shua~ shua~ shua~!

This time, they tried their best, and the speed reached the extreme. In an instant, all kinds of energy raged in the space ring!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!!

That one after another terrifying imposing manner, almost trembles the space ring.


"Interesting, is it in Final Struggle?"

Looking at the space ring in his hand, the ripples of energy spreading from the inside out, Ning Tianlin couldn't help but smile.

"Each of these space rings are redeemed from the system, and each is a rare treasure in the universe."

"You people, just hit If you die, you won't escape."

Ning Tianlin didn't panic, and with a quiet stroke of his palm, he directly withdrew the Formation in the space ring.

"However, it's okay for you to come out, it saves me from doing it myself."

The corners of the mouth are tilted upwards, Ning Tianlin's dark eyes are slightly narrowed, and his face is full of jokes. look.

He has already set up Barrier Array, what about clansman of all races coming out? No one can escape.

In this Yang Sector, he only needs one thought, which is enough to make these people the soul flew away and scattered.


The mutation in the space ring was beyond everyone's expectations. They didn't expect that Ning Tianlin not only did not fight back, but also helped them.

"Is there a fraud?"

"Nonsense, fools can see, the boy Ning Tianlin must have failed!"

"Long-long-winded Hey, what are you doing if you waste so much?"

"No matter whether it is fraud or not, anyway, we are all dead. This time we will fight it out and fight!"

At this moment, the Elders with the strongest battle strength were all puzzled, but it was obviously not the time to think about those.

xiu xiu xiu!

They were like lightning, and once again slammed into the ring wall, and then a few people clenched their hands and smashed them out with their arms!

bang bang bang!

Make one place, violent and violent!

Losing the space ring protected by Formation, they almost exploded. One after another naked eye visible cracks spread from the inside out.

"It's almost broken, let's work harder!"

The Elders who saw the effect were suddenly ecstatic!


"It turns out that Ning Tianlin is an arrogant idiot!"

Several Elders who looked at each other were excited. Extremely, I despised Ning Tianlin to the extreme in my heart.

Ning Tianlin has other methods, so what?

Once this space ring really bursts open, then their opportunity will come!

Even if one of the 10,000 Martial Artists escapes, there is still hope for life, and every one of them feels that the lucky one must be himself.

As long as one person is alive, Ning Tianlin who wants to slaughter them all will fail and be a complete idiot!


There is hardly any interval to stay. All Martial Artists are launching strikes again and again!

Finally, ka-cha!

The huge sound of Weng Ming resounded, and the space ring completely burst!

"haha, it succeeded!"

"The arrogant Ning Tianlin, if you have the ability, kill us all!"

The few Elders who heard ka-cha's crisp sound, the corners of their mouths showed a sharp curve.




They can definitely escape!

It's just that the scene that followed immediately made these people's smiles before they had time to fall, and they froze in an instant!

bang bang!

I only heard it, and two bursts of crisp sound burst.

The two wooden patriarchs who rushed to the forefront, died in an instant violent body, and turned into a pile of blood foam!


"Not good!"

"Come on, damn Ning Tianlin!"

"This is not a fraud, but a real explosion !"

The expressions of the rest of the people behind the two changed drastically. They were panicked.


At this moment, this scene is like a hornet's nest being stabbed with a bamboo pole, all Martial Artist bee pupae collapsed!

Unlike the hornet, the densely packed hornet will look for the person who stabbed the honeycomb, and these Martial Artists dare not!

I saw that Ning Tianlin, who was still standing calmly, smiled:

"No matter how fast you escape, what can you do? It can pass through my mind quickly Think about it!"

Ning Tianlin's hands did not move, nor did his feet move, but a thought flashed through his mind!

bang bang bang!

The explosion begins!


Screams of horror come and go!

"Damn it, what the hell is going on!"

Several Elders of Yin-Yang Sect, they only feel a crisis of death, which envelops their lives. Inside!

