What's the situation?

It embarrassed her when she heard that the shell beetle was actually the face under her hand, defending the eight-tailed white fox in this way, which made Cockro Tana pretty face changes:

"Master You, you ..."

However, when the words came to her lips, she was forcibly swallowed, daring to be angry, but not daring to speak!


With a wave of the sleeve robe, I was too lazy to look at Rootana, and whispered a reprimand to the captain of the guard:

"Fox Race leader Meiruo Heavenly Immortal, is a rare beauty in the world, no one can blaspheme!"

"She and her clansman don't need to bow down. !"

Immediately afterwards, the ghost-shell beetle turned and laughed at the eight-tailed white fox to please, and nodded said:

"How presumptuous I am here."

"The reason why you suddenly came to the precious planet is because on the order of patriarch, to convey three major events."

As he said, the expression of the ghost shell beetle was solemn, and he heard from the captain of the guard He took the battle post in his hand and handed it to the eight-tailed white fox.

Words and deeds are extremely pleased.

When delivering the battle post, the palm of the ghost did not forget to rub the fingertips of the eight-tailed white fox, but was cleverly avoided by the latter.

Then, Yuhuolang retracted his palm angrily, stood aside, and waited for the high-level Fox Race to finish reading the battle post.

It’s just that the more Fox Race and the others look behind, the more ugly the face becomes!


Ning Tianlin!


Looking at these dazzling words, whether it is the eight-tailed white fox, or the surrounding eight-tailed male foxes and the others, one by one face changed and then changed again, and finally the eyes were cold!

It’s just that, what is the look of the Fox Race people that Yu Shellie himself didn’t care about, and are not satisfied with the insect race’s post, what can we do?

You hold it in your heart!

He still doesn't believe that, in this universe, which race really dares to insert race cast aside all considerations for face with them in person!

Those remaining big races dare not, a trifling Fox Race in a remote place in the depths, so dare not!

At this moment, all the thoughts of Ushell Mantle are placed on the body of the eight-tailed white fox, and a pair of eyes are staring at each other directly.

It seems that the other person’s angry look can also fascinate him, as if drunk and stupefied!

"Beauty, let's just ignore those war posts!"

"I have a heartfelt feeling, and I hope that the beauty can agree to it. For you and me, It's all a great joy!"


The eight-tailed white fox furrowed his eyebrows when he heard this thoughtless sentence, and there was a hint of doubt in the beautiful eyes.

Only, the next sentence, not only she, but even the people who had tried their best to suppress the anger in their hearts, were guilty of nausea!

"The beauty of a beautiful woman is amazing. I saw you for the first time today, and I fell in love at first sight. I can't extricate myself!"

"I hope to be able to form a relationship with a beautiful woman. Life and death partners, share this great high position and great wealth!"

Become a partner?

Share the glory?

When I heard the shameless words of insect race, everyone around the complexion greatly changed!

Even the insect race guard on the side coughed in embarrassment, and then, a knowing smile appeared in each of his eyes.

Master You dare to take the lead in eating meat, doesn't it mean that they can drink soup?

Thinking about this, their dishonest eyes began to walk up and down the Fox Race woman!

The name is called, set a goal, find a partner!

And the countless cockroach Tana, but in the heart sneered.

"It turns out that this is the real reason why the ghost shell beetle has to come to Fox Race in person!"

However, she is also unbelievable on her pretty face!

Ghost beetle is a well-known outstanding young master. Simply don’t promise any woman!

Even she herself, exhausted every effort, is struggling to pursue the ghost shell beetle, and staying with the other party day and night, all kinds of requirements are fulfilled!

However, the other party has never looked at himself with straight eyes, let alone made any promises!

And now, after seeing the first side of the eight-tailed white fox, the shell beetle asked to be a partner with each other!

Moreover, the tone of flattery and begging!


This strong contrast completely ignited the jealousy in Cockro Tana's heart in an instant, surging constantly!

looked towards the gaze of the eight-tailed white fox, filled with deep resentment and deep jealousy!

Not only her!

The high-levels of Fox Race on the opposite side are even more gloomy. The gazes that looked towards the ghost shell beetles all have a little killing intent!


As long as the current ghost beetles no longer do anything extraordinary, they will choose to endure it!

