Note: Sorry, originally it was to be put on the shelves on the 20th, which is tomorrow, but the editor gave a temporary notice. As the results of this book are good now, it was changed to 0:00 on February 1st. It’s on the shelves, so the promised 50,000 words broke out, and we can only wait until February 1st. But to express my apologies to everyone, I will start from today, I will change the four thousand words per day to eight thousand words per day, sorry! ! ! At the same time, the rewards for Piaohong will be added, and the rewards for Piaohong will be added, which are not counted in these eight thousand words.

On February 1st, 50,000 characters broke out. Delayed for ten days! ! ! Thanks! ! ! These days, sorry. please forgive. Thank you to all those who have rewarded and voted for these days! ! ! Thank you so much for your support! ! !


"Unfortunately, you won't be able to do this this time."

"Pinch it again, the egg may really burst !"

Ning Tianlin saw that this warlock has no strength to resist, this monkey steals the peach down, I am afraid that Dandan will really be scrapped!

If you change it to the original, his Ning Tianlin absolutely does not care about the life and death of this warlock, but now it is different. After all, this person was called by himself. Dandan is really useless. He is indeed a little bit I'm sorry people.


Abruptly, a dagger appeared in his hand. Before no one noticed, he stepped forward and then swiped forward slightly. , And then put it back. From the appearance of the dagger to the end, it took less than two seconds.

Even Ning Rong and his wife, Ning Tianxin and Cao Dafa have no idea what happened.

But there is one person, but he is different, but he is shocked! Even the boss with an open mouth! simply can't believe that everything in front of me is real! The kid who made a noise just now was wiped off his neck so easily!

Not even the last shout was made.

This person is not someone else. It is Zhang Xiulan, the owner of this little ghost. Just now, in her eyes, this youngster, who is not called a name, has a dagger in her hand. And this dagger is in the little ghost’s When the left hand was about to succeed in monkey steals the peach, it swiped directly across his neck.

In an instant, a big head flew out of this kid's corpse. Even with his body, he fell directly to the ground. At the interface between the neck and the body, Zira Zila smoked white smoke.

"He...he actually killed the little devil in one move!"

Zhang Xiulan looked at all of this incredible, just catching the eggs and still catching them. Vigorous kid, just died like this?

What's going on!

He is so powerful, why didn't he make a move just now?

Furthermore, this dagger went straight to the kid's neck. Obviously he could see the kid!

This youngster is obviously more powerful than this old man, but he can't stand it all the time.

Ning Tianlin did not speak, nor looked at the corpse of this little devil, and directly grabbed the body of the warlock who was on the verge of collapse, and carried him out. At the same time, he said to his parents younger sister, "Dad, mom, all right. Let's go."

Said, she walked out the door first.

Because he knew that there was no need to stay here at all. Just now, when he killed the kid, the sound of the battle strength system sounded in his ears.

"Congratulations to the host, the mission'Change the Destiny of Cao Dafa' has been completed. The reward points are 3000 points, which have been issued, please check."

The mission is complete!

Then why is Ning Tianlin staying here?

"What's wrong?"

"What happened just now?"

Ning Rong Chen Xi, who ran out of the door, was still a little confused, and didn't even know that What happened, and how well, this Xue Old Brother's egg has not been caught, and it has become so weak now.

Same as shooting eighteen times in one night.

"It’s okay. Mom and Dad, the matter has been resolved. You didn’t see that the dog’s eyes turned red just now. He must have used some method to kill the kid."

Speaking, he squeezed the very weak warlock with his hands.

"Yes. The old man just used a small method to kill this kid. Brother Old Ning, it's all right now. This Cao Dafa thing is over."

Jianghu warlock's arm hurts, and at the same time, seeing Ning Tianlin's eyes staring at him, I don't know what it means, and he hastily complied with Ning Tianlin's words. But he knew in his heart that this matter was never so simple!

Because Ning Rong and his wife only saw Ning Tianlin’s back and didn’t see the dagger in his hand, but Xue Gouwa saw it. Although mentally weak, the cold light flashing dagger was almost Liang blinded him.

Especially in an instant, the blade of this dagger heard the sound of Ziz, like the melting of ice and snow. Although he couldn't see it, he knew that it was definitely the dagger that was in contact with the little devil's body. sound!

That kid, absolute death is on this dagger! And this dagger is definitely a Magical Artifact!

Magical Artifact!

When he thinks of this, Xue Gouwa's breathing is a little short. You Ma, you snatched my Magical Artifact Reamer, and there is a Magical Artifact in his hand! Still an offensive Magical Artifact!

You know, Magical Artifact is hard to find, especially offensive Magical Artifact, even harder to find! If such a weapon is kept at home, it is definitely the best choice for the town house to settle down. The ghost, evil, and evil creature will run away when he sees it!

Who the hell are you Tama! Can get this thing!

Although I don’t know why Ning Tianlin didn’t let his parents know that he killed this kid by himself, but it’s not important anymore. They have walked out of that place now, his egg The egg is saved!

"Awesome, Xue Old Brother is amazing! You can even take care of this thing, it is amazing!"

Ning Rong’s words, from the heart, he now treats the old man in front of him, But admire the five-body head ground. Can watch Feng Shui, but also kill the little ghosts, especially the high moral character, divine poise and sagelike features, for the friendship of my son, I almost failed to keep the eggs that have existed for almost 70 years. What kind of sentiment is this? !

Heavy friends, I have nothing to say!

"It's just a coincidence, just make it together."

The warlock waved his hand weakly, not daring to admit it. What a shit! If I'm good, then your son won't be flying! He killed that kid in the end!

It's just that he also has a doubt in his heart, that is, the last blow of Ning Tianlin, whether he happened to kill this little devil with Magical Artifact, or killed him with a single knife, neat and straightforward.

It's just a coincidence, just make do, but if it is killed by a single blow, it will be great. This means that this youngster definitely has a Yin-Yang Eye, and there is no need for the opened Willow Tree leaves to wipe their eyes. Can see ghosts!

Furthermore, if you can see it, but you still don't make a move, you will almost be squeezed out of your egg, and now you have to walk with your crotch in between. How deep is this thought! Do my tamar have such a big grudge against you?

I don’t want to help if my egg is going to be broken!

On the contrary, look at me, how noble moral character is, I ran over as fast as you call me, climb a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of ​​fire, never die, follow me In comparison, the quality of your youngster is really bad!

"Modest, Xue Old Brother is too modest."

Ning Rong and his wife said very seriously.

"Eat this."

At this time, a medicine pill, dark green, and life recovery pill suddenly appeared in Ning Tianlin's hands, which can be used in extreme times. Recover from injuries, including mental, even further.

Expend fifty points of energy.

Ning Tianlin was originally not so generous, but when I thought of my 3,000 points this time, it can be said that almost all Xue Gouwa created were created by this Xue Gouwa. Not too reluctant at all.

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