No matter where you go, you can't get rid of the crisis, just like the nasty bone gangrene.

They wanted to resist, but they couldn't find a place to start. The attack came not with energy, but a raging killing intent.

disappeared without a trace!

bang bang bang!

Immediately after a burst of similar and brief firecrackers, they all died in violence without exception!

Until they died, they didn't know how they died. The last trace of fluke seemed so pathetic in the face of absolute strength, regrettable.

However, this is just a small piece of firecrackers, and the real firecrackers have just begun!

bang bang bang!

The sound of the explosion gets louder and louder!

This is a big red whip ignited with the life of clansman of various races, which is like a urging movement.

Cruel, tyrannical?


Ning Tianlin's method is much stronger than the heinous sins they committed against the ancient Earth in the past!

There is no wanton humiliation, no wailing of pain, and no inhuman torture by all means...

Yes, it’s just the most straightforward burst , A critical strike, there is no time for the slightest pain.

They are the atonement for the ancient Earth, that one after another dead souls!

At this moment, Ning Tianlin, with an indifferent expression, listened to the battle strength system, and the prompt sounds burst in his mind.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

A string of essence points, like a movie that has been fast-forwarded by the fastest multiple, passed by.


Until the end.

“Ding! ”

“Congratulations to the host, I got a total of essence points, five hundred and twenty-six incredible!”

When one by one is scattered After being summed up by the battle strength system, his essence points are exploded.

Ning Tianlin was taken aback when he heard this number, and then shook the head.

"Are more than five hundred incredible? Still too few!"


oh la la!

It is another space ring, which was lifted by Ning Tianlin!

But he knows that the amount of energy points that this space ring can redeem, I'm afraid it will be even less.

Because, in the last space ring, the battle strength of Martial Artist is considered to be of better quality, and there are many Martial Artists in the star-worn stage.

And the next space ring will be a little worse. There is no Martial Artist, and all Martial Artists are based on the realm of the universe.

"No matter how small the mosquito is, it is on the same plate, it is also a dish, and it is still a meat dish!"

"Let’s start!"

Same as last time, Ning Tianlin's slender five fingers lightly swiped, and directly removed the Formation reinforced in the space ring.

bang bang bang!

The space ring is gradually covered with cracks until it bursts completely!

bang bang bang!

As the space ring exploded, the Martial Artist who burst out one after another began to explode!

There is another burst of extremely dense firecrackers, crackle!

shua~ shua~ shua~!

The sound of the battle strength system reporting the essence points, once again in Ning Tianlin's mind, continues to resound!

This time, I was not interested in admiring my masterpiece Ning Tianlin, so I simply closed my eyes directly.

The thoughts of killing intent are full of thoughts, like an invisible dense net, spreading in every corner of this space!

No need to do it yourself, one thought will solve everything for him!

bang bang bang!

And just as the battle strength system reported the sound of the essence points, when it was about to end, the indifferent Ning Tianlin suddenly sank his brows.


He suddenly noticed that there were two faintly discernable breaths here, which made him feel familiar.

Although faint, it does exist!

Who will this breath be?

A suspicion flashed in Ning Tianlin's mind.

While his thoughts were turning, he couldn't tell who it was from the breath for a while because of the weak breath and the long time.

"However, one thing is certain, the owner of these two breaths and I have met for some time."

"And it's not a bad relationship."

oh la la!

Ning Tianlin's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and a gleam of light flashed past his black pupils.


At the same time as the mind was flashing, the one after another firecracker blast beside Ning Tianlin was also temporarily suspended.


At this moment, the sudden silence made the already terrifying and bloodthirsty environment even colder and crippled!

All clansman of all races that are about to be destroyed, all stand trembling with fear and dare not move!

Moving and not moving will have the same end, that is, bursting on the spot, this is the fact that they have just experienced!

However, since they can survive without moving, none of them dare to try to move.