Everything will wait for everyone from the insect race to leave before making a decision!


The eight-tailed white fox's pretty face is cold, looked towards the gaze of the shell beetle, full of boundless cold colors:

"I am now, I don’t want to think about it yet!"


This sentence, let the ugly complexion of the ghost beetle reach!


He has always been the only one who rejects others, but this time, this is the first time that others have rejected it!

And it's such a bad reason!

Don’t want to?

Pretending to be reserved!

This immediately aroused the most primordial desire to conquer in the heart of the shell beetle. He wanted to get the heart of the eight-tailed white fox, and he became more and more enthusiastic:

"Beauty, I forgive you for your ignorance, hope You should consider it carefully before answering my request!"

"Let’s tell you so, I am the ninth grandson of Naiyou Lineage and the most promising heir!"


"After a while, I will completely take charge of the lineage, which will be the right arm of the insect race patriarch, and it will be powerful!"

Speaking of this, the corner of the mouth of the beetle evokes a touch The smile that is about to succeed, the confident look in his eyes, reveals his ambition to win!

Just hearing these words, the eight-tailed white fox still remains unmoved, she just shook the head faintly:

"I said it, don’t think about it."


Ghost beetle suddenly became a little confused.

How is this possible? He feels that the values ​​he has accepted since childhood are now being subverted by the woman in front of him!

Status, rights? How could it not work? Since it is dealing with a weak woman, there is no reason not to!

It must be that the weights given by him are not enough, the ghost shell beetle in the heart concludes that there is no reasonable explanation except for it!

"Beauty, as long as you want, I can reward you with endless wealth, gold, silver, jade, jewelry, rouge, etc., all at your fingertips!"

"Of course, it's not just these external objects !"

"Even as long as you have a word, after I go back, I can tell the patriarch, let your Fox Race move out of this place, become a powerful clan in the universe, worshipped by all races!"


Now, I should be satisfied, and the ghost-shell beetle is sure of the other party's expression, and stares at the pretty face of the eight-tailed white fox!

According to his experience, no matter how cold the interstellar beauties are, they will definitely commit the crime in front of him!

Because he has already stated his identity, and then gives all kinds of splendid wealth, this kind of temptation will definitely be obedient!

This move, he has tried his best and has never failed. No woman can resist it!


"Don't think about it!"


Looking at the cold face of the eight-tailed white fox, the ghost beetle, who was repeatedly rejected, forcibly piled up a smile on his face, and finally converged!

A trace of haze appeared on his face, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the gloomy chill was not concealed:

"Fox Race beauty, you know, If you refuse now, it is not just to refuse me personally!"

"What you refuse will be the face of the entire insect race!"


When the threatening words of the shell beetle fell, the insect race guards behind him were shocked, and the fierce light was revealed!

Evil fiercely glaring at Fox Race everyone!

This is more than that!

The ghost shell beetle, who uses its force to suppress people, must completely break all the thoughts of the eight-tailed white fox, and let her know that the ultimate partner can only be him!

"Beauty, you said you don't want to think about it?"

"Then I tell you, what if you have your favorite partner? They and I are Compared with status, that is worlds apart!"

"The elite men of all races in the universe, simply didn't dare to make a woman with me!"

"Even if it is That super fierce person recognized by the universe, Ning Tianlin, dare not!"

"He is the target of our insect race, such a dazzling character, compared to me, is only one who is about to fall. The ants!"


The sound of this sentence fell, and the surrounding temperature suddenly reached freezing point!

Ning Tianlin, ants?

Everyone at the Fox Race side of the eight-tailed white fox, the killing intents that were suppressed in their hearts, are also gradually bursting out!

Fox Race keeps letting go, but insect race keeps deceiving!

Not only did they provoked their patriarch's younger sister, they also insulted the hope of the rise of Earth in their presence!

What qualifications does this scumbag with a brain full of women have?

The eight-tailed white fox is smiling, she is beautiful and devastatingly beautiful!

"He, can't be compared with you!"

The words of the eight-tailed white fox made the beetle startled for a moment, and then, a thick smile of satisfaction appeared on his face!

It seems that I am happy for the sudden resuscitation of the eight-tailed white fox, but it is more like a sentence to her, which is extremely useful!

Ning Tianlin can't be compared with him, just listening like this gives him a kind of self-evident pleasure!

