Two days later.

xiu xiu xiu!

In Universe Starry Sky, a starry sky vehicle, like one after another meteor, flashes by.

Not only that, but there are also some Martial Artists with high battle strength who rely on their tyrannical fleshy bodies to fly directly across the starry sky.

They from all directions, although they represent different forces and different ways of traveling, they all have a common destination, which is to descend into the territory of the insect race.

One day.

Only the last day is left until the date set by the insect race.

Even, as early as a few days ago, many representatives of the forces had arrived first in order to express their sincerity.

And this is not without benefits. At least some good hotels and guesthouses have been packaged by them.

These people who followed were not so lucky and were forced to stop outside the territory of the insect race.

Here, if it were placed in the past, it would definitely be desolate, but now with the continuous influx of various ethnic forces, it has gradually begun to become lively.


At this time, a starry sky battleship hurriedly approached. As soon as it approached, the battleship suddenly stopped in the starry sky of the insect race territory.

oh la la!

The hatch opened, and a middle-aged man walked out first. Behind him, Martial Artist squad with the same clothes as him came out one after another.

In the middle of this team, there is a man with exceptionally sharp eyes, just like his slashed face, giving people an inexplicable solemn killing aura.

da da da!

His aura is reduced, he deliberately pressed the brim of his hat very low, randomly mixed in the middle of the team, and walked forward.

If you didn't deliberately check it out alone, you wouldn't notice the strangeness of this man for a while.

There is almost no chance that martial artists who came by taking a starry sky battleship will be scrutinized by the insect race guards.

Because, real powerhouses use fleshy bodies to cross the void, and simply disdain to ride in battleships, aircraft and the like.

"Insect race, I am here"

At this moment, the man's eyes are full of bloodthirsty luster.

People who are afraid of the insect race never thought that the Ning Tianlin remnants they wanted to deal with would just and honorable come to the insect race.

This person is from Profound Yellow Sect, his name is Tulun!


At this moment, an insect race clansman dressed up by a hawker ran all the way to the middle-aged man, saying with a smile on his face:

"This Sir, armistice battleship is not allowed here. Do you want to park? I can take you to the parking lot for only one hundred universe coins."

This insect race clansman, in the insect race, is considered low-powered In the past few days, I only made a small amount of money by helping people to park the battleship.

One hundred universe coins?

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was taken aback first, followed by a slightly smiled, and said to the personal attendant next to here:

"Xiaoyun, get him two directly Hundred universe coins, the remaining one hundred will be used as a tip, let him find someone to stop the battleship."


As long as one hundred universe coins, just open the mouth and give two hundred universe coins?

This man, is he too stupid, or is he too much money to spend?

I heard the rich and imposing tone of the middle-aged man, this insect race hawker was a little confused for a while.

Are you sure not to cut the price?

Others stop the battleship, just give 50 universe coins, even 30 universe coins.

And this one is so generous. At this moment, the heart insect vendor’s heart is full of joy, and the smile on his face is even brighter:

"Mr. , Don’t worry, I will definitely help you park the battleship to the largest and best position!"

After passing the two hundred universe coins, the attendant next to the middle-aged man Xiaoyun, I want to continue the insect race hawker:

"Okay, you, it's really glib tongue, take the universe coin, hurry up and do your business."


"Okay, goodbye you!"

Looking at the back of the insect race peddler when he left, Xiaoyun, the attendant, couldn't wait to catch up now and ask for the one hundred universe coins return.

That's a whole hundred universe coins!

Since he was a middle-aged man, he has been a personal attendant by his side. How can he not know the nature of his master?

Tipping, if it was put in the past, it was simply impossible. No matter what you buy, it will be deducted and charged. It is a famous cheapskate.

However, now it has changed so quickly, it is completely two different styles, just like the nouveau riche.

Thinking about this, Xiaoyun couldn't help but turn his gaze back, and carefully glanced back at the mysterious man in the team.

It was the man who stopped their battleship halfway, and after speaking quietly with their master, he joined their team.