As for, escape? They were so frightened that they couldn't even think about it!

Martial Artists of various races with stiff bodies have boundless panic and despair on their faces, and some timid people are almost scared to pee!

The killing intent is rolling, raging everywhere!

Killing intent is cold, and Ning Tianlin's heart is colder!


In their eyes, Ning Tianlin is simply a pervert obsessed with killing, indifferent, bloodthirsty, and even some enjoyment!

Also, Ning Tianlin's slaughter method is simply not what they can imagine, it is as strange as it is!

The clansman of all races, only then really realized that their patriarch provoked a terrifying existence at the beginning!

Now, recalling the original scenes, patriarch gave an order to let them hunt down the earth remnant Ning Tianlin all over the universe...

How ridiculous, ironic!

At this moment, looking at a strangely dead companion next to him, each of them still alive Martial Artist feels a scalp burst!

Regret, they regret provoke this killing god, but Ning Tianlin did not pay attention to their amazed expressions.


Ning Tianlin's expression is still indifferent, but his dark and ink eyes are much sharper, his eyes swept across the masses of Martial Artists:

"The two breaths, It's not yours!"

Just when Ning Tianlin shook his head in denial, every Martial Artist who was swept by his black eyes all died in violence!

Weird, terrifying!

Just a random glance can kill hundreds or even thousands of people on the spot at the same time!

Of all the Martial Artists here, none of them know when and how Ning Tianlin did it!

It's like Ning Tianlin is really a killer god, just a look can make people burst, and no one can escape!

The weird atmosphere makes every Martial Artist almost suffocating.


At this moment, Ning Tianlin took a step forward and scanned him all around, as if he was sure, looking for something.

"Two breaths, one was hurt badly, the impossible breath is getting weaker and weaker, the other is badly hurt, and the breath is like a gossamer!"

Ning Tianlin looked sideways and looked not far away, Rows of Martial Artists with trembling legs shook the head again.

"Not yet."

Just as his voice fell, there was another burst of sound, and a Martial Artist exploded and died!


At the same time.

In the space ring, in a small dark corner.

One by one thin silhouettes, lying on the ground feebly, braving their heads from time to time to look at the cracks in the space ring, their faces full of weakness.

At this moment, they want to know what is going on outside!

"Did you escape?"

"Can those bad guys who bully less, really escape from here?"

A covered in dirt The little boy with his nervous hands was full of sweat, and his dirty face was a little pale.

And upon hearing this, another young boy who was bolder, lying on the crevice and looking out, his face flushed with excitement, said excitedly:

"They Can’t escape!"

"Dead, all those bad guys have been blown up!"

"Ning Tianlin Uncle, even if it didn’t move, just help us get those bad guys , All are blown up!"

When this sentence fell, all the tense little boys completely relaxed, one by one, lying on the ground, howling and crying.

As if to cry out all the humiliation, fear, anger, and anger suffered during this period of time.

One by one, they are all in tatters, crying so heartbreaking at this moment!

No one doubts what the little boy said, because they all know that Ning Tianlin Uncle has that strength!

His battle strength is unparalleled, and he can kill Lord of Universe!

And the images of Ning Tianlin Uncle, their Sect elders, have already let them watch them carefully and keep them in their hearts one by one.

You will never misunderstand people.

"Elders, have you seen it? Ning Tianlin Uncle helped you get revenge, and died, and those bad guys are all dead!"

"You said, it’s Earth Meishan Seven The five seniors among the monsters have allowed Black Feather Sect to keep the roots. When we find Ning Tianlin Uncle, we are truly safe."

"But, now we see him, but you are caught by these The damn bad guys are killed!"

At this moment, every little boy was heart-stirring to the dead Elders, narrating the words in their hearts.

The tears are rolling down!

At this moment, a little boy wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes with his sleeve, and leaned in front of an adult man next to him.

"Cang Ming Martial Uncle, if you hold on for a while, we will be saved!"

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