All the insect race soldiers were horrified to see that the warblade in their hands had just been swung into the air, cracks appeared directly.

oh la la!

A warblade with a handle, as if it had been violently destroyed, broke into pieces in the blink of an eye.

It's like broken copper, worthless!


At this moment, all the insect race clansman in the City Lord's Mansion were all shocked. Each of them was holding the incomplete hilt of the knife and was completely stunned.

However, this is only the beginning.


After raging the warblade, the spurs turned and accelerated again, and this time the goal was to rush towards the insect race soldiers.

Pu chi!

Pu chi!

A bloody scene flashed in the hall, I saw one after another scarlet blood, from these insect race soldiers’ His body was constantly splashing out.

Their bodies are densely packed and covered with countless blood holes. These blood holes are sharp and eye-catching, penetrating their fleshy body back and forth.


These hideous wounds made them all look bloody and bloody, and the sound of mournful scream was even more terrible.

The bloody scene that happened suddenly shocked everyone here, making them horrified one by one.

Only Tu Lun, the expression on his face is still not happy nor angry, without the slightest change, as if all this has nothing to do with him.

da da da!

He has sharp eyes, and step by step walks in the direction of the palace lord.

Where he passed, the elite insect race soldiers around him were raged one after another, turning into a pool of blood.

It seems that he is like a walking killing machine, but within the range of his attack, no one can be spared.


When the last insect race soldier was raged into a pool of blood, Tu Lun had already arrived in front of the palace lord.


"All are dead!"

Smelling the pungent smell of blood, the palace owner was completely stunned. , His eyes stared blankly at the blood and minced meat on the ground, eye socket cracked.

Not only him, but the black hall in the corner of the hall and the others, watching this scene, they are all sucked in a breath of cold air.

Obviously, he was frightened by Tu Lun's methods. The other party was fierce and tyrannical, far beyond their expectations.

They are also Martial Artists. The powerhouse of the insect race is in the hands of Tu Lun, like a piece of paper, kneaded arbitrarily, which is unbelievable.

"Now, can you die?"

Tu Lun looked straight at the palace lord, with a touch of calmness at the corner of his mouth.

After hearing this chilling voice, Palace Lord shivered shivered spiritually, and then his complexion was horrified.

"No, I don't believe it, I don't accept it, you still can't kill me!"

At this moment, the palace lord knows that he has no retreat, moved towards Slaughter. Crazy roar.

"Tu Lun, I will kill you myself, step on your bones, take your head, and go to the headquarters to receive the reward!"

The palace lord who was forced into desperation , On the ferocious face, a desperate madness flashed.

oh la la!

His eyes began to turn scarlet as blood. At the cost of burning Life Source Blood Essence, he made the battle strength soar for a short time.


The essence in his body surging instantly, one after another monstrous vigorous air, sweeping the whole body like hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Not only that.


In this violent imposing manner, the hard ground under his feet began to crack apart with ka ka.

And his gorgeous clothes also sneered, all split up and in pieces being propped up, as if something terrifying was about to break out of the body.


A thorn suddenly appeared from his skin that was about to burst.

blood essence, crazy thorn!

Not only is it sharp, but the most important thing is that every spike contains terrifying poison!

When confronting, as long as the opponent's skin is pierced, even if a trace of venom penetrates into the body, even the Lord of Universe will be unconscious by the poison.

And all Martial Artists below the universe, there is no surprise at all, there is only one end, and that is undoubtedly death.

Not only is the poisonous, the time of the attack is also extremely fast, one breath and one breath can determine the life and death of a Martial Artist!

Horror, vicious!

This is their strongest nirvana in this lineage!

However, the price to be paid is extremely heavy. No one is willing to do it like a last resort.

In the present form, the palace lord naturally understood that if there is no fight, he will die, and if he fights, there is a possibility of living. In order to kill Tu Lun, he gave it up.


The voice of oh la la is endless!

The changes in the palace owner's body continued. In the blink of an eye, there were a hundred blood essence thorns on his back, neck, waist, and thighs, highlighting them.