Just like, their insect race has already stepped on Ning Tianlin fiercely!

And he, who is about to replace Ning Tianlin's best candidate, will be the most dazzling star among the younger generation!

The domineering aura of someone else, fills the body of the ghost shell beetle!

It's just that the next sentence of the eight-tailed white fox made the arrogant smile on the face of You Shelltis suddenly stiff!

"Because that ant is you, you are not even qualified to give him shoes!"


This satirical remark of Chi Guoguo suddenly greatly changed the complexity of You Shellache, Cockroach Tana and the others!

Really cannot tell good from bad, arrogant and ignorant woman!

They can’t imagine that a Fox Race with the strongest battle strength only in the star-horse realm, how can it be so emboldened!

Dare to refuse the good intentions of the insect race's You adults, and they are so rude!

"Damn, you dare to insult Master You!"

The chance of revenge has finally come!

Cockro Tana's heart has been happy for a long time, but on the surface, she pretends to be a shell beetle with resentment!

She looked at the beautiful pretty face of the eight-tailed white fox, and she was mad with jealousy:

"You should palm your mouth!"

After finishing this Then, with a wave of Cockro Tana's right arm, she slapped it fiercely towards the pretty face of the eight-tailed white fox!


Cockro Tana is also a Martial Artist, and her strength is equivalent to that of the eight-tailed white fox. With this palm, she must leave a striking bloodstain!

She wants to let You Shellfish know that she is the most beautiful and obedient woman!


The sound is crisp, and the ears are loud!

Suddenly made people feel trembling, but when all the scenes in front of them were seen clearly, they were all stunned!

I saw, the eight-tailed white fox still stood there quietly, unscathed!

Instead, Cockrotana's whole person, like a kite with a broken line, was slapped and flew out!


When Rootana fell to the ground, her throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood burst out!

Not only that, but her left cheek was bloody and bloody, and she was slapped fiercely!

This...how is it possible!

The ghost beetle and the guards behind them were all stunned. They never thought that someone would dare to resist their insect race!

pa pa pa!

I saw the eight-tailed male fox who has not spoken, standing upright in front of the eight-tailed white fox at this moment!

His palm that is tapping, proves that the slap just now is his masterpiece!


Looking at this stunned scene, the corners of the mouth of the shell beetles were filled with sullenness, his eyes scanned the Fox Race people, and finally landed in front of the eight-tailed white fox:

"tsk Tsk, beauty, you really disappoint me. My tolerance for you is not the reason why your subordinates can be impudent!"

"The slap just now, I don’t care about it, but, You must agree to the fact that you and I become a partner!"

"Otherwise, not only will you be taken away, but all the men and women of your Fox Race will be brought back to the insect race by me. , For me to enjoy the high-levels of the insect race!"


This sentence made all Fox Race people angry!

Take away the temporary patriarch, impossible!

Bring them back to the insect race, which means that they will be inferior to life and death in the future!

Ghost beetle is to seal their retreat!


"bully intolerably!"

At the moment, the staunch Fox Race man dashed forward in an instant, standing side by side with the eight-tailed male fox , Glaring at insect race and the others!

"Yeah, do you want to use force?"

The gloomy expression on the gloomy face of the ghost beetle, he waved his hand.


The four star Martial Artists and the six star Martial Artists behind them all moved together to protect the ghost shell beetles and wait for them!

The situation of confrontation is about to happen!

The tight atmosphere enveloped everyone in Fox Race. They can endure it, but if they can't endure it, they will fight to the death!

"I really don't underestimate the bloodiness of your Fox Race!"

"You guys have good-looking skins in vain. It's so good to be a vase, you have to be strong! "

Looking at this scene in front of me, a thick disdain appeared at the corner of Yu Shell's mouth.

Four guards, plus himself, they have five Martial Artists on the insect race side, and only two Martial Artists on the other side!

What about the match? There will really be one at the end, and that is Fox Race's fiasco!

"Seriously, before I came to Fox Race, I didn't think about killing people, but now it seems that I think you are too simplistic!"

" However, this is fine, if you kill more clansman, you will definitely be obedient!"


The arrogant words of the ghost will instantly kill Fox Race The killing intent suppressed by everyone in the heart is completely ignited!

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