As for what the two of them were talking about, Xiaoyun, who was asked to stand aside, didn't know.

However, what is certain is that his master must have obtained a lot of Cosmic Coins from that man.

da da da!

In this way, the entire group continued to move forward until it was about a kilometer away from the entrance of the insect race that the advancing team slowly stopped.


At the entrance, a squad insect race guard came with knives and surrounded the middle-aged man and the others.


Seeing this scene, Tu Lun narrowed his eyes.

The essence of the body slowly circulates, watching the situation all around vigilantly, in case there is an emergency.

Just a false alarm.

I saw that the insect race security chief just approached. After taking a look at the middle-aged man, he checked the information in his hand and said in a business-like tone:


"Du Sect Master, right?"

"Please show me the war post of my clan."

"Ok, sir, you have a look."


The middle-aged man called Du Sect Master took the post from Xiaoyun next to him, and passed it with his smiling hands.

oh la la!

The scan is over, there is no problem.

Looking at the results of the scan, the chief guard of the insect race laughed and pointed to the group of people behind the middle-aged man.

"These are all yours? Didn't you bring other people in?"

"My lord, how come? You give me ten, a hundred courage, little Don't dare to do that."

While talking with a smile, Du Sect Master took out a stack of pre-wrapped universe coins from his hand and stuffed it into the hand of the insect race guard.

"en? Know the rules so?"

Squeezing the thickness of the universe coin in his hand, the insect race guard chief was also slightly surprised, and then laughed quite satisfied.

His task is to verify the true identity of the people who come. Only if you want to enter the battle post, you can enter casually, even if there is no battle post, you can also enter.

However, after the latter enters, they will pay special attention to them, and be prepared to kill it best.

So not every power representative will give him benefits, even if there are, there will definitely not be so many.

The chief guard of the insect race in a good mood, the shoulder of a patted middle-aged man:

"Okay, I won't check your team. Take them in. "

After that, the insect race guard commander made a gesture to the soldier next to him, and then the soldier next to him, the crash-bang dispersed.

Seeing that there was not too much rigorous investigation, Tu Lun couldn't help being sighed in relief, and his tight body was also softened a lot.

Then he lowered his head, caught in the middle of the line, and walked towards the entrance of the insect race.


Enter from the entrance of the insect race, and after moving on for a section of the road, Tu Lun quietly retreated from the middle-aged man team.

Three hours later, he walked slowly on the street alone.

His eyes were bright light glittering, Divine Consciousness quietly released, one after another familiar breath, came back:

"Five, twenty, one hundred! "

"It seems that there are already more than one hundred black temple dísciples that have successfully sneaked into the insect race."

"Tomorrow, it is really exciting."

Tu Lun’s corner of the mouth slightly raised, and his eyes were filled with incomparable emotion.

da da da!

After several turns, when Tu Lun passed by the entrance of a bar, he was taken aback.


He felt a familiar breath.

The master of that breath is not the black temple dísciple after the fleshy body of the maggot beetle, but a surviving member of the black temple!

Hong Ye Bar!

At the moment, with a step forward, Tu Lun walked in immediately.

bang bang bang!

Just after entering the bar, Tu Lun heard the roar of music, not only that, but also one after another cheers and shouts.

At this moment, the bar is divided into two parts, one is drinking and dancing, and the other is the ring.

After entering the bar, Tu Lun casually found a corner to sit down, and looked towards the area of ​​the ring.

roar roar roar!

There, one after another roar came, and Tu Lun saw that the central area of ​​the ring had a transparent space wall barrier.

There is no longer the enchanting dance of beauties, but one big and one small two figures, fighting frantically in it.

Outside the space, a Martial Artist from different races, drinking strong alcohol, waving their arms, shouting endlessly.

Alcohol, blood-reeking qi, filled the bar.

Not only that, Tu Lun saw that within the space cage, there was a huge insect race Martial Artist who was beating a Human Race youth.

Ka-cha, just then.