This makes his whole person look like he is dressed in a special armor, wrapped tightly.

Especially the blood thorns were exposed, and the violent imposing manner resembling a huge hedgehog was suddenly released.

At this moment, the palace lord’s battle strength has been raised to the 9th dan of Xinghuang, and it is still in Peak state!

"Is this...the violent state in exchange for Life Source Blood Essence?"

Seeing this scene, the black palace and the others, one by one just feels scalp It was numb, they all smelled, a dangerous breath.

"hahaha...Tu Lun, you are the first person to force me to use blood essence to stab me in a hundred million years."

The corner of the palace lord’s mouth, With a crazy arc, he looked towards Tu Lun, as if he was looking at a dying person.

"You are proud enough, even if you die, you will look down upon you!"

Senran's words fell.

oh la la!

The palace owner rolled to the ground, suddenly resembling a hedgehog, rolling into a ball, wrapping up all the weakest parts of the body.

Besides the ball, there are densely packed blood essence thorns. Both defense and attack are perfect. It can be said that there is no weak spot on the body.


Immediately afterwards, the palace lord surrounded by a ball flew up, and the blood stabbed towards Tu Lun frantically.

This impact, the violent violent approach, the sound of howling, exploded.

xiu xiu xiu!

Under the control of Tu Lun, bone spurs flew up in the air, toward the ball of in midair, and smashed them.

bang bang bang!

However, when the bone spurs hadn't culled the palace lord's fleshy body, they were hit by the violent impact and flew away.

Bone spurs simply cannot fall on the palace lord, let alone cause any substantial damage to the other party.

In a blink of an eye.

The prickly ball curled up by the palace lord broke through the siege of bone spurs and smashed it fiercely towards Tu Lun.

"haha, Tu Lun, weren’t you very difficult to deal with just now? Massacre my insect race soldier, now, your death date has come!"

The arrogant voice, from Passed out from within the sphere.

As the voice fell, those densely packed spikes pierced Tu Lungen roots.

"Go to die!"

The palace lord’s words were harsh and cold, and the blood essence thorns were murderous-looking, and he was so confident that this blow would surely kill him. Lun hit hard!

Just, at this moment.

Tu Lun still stood still, he raised two big hands, and grabbed them at the blood thorns.

"General Tu Lun, be careful, that thorn is poisonous!"

"General Tu Lun, don't be careless, must be careful!"

Gu du!

In this scene, the surrounding black temple and the others trembled, and everyone was terrified. For fear of Tu Lun's poisoning, they hurriedly reminded them.

And the palace lord, the grinning smile at the corner of his mouth is also extremely rich.

"Tu Lun, you are such an idiot!"

"The toxin on the blood spur is condensed with Life Source Blood Essence. If you pierce a trace of the skin, you will die Undoubtedly."

"I want to see, how can you not die in this situation!"

The palace lord is confident in his attack. The blood thorns are sharp enough to cut through Tu Lun's skin, which is simply with no difficulty.

It's just that a scene he didn't expect appeared.


A burst of golden and iron sounds resounded.

The blood stabbing on the lord's body was grabbed by Tu Lun's big hand, and the momentum of his advance was suddenly stagnant.

This is more than that, I saw Tu Lun take a step back, exerting force again while twisting his waist, and pulling his big hand back.


A dark pillar of blood splashed out instantly.

And the blood thorns all over the Palace Master's body were forcibly pulled out by Tu Lun!


The blood thorn, pulled up by the roots from the palace lord's body, was thrown aside by Tu Lun as a burst of blood mist sprayed.


The sound of mournful scream suddenly came out from the hedgehog-like ball. In the voice, there was the palace lord's boundless horror and incredibility.


"You...under the impact of my full force, you are absolutely impossible. No injury at all, even if there is no injury, you will definitely be The blood thorn pierced the finger!"

The palace owner couldn't believe his eyes, his blood essence thorns wildly, and he didn't even break the opponent's skin.

How is this possible!

Just a little bit, even if it pierces a little bit of Tu Lun's skin, the toxin will quickly penetrate into the body, making him sure to die.

