Note: This book will be over soon, it is estimated that it will be about 5-6 days, so the number of words in the chapter will be changed. This chapter is 6,000 words, thank you for your support along the way .

Insect race powerhouse was taken aback, when the color underneath instantly turned red.


This bastard is extremely arrogant and arrogant. At this moment, Shi Lili is still in his hands, and he even asks himself, how to write the dead word?

In this universe, there is only Ning Tianlin who dares to be so arrogant in front of the insect race, but he is not!

Looking at the angry and frantic appearance of the insect race powerhouse, a sharp smile appeared on the corner of Tu Lun's mouth.

"It seems that you really don't know how to write dead words, then, I don't mind, I will teach you now."

After that, Tu Lun simply ignores the insect race powerhouse Shi Lili in her hand walked towards the other party again.

Damn it!

In this scene, let the insect race powerhouse suddenly if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off!

Although he is a powerhouse, he can clearly feel a trace of Death Aura from Tu Lun's body.

This inexplicable feeling for some reason made him feel a deep fear, making him endlessly afraid.

Originally, he thought that by holding Shi Lili's neck with a dagger, Tu Lun could refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases.

However, no matter how he plots against, there is no plot against. This damn Tu Lun does not care about Shi Lili's life and death!

What a ruthless guy!

"Asshole, don't blame me for not warning you, if you go one step further, then I will definitely make you regret it for a lifetime."

After that, the eyes of the insect race powerhouse There was a madness in his eyes, and the dagger in his hand was about to pierce Shi Lili's neck at the moment.


The dagger, the cold glow flashes, with a brutal killing intent.

Shi Lili, who felt the cold glow hit, didn't care about these. Her pair of beautiful eyes were always on Tu Lun's body.

A flower-like smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Not only did she not blame Tu Lun for his recklessness, but instead appreciated the very ruthlessness of the other party.

"If you do this, you are much better than those indecisive cowards, you are worthy of being the highest general of the black palace!"

These long waits will finally be true Freed, and someone avenged her. Although she died, she had no regrets.

It's just that, at the moment when the dagger was about to fall completely, the insect race powerhouse was instantly stunned.

Because, he clearly feels that his palm is empty.

I hurriedly looked at it, but I was surprised to find that the sharpest blade of the dagger had long been disappeared.

Even the hilt of the dagger is tattered, full of nicks, and riddled with holes, just like a piece of garbage being thrown away.

And an extremely short bone spur, I don't know when, has appeared on the dagger, at this moment, it is madly devouring the remaining dagger handle.


What's going on!

How can an unremarkable bone spur be able to shake a sharp dagger so easily? is it possible!

It's just that, immediately afterwards, what continued to happen made this insect race powerhouse even more unbelievable.

The cold and hard bone spur, as if with its own consciousness, the whole body suddenly changed, and then fiercely moved towards insect race powerhouse's palm pierced away.



His veins popped up in his palm, and he was being crazily cracked by that bone spur at an incredible speed.

It's like a full-powered electric drill, drilling a fragile wooden board wantonly, everything seems with no difficulty!


Insect race powerhouse screamed again and again, and his liver and gallbladder were cracked. He never dreamed that a small bone spur would make him this star powerhouse, Can't resist!

Damn it!

Insect race powerhouse is going crazy, he fisted at the crazy strikes of the bone spurs, but his attack seemed to be tickling to the bone spurs.

Simply can't cause any substantial damage. At this moment, there is only the sound of mournful scream, which resounds endlessly.

His wrist was drilled and torn, followed by the entire arm and shoulder blades, all of which were white bones, and the blood flow continued.

In a short moment!

"Go away, don't come over!"

As a scream of horror resounded, the whole person of this insect race powerhouse thumped and fell helplessly. land.

Vitality collapsed and killed on the spot!

In the eyes that have not been closed until death, it seems that they have seen some kind of terrifying existence, that kind of unbelievable look is extremely rich.

And his corpse, in the blink of an eye, was raged by the bone spur that was still looting. Except for a pool of scarlet blood, there was no trace of him left.

The bones are not there, it's so tragic!


Toshilili was stunned by this cruel scene!

She leaned back on the window sill, staring blankly at the pool of blood on the ground, a deep astonishment appeared on her cheeks.

Tu Lun has become stronger!

oh la la!

When the two of them walked out of the secret room, it was already evening, and the hazy night, which set off the solemn killing aura here, became more intense.

At this moment, on the street outside Hongye’s bar, three silhouettes are walking slowly. Sangming and Shi Lili are on separate sides.