Insect race Martial Artist’s punch broke the man’s ribs several times, and his whole person, like a kite flying a Buddha with a broken string, was flew out by fiercely.


I hit the space wall barrier and fell to the ground.

"Fat brother, hurry up and kill this little guy, and use his blood to help me insect race!"

"hahaha, don’t underestimate that little guy! This guy, he used to be a member of the Black Hall, and he followed the dead General Tu Lun."

"Black Hall? Black Hall is a fart, the prisoners of the Black Hall are with Master Naiyou, I've been tortured a long time ago."

This one after another scream made Tu Lun's face instantly.

Sang Ming!

Tu Lun clearly remembered that when he was in the Black Temple Arena that day, he was facing Sang Ming.

It was precisely because he defeated Sang Ming with a desperate way of playing that he was fortunate enough to get the Master's approval, and then Sang Ming has been following him.

That was a bloody man with clank and iron bones, but now...


At this moment, the fat brother kicked Sang Ming, his ribs had been broken for a long time.

He was bloody and tragic.


a mouthful of blood, squirting from Sangming’s mouth, he was about to struggle to stand up, and suddenly one foot slammed on his head.

Fat brother is condescending, his mouth is full of a thick grin:

"A member of the Black Temple, right? I have followed Tu Lun and have seen Ning Tianlin, right?"

"It's just ants!"

Fat brother was full of brutality, he stared at Sang Ming, gloomily said:

"Say, the black temple is rubbish, Tu Lun is shit, Ning Tianlin is a coward!"

"Say, you can live, don't say, you must die!"


This sentence made Sangming face changed.

"You bastard, dare to insult our sect master!"

Sang Ming seems to be crazy.

"You damn it!"

Sang Ming struggled, his ferocious eyes seemed to smash the fat brother into pieces.

Sang Ming's scarlet eyes shocked the fat brother. He did not expect that the other party would react so fiercely.

But then, a bloodthirsty curve appeared at the corners of his mouth:

"Yo? Are you going to work hard? But, you are courting death!"


"Now, I give you one last chance, saying that the black palace is rubbish, Tu Lun is shit, and Ning Tianlin is a coward!"

Fat brother said, his soles are already Cohesion said, as long as Sang Ming said no word, he would slam the opponent's head.

It’s just that, upon hearing this, in Sang Ming’s eyes, madness appeared:

"Fuck your mother's shit, my master is not a coward, he will definitely Come back, kill you all person."

"You all have only one end, that is to die!"

What, this sentence, let the complexion greatly changed, one touch Murderous intention burst out.

"You are courting death!"

After finishing speaking, Fatty's arm was raised high, and he wanted to explode Sangming's head.

"Are you finally going to die?"

Sang Ming closed his eyes at the moment. He felt Fat Brother's fist was accumulating, and he knew that death was coming.

"Unfortunately, I can't wait for my sect master, Return of the King."

In his eyes, sect master Ning Tianlin is the True King, as long as he presents The universe will be omnipotent, and no one can stop it.

He has been waiting, and has been patient, but unfortunately, he is really tired now, and finally he did not wait for that day.

"My lord Ning Tianlin, will surely return strongly, the day he returns is the time when your race is dead!"

The crazy roar came from Sangming's hoarse throat Sent out.

Looking at this tragic scene, Tu Lun's eyes were filled with scarlet blood, just as he was about to step forward and make an angry shot.

"Sir, may I have something to drink?"

An insect race waiter came and asked Tu Lun.

Hearing this, Tu Lun step one stopped, turned his head and smiled sorrowfully, the voice wrapped in energy resounded throughout the hall:

"Give me a cup, The blood of Lord Hong is going to be hot!"


When this sentence fell, the waiter's complexion changed instantaneously, and even the shouts around him stopped abruptly.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

One after another fierce gaze, shua shua looked towards Tu Lun, and placed the Buddha looking towards a dying person.

In the bar of Lord Hong, there is someone who wants to drink the blood of Lord Hong. It is still hot. This person is simply here to court death!

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