wants to know. This approach is related to putting piles of money in In front of him, he tore them into pieces with his own hands.

Don't feel bad, it's fake!

"Why?" Zhang Xiuli wiped a tear, hehe smiled, and did not answer directly, but recalled the past, "Cao Dafa, I followed you when Zhang Xiuli was 18 years old, and had eaten glutinous rice. Broken clothes, at that time, we were just the bottom workers of a garment factory. But at that time, I was really happy."

"Because my favorite person was with me when I ate, My favorite person accompanies me when shopping, and my favorite person accompanies me when I sleep. When I’m tired, he will rub my shoulders, and when I’m thirsty, he will buy it for me with only one dollar left. Mineral water, I’m hungry, he will give me a pack of instant noodles!"

"That kind of life, although poor and bitter, but my heart is happy. Because I love the most. People are always by my side."

Here, Zhang Xiuli’s face even showed a hint of happiness, but it lasted less than a few seconds, and then disappeared, "But since we became slow After getting rich, you change. You don’t come home at night, you become drunk and indifferent to me."

"I admit, I didn’t have any beauty in the first place, plus these It’s getting older and older, and it’s not attractive to you, but that’s not the reason why you’re going bad day by day!"

"I don’t care if you spend time and drink, because I know that you won’t have a real relationship with those people , It’s just for fun, but over the years, you have started to nurture a lover!"

"Lover, you have to give affection!"

"My money can be shared with others , Even your body, I can share it with others, but the only thing I can’t tolerate is feelings. Your feelings for me, I must not be shared with me."

"Because that is I only have the last thing left, and the most beautiful thing. I can’t just watch it slip through my hands, I have to catch it!"

"But I was wrong No matter how I fight and how hard I work, you will not stay at home for more days. You said you still love me, but I never feel the warmth of your love."

"So, Since I can’t catch this piece of sand, it’s better to raise it! Everyone can’t catch it!” Zhang Xiuli’s face is already filled with endless bitterness, because this is also her determination , The biggest reason for doing this kind of thing, "It is said that men become bad when they have money, and it is true for you, so all I can do is to ruin your money!"

"Leave you penniless!"

"When the time comes, I just want you to see if the one who is still with you is your lover or me Zhang Xiuli! I just want Let you know, my Zhang Xiulan treats you Cao Dafa, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times better than them!"

"For you, I can have no money, no good clothes, super food, but I have to I want to be with you! Money, it is the culprit!"

In the last few sentences, Zhang Xiuli has tears in her eyes and tears on her face. Shui, she loves this person so deeply, but in the end, she had to do something she didn't want to do either.

Only by ruining him can he return to his side!


Cao Dafa also wanted to yell at her, she wanted to call her Zhang Xiuli a fool, she was crazy if she wanted to call her Zhang Xiuli, and it was crazy to call her Zhang Xiuli, but the words came to his lips. , But it only turned into a long sigh.

The whole body was so weak that he squatted directly on the ground, holding his head, and didn't want to talk. After a long time, there was a voice, "Xiu Xiu, I'm sorry...I'm sorry. I'm responsible for you."

He Cao Dafa is not the kind of person who has no conscience, but sometimes , His conscience is really eaten by dogs. When he thinks of the happy days before, his heart has both happiness and colic.

"..." The people watching by the side were all speechless. I didn't think that this sabotage of Feng Shui actually involved the entanglement of the two families, and the one who loved so deeply. Woman.

"You haven't lost me..." Zhang Xiuli seems to have no strength to cry, "As long as our family is bankrupt, you will return to my side. At that time, I I will be with you again. There will be no young women entangled with you anymore."


A sigh is better than countless words.

"I know." Cao Dafa was a little dazed. His burly and sturdy body was as weak as he was at the moment. He was leaning on the ground with his hands. He didn't know what to say, even extremely regretful. His wife felt so affectionate for herself. , Why do I have to be in the blessing and not knowing the blessing.

Raising a lover and raising a married woman is really so fun and exciting!

Finally, I have to catch up with my own family.

"Raise it."

"You continue to raise it, let this kid, defeat our family, when the time comes, maybe Dafa Cao will be true Only when you get lost and know how to return, change the evil and return to the right, will you really cherish your feelings."

"Lili, I only hope that by then, you will really be by my side."


He Cao Dafa is not the kind of person who has no conscience, but sometimes, his conscience is really eaten by dogs. After thinking for a long time, now his wife’s explanation can be said to be a deep love for him. Confession.

In the end, he decided to let it go, and at the same time said to the rivers and lakes warlock beside him, "Master, thank you, thank you for being busy this time.

"We Home, that’s it, it’s not saved, there is no need to save it. It will go wherever it can develop. I will pay the debt that Cao Dafa owed. "

Jianghu Warlock was also a little bit sighed when he heard this, worldly affection, all kinds of strange things, but every kind of development to the extreme will break through ordinary people’s understanding. But he knew that this matter, It's not going to end this way, how can it be so easy to raise a kid, and he said seriously, "Don't save it? Unless you want your daughter-in-law to die! "

"Dead? "

Cao Dafa was stunned, his wife Zhang Xiuli was stunned, they were Ning Tianlin and others, and they were also stunned. Since Cao Dafa didn’t want to come back again, why did they do so many times, and they were penniless, maybe Only then can this Cao Dafa go astray.

"What's the matter? "Cao Dafa asked quickly.

"Although I don't know how to raise little ghosts, I also know that people have good and evil, and ghosts have good and bad. Little devil, there are also good and bad. "

The people who saw Xu Shi didn't understand, Warlock continued to explain, "There is a condition for the formation of an imp, that is, this imp must be made by the soul of a child before the age of six." There are two kinds of deaths of children before the age of six. One is natural death due to diseases and other reasons, and the other is unnatural death. "

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