They followed Tu Lun in front of them, walking slowly, step by step, each step fell, and the murderous intention of the three people would become more intense.

After Tu Lun listened to Sang Ming's narration, the murderous intention in his eyes became more and more prosperous. He understood what these people had experienced during this time.

It's just that, the more so, the more violent his inner killing intent!

Insect race, self-proclaimed as the strongest race, wants to dominate the universe, a dísciple, a dark palace that was lucky enough to survive, was captured by them from everywhere and returned to the insect race, launching a frenzied killing.

They were enslaved, they were crushed, and all their actions were controlled tightly. If they crossed the line, they were punished.

What insect race needs to do is to let all the remnants of the Black Temple die slowly in despair and fear.

Cruel, tyrannical.

During the period of insect race, for the surviving Black Temple dísciple, it was a bloody day, with only darkness and despair.

"Insect race, damn it!"

Tu Lun's eyes were crippling, his steps fell step by step, and the road under his feet was left scared by him. footprint.

"Oh, look, isn't that Shi Lili and Sang Ming?"

"What? Miss Shi served our insect race powerhouse comfortably? Allowed to come out Are you walking around?"

"Haha, don't even think about it, it must be like this, otherwise, as them, I can walk out alive?"

At this moment, Several insect race soldiers who were patrolling discovered Shi Lili and surrounded them with treacherous smiles.

I want to take advantage of Shi Lili's body.

It's just that their advancing figure completely froze before they got close to Tu Lun and the others.

xiu xiu xiu!

I saw a few white clouds, like lightning, rushing to their bodies, and suddenly the sound of mournful scream came from the mouth of the insect race soldiers.


These insect race soldiers are surprised and angry.

"My hand, this damn bone, how could it pierce my flesh and blood!"

"Ah, it hurts, damn it!"

"Who is it, who did it, get out of here!"


One after another, the sound of panic kept ringing.

Just struggling is obviously useless. In the blink of an eye, in the screams of one after another, several insect race soldiers were swallowed up and even the scum was not left.


This bloody scene was seen by other pedestrians walking on the street, and they were completely stunned.


There were people who dared to slaughter the insect race soldiers openly in the street, and the clansman of the surrounding races completely exploded.

This is definitely the first time they saw an insect race soldier after they entered the insect race.

Especially when everyone saw that the trio of Tu Lun, who were indifferent, simply did not make a move, they were even more horrified!

"Who would dare to kill my insect race soldiers here?"

"courting death!"

At this moment, the screams of this place , Immediately alarmed more insect race soldiers in the city.

one after another The powerful silhouette holding the warblade, rushing from different corners frantically.

However, there is no other result, waiting for them, there is only one end, that is, killed on the spot!

bang bang bang!

As soon as the silhouettes of these insect race soldiers arrived, they were violently culled by the bone spurs beside Tu Lun.


The sound of mournful scream resounded endlessly, and then, one after another silhouette fell down, and the vitality collapsed.

Terror and shock.

At this moment, scarlet blood wets the ground, and more and more insect race soldiers are coming after hearing the news, and more and more blood is flowing all over the ground.

"Tu Lun, that is the Tu Lun of the Black Temple!"

At this moment, someone recognized the head of Tu Lun, and they were shocked and shocked. There was even more among them. The person has long known Tu Lun’s true identity from the members of the Black Temple.

"Be careful, everyone, this Tu Lun, Ning Tianlin has long been included in the Profound Yellow Sect, it is Ning Tianlin's true dísciple!"

And this sentence fell, let everyone around Instantly exploded the pot, everyone couldn't believe their eyes and ears!

Tu Lun, who had died in battle, stood in front of them alive like this, and he was also the dísciple of Ning Tianlin Profound Yellow Sect!

Weird, terrifying!

Especially, a beggar curled up on the corner of the street, when he heard the two names of "Tu Lun" and "Ning Tianlin", he trembled suddenly, wet red tears, rolling fall.

He seemed to be mad, squeezing through the crowd, pulling away the crowd, looking straight at Tu Lun, tears burst into his face, and knelt to the ground.

"The members of the Black Temple fly on their shoulders, and visit General Tu Lun!"

"The members of the Black Temple Xionghui, visit General Tu Lun!"

". .."

At this moment, one after another silhouette rushed over frantically, all of them were dressed in tatters, kneeling to the side of the road.

In the blink of an eye, the members of the Black Temple behind Tu Lun have changed from one to five, and then to eight!

The news of Tu Lun's return from the Black Temple spread to every corner of the city instantly, as if with wings.

All the members of the Black Temple who survived by chance returned, and within a short moment, more than fifty people gathered together!

