
In the next second, Ning Tianlin's figure appeared above another planet transformed by cells.

There are still many maggots and beetles here, and the scene inside is the same as the one before.

"This is the tenth impact!"

As Ning Tianlin's words fell, I saw an extremely tyrannical maggot beetle, rushing towards the planet wall fiercely!

Above the fangs, the cold glow flickers!

And Ning Tianlin looked towards the other person's eyes, as if looking at an idiot.

As a result, no surprises!


A crisp sound of Weng Ming resounded, and I saw that the maggot beetle suddenly stiffened on the wall of the planet!



It was blasted back by fiercely and fell to the ground!


It was trembling all over, shrouded in billowing white smoke, raging!

Not only that!


This maggot beetle, its body was torn apart by life, and blood flowed across the hideous wound.

In its red eyes, there is boundless fear. It really feels Death Aura and wants to shrink back!

However, due to its repeated collisions with the planet wall, the Rule Power has already been triggered more and more violently!

Like the white smoke after lightning strikes, gather but not disperse!

Until the end.

Pu chi!

The body of that maggot beetle was split by raw materials until Life Aura was completely collapsed!

"Rule Power, those who obey will live, those who oppose will die, and all living things cannot be changed!"

Looking at this expected scene, the corners of Ning Tianlin's mouth showed a sense of reason. The smile that should be.

The words fell, his eyes suddenly froze:

"To change, unless it is a centipede, the body is dead, but this is impossible!"


At this moment, Ning Tianlin's mind was flashing, and he thought in his mind:

"At present, the planets formed in the centipede body of the ten thousand races are still in a state of being separate, and they cannot interact with each other. Together."

"There are only countless planets of different sizes, but there is no star path to connect them. This is not a complete universe."

Thinking about this, Ning Tianlin couldn't help hooking the head, but then, after taking a sigh of relief, he looked thoughtful nodded:

"However, this is also good."

"At least in the body of the centipede of the ten thousand races , Is running in an orderly manner, rather than all the creatures chaotically and chaotically."

"If it is such a chaotic scene, I am afraid that the centipede of the ten thousand races will not be far away from the violent death. Now!"

When I think about it carefully, Ning Tianlin somewhat has lingering fears.

"Fortunately, they are all developing in a good direction. Perhaps the problem of the star road will be solved when the centipede of the Wanzu becomes the real Lord of Universe."

Ning Tianlin in the heart is so comfortable, even if it doesn't work, he can find other ways from the battle strength system.

"Just, now there is one more thing that needs to be verified!"

No longer thinking about those Ning Tianlin, looking at the planet in front of me, in the dark eyes , The eyes flickered.

"takes part or not, just try it!"

Immediately afterwards, he raised his brow and no longer hesitated. Now, he waved his palm!


A ball of essence quickly condenses in his hand, and a terrifying aura permeates out of it!

"Go, blast this planet out!"

The corners of Ning Tianlin's mouth cocked, and the sharp words fell!


The energy ball, moving in a flash, moved towards the designated target and shot past, but at the moment when the two touched, a strange scene happened.


The energy sphere did not bring the slightest ripple of destruction, but like a stone sinking into the sea, it was completely submerged by that planet!

"Sure enough!"

Seeing this scene, Ning Tianlin not only did not have the slightest disappointment, but there was a touch of happiness on his face.

At this moment, he has long been fuse together with the centipede of the ten thousand clan, that is to say, he is the same as the centipede of the ten thousand clan, is the Absolute Controller of this starry sky!

The controller cannot destroy any planet at will, only creatures can destroy other creatures!

Even after the Star Path, those creatures with powerful battle strength can also destroy other planets, just like the real universe he is in now!

Of course, the controller is not really incapable of killing creatures, but there are certain conditions!

When a creature actively destroys the Universe Rule, Rule Power will appear and kill it!

After these thoughts were confirmed one by one, the sense of crisis accumulated in Ning Tianlin's heart was also slightly eased.

If the real controller of the universe can kill any creature at will, then he might be the first unstable factor to be destroyed!

At the same time, Ning Tianlin thought of Earth’s ancient Number One Person back then!

His existence was an extremely unstable existence back then. He wanted to change the Universe Rule and made the universe controller feel threatened!