But now, the blood stab even pierced the skin, such a simple thing, did not do it!


However, in response to the palace lord, there was another tearing sound, and the second blood thorn was pulled out by Tu Lun.

Tu Lun's eyes are cold, his current body, but the Master is made of Lord of Universe nine-stage maggot beetle.

Is this kind of blood thorn that forcibly increase the battle strength that can be easily pierced? Even ten more round hedgehogs like this would not be able to cut his skin.

This self-confidence, Tu Lun still has it, otherwise, he would not stand still and choose to shake the opponent with his bare hands.

"I said it, now it's up to you."

After finishing speaking, Tu Lun slammed the prickly ball in his hand, peng sound, and the ground burst.


After that, Tu Lun jumped and stepped on the ball, and then waved the Iron Palm, tearing it apart frantically.


The third blood thorn on the palace lord's body was pulled out.


One after another mournful scream sound, from his mouth, keep emitting.

He was scared.

At this moment, he felt an unprecedented fear. He originally thought that relying on blood essence to go crazy and kill Tu Lun was just a matter of raising his hand.

Even if he is really lost, he will shrink into a ball. Under the protection of the blood stab, Tu Lun simply can't help himself.

However, no matter how much he plots against, he never expected that he would end up so miserably in the hands of Tu Lun.

"General Tu Lun, can't kill me, you are going to do this, Master You, I will definitely not let you go!"

Just, listen With this meaningless threatening remark, Tu Lun's mouth showed a thick disdain.

"Master Ningyou? What is he?"

"Even the Head of a Clan of your insect race is just a crawler in the eyes of our Ning Sect master. That's it."


This sentence makes the palace lord’s corner of mouth twitching and ugly complexion reach.

patriarch, that is the strongest battle strength of their insect race, but in Tu Lun’s mouth, is it the crawler in front of Ning Tianlin?

This is simply blatant contempt, annoying and hateful!

It's just that Tu Lun didn't give the other party time to continue screaming.

The palace lord only felt a majestic pain. From his body, his fourth blood thorn was pulled out.

For an instant, on top of his curled round body, one after another scarlet blood, flowing continuously.

"no! Stop it!"

The palace lord’s liver and gallbladder were cracked. At this moment, he regretted his intestines. He knew that the reappearing Tu Lun would be so cruel. Whatever he said, he would like to face this monster in person.

It’s just now, regretting now, it’s useless.


Another blood stab was pulled out bloody, and the killing intent was thick Tu Lun, just as rubbish, still aside.

There, dozens of bloody spikes have been densely packed.

"This root has done a lot of evil for you, crime deserving ten thousand deaths!"


Another blood thorn, with traces of flesh and blood, was pulled out by Tu Lun.

"This one, for the sake of my brother Heidian, to be able to reunite again!"


"This one is to celebrate in advance, your insect race is going to die!"


This scene makes the scalp numb.

The palace lord’s screams like killing pigs are endless, and the more sorrowful they go to the back, it resounds throughout the City Lord's Mansion.

The blood thorns were pulled out by Tu Lun one after another, and bursts of blood continued to splash on the palace lord's body.

The blood thorns on the palace lord's body are getting less and less, but the blood flowing on the ground is getting more and more.

After five full minutes.

When the last blood thorn was pulled out by Tu Lun Shengsheng, the palace lord collapsed to the ground, completely lost his previous appearance, and became a dying blood man.

He was lying weakly on the ground, his neck, back, thighs and other places, blood holes were flowing with wisps of blood.

Blood and flesh.

"Ah... it hurts!"

The palace lord's voice, like his body at the moment, trembled, and there was endless fear in his eyes.

It's like having just experienced a terrible punishment.


If he was given another chance, he would never entrust himself to force Tu Lun, the damn monster.

He is scared!

He has never seen such a cruel and very ruthless person.

"General Tu Lun...I was wrong, you let me go!"

The palace lord is afraid of death, even though he is now abolished by Tu Lun. But still don't want to die like this.

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