Although it was just a random blow, Tu Lun was able to resolve it so easily, it was beyond his expectation.

At the very least, the tyrannical degree of Tulun Fleshy body absolutely surpasses Xinghuang realm, and even faintly reaches the level of Lord of Universe!

Weird, terrifying!


When he heard this, Tu Lun was shook the head, and his eyes were filled with deep disdain.

The look in his eyes is as if he was looking at a clown, simply not putting the other person in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his gaze and looked at the people in the black temple kneeling below, with endless anger and sorrow in his heart.

"Sorry, brethren, I'm late, I made you suffer!"


At the same time as the voice fell, a gentle force, The whole body of hundreds of black temple dísciples, instantly diffused.


Everyone in the Black Temple felt the force of one after another pulling upwards, slowly supporting them, and the power of self-destruct in their bodies was also the pressure of being born to return.

At this moment, they no longer need to be self-destructed!

Sorry, I suffered!

This simple sentence immediately made the Four Great War Generals of the Black Palace and hundreds of dísciples of the Black Palace, tears rained down again.

They have suffered all the humiliation and suffering, but now, the general Tu Lun of the Black Temple is here, indicating that their suffering is not in vain, and their waiting is not in vain!

"General Tu Lun, we are not suffering!"

The loud shouts exploded!

With the resounded of the roars of the people in the Black Temple, the envoys of various races immediately began to whisper one after another.

"That person is Tu Lun?"

"Hehe, who else is there besides him? I just didn't expect that people who have died in battle would appear alive. , And the battle strength has risen so much. It’s incredible."

"What is this, haven’t you heard of it? This Tu Lun was valued by Ning Tianlin because of his battle strength, and was selected as the Profound Yellow Sect. , Received as dísciple!"

"The sect master of Profound Yellow Sect is Ning Tianlin himself. What kind of means is Ning Tianlin, do you dare to imagine? A dísciple under the resurrection door, shouldn’t it be difficult?"

"No wonder Tu Lun dared to be so arrogant. It turned out that he had such a big capital. Yesterday, all the powerhouses in a city in the territory of the insect race were buried in his hands."

"Hey, this Tu Lun dare to call the array insect race so publicly, afraid to act according to Ning Tianlin's password?"

"If this is the case, it seems that the trouble of today's insect race must be small. No, then Ning Tianlin will probably show up too!"

"tsk tsk, it's too early for you to say this, right?"

"Insect race is more than just chatting about pictures. For such a powerhouse, let’s not talk about whether Ning Tianlin will show up, even if he does show up in the insect race, and the insect race patriarch is here, I don’t know who will win and who will win."


Tu Lun heard some of the whispers from below, but he was only laughed.

Turn his gaze toward Youtu, but Tu Lun's eyes became cold and cold.

"Nay Youtu, you tortured and killed my Brother Black Palace, such a blood feud, if it were not for your dog's head, I am afraid it would be difficult to wash shua!"


In the presence of the messengers of various races, being provoked by Tu Lun, a young kid, even if Youtu has a gloomy personality, it is difficult to look at his face at this moment.

Just when Niyoutu was about to go wild.

"Nice pictures!"

"You dignified insect race powerhouse, you even attacked the juniors from behind, you really lost the face of insect race!"

The icy voice with temptation also slowly spread from the distant void.

Is someone coming to the insect race again? Moreover, still call Tu Lun a junior? Who will this person be!

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Hearing this sudden sound, the countless line of sight on the spectator stand moved up in an instant, and then, I saw a shocking scene.

I saw that in the distant void of the insect race headquarters, there is a silhouette coming from the wind, and finally floating in the sky.

oh la la!

The pretty silhouette that suddenly appeared, suddenly made the people on the square commotion again.

Beauty, it is so beautiful, with a frown and a smile, it is enough to charm all beings!

At this moment, under this form, everyone's focus is no longer there, but amazed by the silhouette of the battle strength, it turned out to be a powerhouse of the Lord of Universe!

Seeing this, many people are sucked in a breath of cold air in their hearts.

This is just the beginning. Not only Tu Lun appeared, but also a Lord of Universe appeared. The situation of the insect race today is getting worse and worse!

In the great hall, the insect race patriarch who has been paying attention to the situation here, his face is slowly gloomy, lifts the head, his gaze is like a perspective space, until it is empty.

This person, he recognizes, is the remnant of Earth!

She is the patriarch of the fox family, surnamed Su, who survived the ancient Earth. She is named Fei, Su Fei!

However, insect race patriarch did not intend to do it himself. This Sophie is not to be afraid. The one who has never appeared there is the one who has the most variables.

That person is Ning Tianlin!

Forcibly enduring the killing intent in my heart, insect race patriarch will once again look back and watch the development of the situation.

He believes that Sophie, the remnant of a trifling Earth, and Youtu himself can still handle it.