And that controller, subject to restrictions, can't kill him personally, and can only take other methods!

That is, drug it!

The medicine, that is, the mysterious instruction, at all costs, at all costs, annihilate Earth, and must kill the ancient Number One Person!

Ning Tianlin recalled pieces of useful information in his mind.

"Earth is coming back soon, so we must figure out a way to deal with it, otherwise, the things of ancient Earth will happen again!"

Ning Tianlin in the heart concluded. , Could not help, his brow furrowed deeper.

"Although with my current battle strength, I am no longer afraid of group attacks from other races, but the controller's method is not the only one..."


After taking a deep breath, Ning Tianlin's eyes flashed again.

"We must figure out a way to deal with it as soon as possible!"


After taking the changes in Wanzu centipede's body into the entire scene, Ning Tianlin decided to leave here first.

Maggot beetles, what he has to do now is to clean them up first, after all, they were creatures that had descended on Earth back then!

And the most important thing, tell him directly that in this great abyss, it is not only as simple as maggots and beetles...






The thousandth time!

The Demon Spirit King was blown up a thousand times by War God Yang Jian!

Every time the body recondenses, the resentment gathered around the Demon Spirit King will fade away!

At this moment, his body is weak enough!

The body formed by resentment has turned into a light gray, almost transparent!


The Demon Spirit King is completely crazy!

He couldn't believe that Yang Jian could understand the Devil's Body so much, and even less that Yang Jian could crush him thousands of times in a short period of time!

Especially, he has a feeling that if this continues, even the grievances he condenses with the Devil's Body will be blasted away and will never be condensed again!

All that awaits him is destruction!

The fleshy body was destroyed by black spots, and now, even the overlord body controlled by Divine Consciousness is going to be destroyed!


The Demon Spirit King is not reconciled, he is the Demon Spirit King with a demon hegemony body, and he can never save such annihilation!

Ning Tianlin!

The blood account between him and Ning Tianlin is not yet clear!

Thinking of this, the face of Demon Spirit King became more and more terrifying, like a madman on the verge of running away!

"If you want to die, then die together, don't even think about living!"

A crazy idea emerged in the mind of the Demon Spirit King, and it spread uncontrollably !

Wash his only remaining sanity completely and cross!

If this idea was known by War God Yang Jian, he would definitely think that the Demon Spirit King was completely crazy!

Only a madman would do this!

"Yang Jian, all of this is what you asked for, and all of this was forced by Ning Tianlin!"

I saw, the Demon Spirit King was crazy enough, His eyes were filled with one after another deep resentment.

"You too underestimate this king, really think that I will care about being swallowed by resentment and becoming a slaughter machine?"

"As long as you can kill you The remnants of Earth, let this king pay any price, do not hesitate!"

At this moment, mutation suddenly started!

I saw that a trace of scarlet color emerged from the eyes of the Demon Spirit King, making his face more distorted and hideous!

"My machine clan patriarch, Demon Spirit King!"

"Today, I am willing to accumulate thousands of grievances with the eight-stage body of the universe, cast the power of the hegemony, and slaughter the universe Life!"


A wild laugh was resounded from the mouth of the Demon Spirit King. Then, he no longer suppressed the energy in his body, waiting for the resentment to swallow Sea of ​​Consciousness!


The Demon Spirit King trembled suddenly, he grabbed his head, as if suffering some kind of severe pain!

xiu xiu xiu!

The bitter grievances in SJM, seeming to be summoned, swept over from all directions in the central square.

More and more!

They all gather and condense on the body of the Demon Spirit King!

The resentment was already very thin, but at this moment, it began to grow rapidly on the body of the Demon Spirit King.

The more concentrated it is, the more vitality is lost in the eyes of the Demon Spirit King, and it becomes hollow.

Like a real machine!

Just as the last ray of Divine Consciousness was about to dissipate, the extremely unwilling voice of the Demon Spirit King sounded again:

"My only wish is to kill the Earth Martial Artist Ning Tianlin , Take revenge for my machine family, hope you make it!"

This is his last obsession!

irreconcilable, death will lead to Fang Xiu, and obsession can remain, and can be left in the form of imprints!