They hide in every corner of the fringe city of insect race, and they live in fear every day, living like a mouse.

For, I was waiting for the comeback of the Black Temple again, for, I was once again picking up the warblade in my hand to slaughter the enemy!

Now, this day has finally been waited for by them.

da da da!

More than fifty members of the Black Temple stood on the street in a row. The crazy imposing manner caused the temperature of the whole street to drop instantly.

This scene made all the onlookers scared. They all stopped in the distance and did not dare to approach.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

And more and more insect race soldiers, after receiving this news, swarmed and killed them in droves.

They each hold a warblade, and the killing intent splashes, but they come quickly and die faster, and the more they come, the more they die!

At the same time.

In the outermost city of the insect race, there is a mansion with the most luxurious architecture. Here is the City Lord's Mansion.

At this moment, the palace lord is sitting in the main hall. He tilts his legs and holds a enchanting beauty, looking at the few people standing in front of him jokingly.

The corner of his mouth was grinning, and he flicked the iron whip in his hand from time to time, and fiercely beat these people.


Suddenly, the sharp scabbard left a deep bloodstain on the body of a big man. This person, fiercely trembling, stared angrily. To the palace lord.

"Yeah, have you learned to stare?"

The palace lord's corner of the mouth raised, and in the eyes, a fierce light appeared.

"Why, still not convinced? You stare again, I don't mind digging out your eyeballs!"

"I advise you, let’s enjoy it. This last time, tomorrow, I will send you all to the headquarters and be executed in a unified manner!"

In front of the palace lord, the people who are bound and standing are the main survivors of the black palace. member.


A member of the Black Temple, with his tiger eyes wide open, looked towards the palace lord's gaze, with a strong resentment and hatred.

"You despicable beast, have the ability to kill us now. If I frown, I will kneel down and call you Lord!"

This screaming word, Let Palace Master face changed, and then, his palm shook, another iron whip, fiercely slammed on the opponent's body.

The person who was drawn looked like a blood man.

"What kind of madness? You miserable wretch that nobody cares about is the dog raised by Ning Tianlin. It deserves this end."

The palace lord’s mouth is grim, and his eyes are murderous. intention splash.

"Well, since you are so stiff, then I will break your bones and smash your knees now!"

After speaking, the palace lord waved his palm.

Suddenly, crash-bang, several insect race soldiers stood up. They grinned, each holding a steel whip, and walked towards the black temple members.

Just, at this moment.

A silhouette of lose one's head out of fear, without any notification, staggered in.

"City Lord!"

"Not good, it's not good, the Black Temple Tulun has appeared!"

The Black Temple Tulun?

When this sentence falls, all the insect race powerhouses in the City Lord's Mansion are all frowned?

Where did they hear this name before? However, now I want to do not raise for a while.


At this moment, an insect race soldier who was pouring wine, with a hip flask in his hand, fell to the ground in an instant.

Tu Lun, the owner of this name, he remembered!

That person is cruel, tyrannical, and bloodthirsty. He is a real fierce person!

"Are you sure you read it right? Isn't this Tu Lun dead? How could it be here?"

"No, it's Tu Lun!"


Hearing this categorical answer, even the palace lord's whole body was shivered.

His eyes stared at the insect race soldier who reported the letter, and his eyes were full of fierceness.

"Have you seen it with your own eyes?"

Hearing this harsh questioning, the insect race soldier trembled all over, and the ashen-faced shook the head and solemnly replied.

"No, the lord!"

"That Tu Lun is really amazing. Not only did he show up, but he also destroyed the Hong Ye bar with his own hands. Many of our insects The race soldiers rushed to hear the news."

"But they all never go back. The younger ones don't dare to get too close to him. They just want to come back and report to you first."

Will you go back?

How is this possible!


At this moment, the two words Tu Lun seem to have magical powers, making the needle drop in the entire hall audible.

This sentence made the Palace Master's head go blank. At this moment, he thought of a possibility.

"Apart from Tu Lun, is there anyone else showing up? Did that Ning Tianlin also follow?"

In his cognition, there is only This may be the only way to explain why the insect race soldiers won but never returned.


Suddenly, all the insect race soldiers had their scalp numb. After all, if Ning Tianlin really appeared, they had only one choice, and that was to escape!

Not only that, they have to report all the conditions here to the headquarters truthfully, apart from this, and there is no other choice.

"Go back to the City Lord, no, just Tu Lun alone."

Hearing this affirmation, all insect race clansman could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Tu Lun terrifying is not false , But far from the horror behind!


Unlike the insect race side, after hearing these words, the people in Heidian not only did not lose, but they cried with joy.