Ning Tianlin will not die for a day, and the obsession of Demon Spirit King will last for a day!


As these three words full of vicious hatred fell, the hollow eyes of Demon Spirit King finally slowed down Close it slowly!


Looking at the scene in front of him, War God Yang Jian's eyelids jumped wildly. He didn't expect that the Demon Spirit King would actually go to this step!


For the terrifying battle strength, the Demon Spirit King no longer suppresses the resentment in the body, but also actively surrenders the control of the body!

Become a real slaughter machine, without any original thoughts, and some, just the last trace of obsession!


War God Yang Jian couldn't help taking a step back, turned his head, and shouted anxiously at Ao Fuhui and the others.


All the unknown Ao Fuhui and the others were taken aback. Obviously they did not understand the meaning of War God Yang Jian.

This is the first time they saw the War God Yang Jian lost self-control, even when they played against the Demon Spirit King in the Peak period, they did not have an expression.

What exactly is going to happen?

Then the Demon Spirit King has closed his eyes? Can't the resentment gathered in him be dispelled?

They couldn't figure out how, the Demon Spirit King, who has been destroyed thousands of times, still has a means to panic even War God Yang Jian?

Weird, puzzled!

Just, at this moment.


Crunch! ...

A grieving voice frequently radiated from the Demon Spirit King's body, as if a terrifying force was brewing, as if being possessed by a ghost body!

And it's about to explode!

"The devil turned the king stronger!"

Gu du!

Ao Fuhui and the others fiercely swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his face filled with incredulous hope Follow the direction of the Demon Spirit King.

They can clearly feel that a violent breath comes out of the Demon Spirit King!

It seems that an evil force from the outside world is swallowing the whole person of the Demon Spirit King. is it possible!

And just as they were stunned, another urgent urging came:

"Take them quickly and get out of here, the farther the better!"

Ao Fuhui and the others, only then really realized the seriousness of the problem, and all the complexions were greatly changed!

But, run away?

They are not that kind of person, even more how is in front of people who are kind to them, then it is even more impossible to run away!

"Don’t even Yang Jian senior have any confidence in dealing with the current Demon Spirit King?"

Ao Zheng and the others looked shocked, fearing the Demon Spirit King’s imposing manner. At the same time as it suddenly skyrocketed, he was full of surprise and suspicion.

Just then.

oh la la!

The closed eyes of the Demon Spirit King suddenly opened, and two red glow burst out in an instant. The scarlet red glow was mixed with black air!

Sick people, horror!

Wherever the red glow passes, even the space is broken. Fortunately, the two red glows only disappeared in a flash.

However, there is more to it!


A deep roar exploded!

Demon Spirit King is like an ominous beast, fierce and irritable!

That roar is so penetrating that even the Ao Zheng of Lord of Universe was shocked to his ears!

Some of the fighters with weak battle strength were shocked by blood spurting wildly, and those who did not help directly died in violence!

They are happy and afraid!

The good news is that their patriarch has become stronger again!

However, more are fear, because they saw that patriarch's eyes were hollow and blank, as if they didn't know them!

oh la la!

The body of the Demon Spirit King condensed by resentment, like a substance, billowing black air, covering his whole body tightly!

Even his shriveled five fingers suddenly grew wildly, turning into one after another sharp claw, cold glow flashing!



The Demon Spirit King moved. His speed was much faster than that of Peak!

Pu chi!

The closest War God Yang Jian, the fleshy body of the eighth segment of the universe, was instantly marked with a bloody wound under the sharp claw.

The scarlet blood splashed, and War God Yang Jian was frowned, but he did not give in!

"Yang Jian senior!"

Ao Zheng and the others, turned pale in fright!


"Find Ning Tianlin and tell him that Demon Spirit King is no longer Demon Spirit King, but a monster controlled by resentment!"

"Must be careful!"

War God Yang Jian facial expression grave, screaming frantically at Ao Zheng and the others without looking back.

However, his voice just fell off.


The Demon Spirit King with scarlet eyes and scarlet eyes, after traumatizing War God Yang Jian, his body flashed and rushed towards Ao Fuhui.

puff puff puff!

The sharp claw fell.

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