General Tu Lun can be resurrected, it must be because of Ning sect master's means, which means that Ning sect master has already appeared in the universe!

All the iron-and-blooded men have never left a single tear under the torture.

But at this moment, when I thought that Ning Sect Master might appear in the universe, tears rolled, one by one knees down, tears streaming down his face.

"General Tu Lun can return safely. It must be the means of the sect master. He will take us to kill the Quartet and slaughter the enemies!"

"Insect race rats , Tremble, the day of your clan’s destruction is coming soon, hahaha!"

The powerhouse headed by the black house cried and laughed like crazy, and the members of the black house next to him were the same. Excited and trembling all over, tears running.

"He has appeared, he has finally appeared, the glory that belongs to us, is about to come!"

Their waiting, all the suffering, are not in vain , Because their sect master has finally returned!

"Mansion...Palace lord, that Tu Lun, but an out-and-out fierce person, I heard that none of the enemies who died under his hand had a whole body!"


An insect race soldier said to the palace lord with a panic face.

"I...what shall we do?"

"Should we run, return to the insect race headquarters, and wait for tomorrow to come, the headquarters powerhouse will punish the massacre "

The words of this insect race soldier speak the aspirations of the rest of the people. If it were not for the situation of compelled by circumstances, they would simply not be willing to play against Tu Lun.

At this moment, one by one looked at the Palace Master hopefully, but at this moment.


The palace lord kicked the insect race soldier to fiercely.


The palace lord was so angry that he could not think of just a name, so he almost terrified his men.

This made him very unhappy, and the murderous intention in his eyes became more and more explosive!

"What can Tu Lun do? This is the site of our insect race. As long as Ning Tianlin does not come, we don't have to be afraid of everything!"

"My Lord of the entire City , If the headquarters knows to escape without a fight, how can you gain a foothold in the clan?"

After finishing speaking, the palace lord shouted to the people next to him.

"The order goes on, mobilize all the insect race soldiers in the city to besieged Tu Lun. I will take his skin and pull his muscles!"

"Also, please The four major Iron Guards will kill Tulun!"

The four major Iron Guards!

Hearing this, all the insect race soldiers have eyes shined one by one. Those four people have taken refuge in the powerhouse of their insect race in the past few days.

Each of them is a star martial artist. Before joining the insect race, they were prestigious. Once they joined forces with the palace owner, there were five star martial artists.

Especially, all the insect race soldiers exhausted Tu Lun’s battle strength, and the five star martial artists, if they all shoot together, when the time comes, even if Tu Lun is strong, he will die!

Thinking of this, the insect race soldiers around were suddenly surprised.

And the powerhouses of the black palaces, each with a pale complexion, had just ignited a war heart, and once again sank to the bottom.

Tu Lun alone fights five Martial Artists alone, it's difficult!

...At the same time.

On the main street, the Martial Artists of various races onlookers are coming more and more, densely packed, they come to watch the duel between Tu Lun and the insect race.

They are not fake at the invitation of the insect race war thread, but they only know whether they really acknowledge allegiance insect race.

When the situation is unclear, they are more willing to watch the two tigers fight as a bystander, so as to determine their attitude towards the insect race tomorrow.

At this moment, behind Tu Lun, the original members of the Black Temple are gathering more and more, almost hundreds of them.

The imposing manner is monstrous!

da da da!

Almost a hundred people walked on the street, murderous intention was boiling and roaring, and every member of the Black Temple was full of hatred and madness.

The blood in their bodies is roaring, they want to use the blood of the enemy to wash away the humiliation they have suffered during this time.


However, when Tulun and the others continued to move forward, they suddenly saw that the intersection ahead was completely blocked by densely packed silhouettes.

There are a thousand of these people, all of them are insect race soldiers holding warblades, and the monstrous killing intent is permeating.

"Tu Lun, die!"

When Tu Lun and the others just approached, the mountain cry out and sea howl shouted, it was raised. Exploded.

clang clang clang!

All the warblades were unsheathed, and the cold glow flashed, setting the cheeks of thousands of insect race soldiers against the cruel and cruel people.

In this scene, the clansman of all ethnic groups who watched the excitement around them were all startled. They looked at the insect race soldiers armed to their teeth, and they only felt that their scalp was numb and they did not dare to look directly.


Obviously, these insect race soldiers wanted to siege Tulun and the others, an unreserved and complete siege here.

It's just that a scene that made everyone stunned appeared, Tu Lun turned a blind eye to all this in front of him.

He took the members of the Black Temple behind him, and walked forward step by step, without any intention of staying.

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