"Hehe, who am I supposed to be, with such a big tone, the stray dog ​​back then, dare to speak so much?"

"Hundreds of millions of years ago, the powerhouse of the ancient Earth There are countless deaths and injuries, today, it will be the same kind of ending!"

The sneer of Youtu suddenly brought one after another whisper of surprise in the square.

Sure enough, this woman is the powerhouse of the ancient Earth, and the enemy of the insect race!

I saw Sophie standing in the void. She ignored the yelling words of Youtu, but gently nodded to Tu Lun who was standing aside.

Immediately afterwards, her gaze turned, looking in the direction of Nai Youtu, a cold smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

oh la la!

With a flick of the slender jade hand, more than a dozen delicate boxes the size of a human head were slowly swept down by her.

"Take the quiet picture, and you can speak quickly."

"However, I am better than you. I will come to the insect race today and I will give it to you first. Give it a great gift!"


Just as Sophie’s words fell, all the boxes that fell to the ground were opened, one after another heads rolled out one after another!

After seeing the appearance of the human head, a frightened voice came from the elite insect race in the battle stage.

"Master Youtu, these heads are the heads of my insect race guard and Young Master of the ghost beetle!"

What, heads!

These words made De Na Youtu's complexion suddenly change, and he looked down incredulously.

"My son, ghost shell beetle!"

As the narcissistic picture of Number One Person under the insect race patriarch, there are people so bold that they dare to kill his son.

This is absolutely unbearable!

"You? Did you do it?"

In the eyes of Youtu, murderous intention splashed!

"Of course, no effort at all!"


In Sophie's mouth, these simple words make it easy His eyes were instantly scarlet.

"no effort at all?"

"Okay, so Sophie, I didn't kill you in the ancient Earth, what a mistake!"

Nacking the gnashing teeth of ghastly hatred, at this moment, he just wants to devour this Sophie alive, in order to avenge the bereaved son!

"You destroyed my insect race dozens of guards, and killed my son, the scorpion beetle. This is a heinous crime and unforgivable!"

"Now, you still have the courage, We openly appear in our insect race, I really think I have lived too long!" After finishing speaking, Youtu turned his gaze, loudly said to the envoys of various races and the elite insect race around.

"Everyone, this person's name is Sophie. It is the remnant of the surviving ancient Earth. Everyone will get it!"

"Now, as long as some of you catch her If you live, you can enter the upper level of my insect race. In addition, I have a great reward for chanting Youtu!" , So that all the elite insect race around, as well as some messengers, went completely crazy.

Enter the top of the insect race! There is also a great reward from Lord Youtu!’s just flying in one day!

When a high reward is offered, brave men will come forward, at the moment, some diehard insect race messengers and insect race elites, the fear in their eyes, completely disappeared.

Instead, there is a strong greed and madness. They are willing to give it a try for future prosperity!

"My, this woman, is mine!"

"Kill, I only need to catch her, then I can become a high-ranking member of the clan, when the time comes to seal the borders Crack the soil and dominate the party!"

"Catch, catch this damn Earth remnant!"



In an instant, nearly a thousand elite insect races, as if crazy, rushed towards Sophie hiding the sky and covering the earth.

The scene of thousands of people armed with knives and riots, as if to shatter the entire insect race square, was shocking.

Seeing this scene, the gloomy complexion of Youtu was also instantly excited.

"Kill her and give this person to pieces!"

The corners of Youtu's mouth were grinning thickly, although he hated Sophie very much, but The sanity is still there.

This matter is great for the messengers of all races to take action. After this feud, they will never look back. They can only follow the insect race and seek protection.

Even if he loses, he is trying to subdue Sophie, it is not too late, a trifling weak woman, he really didn't pay attention to it.

Only, at this moment, Sophie was so cold on the pretty face, she cast a relieved look at Tu Lun, and then turned her gaze to the surging insect race people.

As if looking at a group of ignorant trivial ant.

"Today, I will use your blood to test my Fox Race secret technique! Use your blood to wash away the shame I suffered from the ancient Earth!"

After that, she slowly lifted her slender jade hand upwards, making a strange gesture on her chest.

xiu xiu xiu!

one after another An extremely enchanting aura, and a hint of cold icy aura, flashed out of his palms.

Two breaths of different energies, like two dragon-like swimming, are mixed and entwined with each other.

One point, another point.

A sphere of energy mixed with white and pink, slowly condensed, half charm, half cold.

The irresistible Death Aura, from the inside of the energy sphere, constantly diffuses out, like a thorny rose, making everyone's footsteps stagnant.

At this time.

"You guys, go to hell!"

As Sophie's words fell, the pink and white ball between his hands was thrown at everyone.


Suddenly, a terrifying explosion resounded, and immediately afterwards, all the shocking scenes appeared.

ka ka ka!

The pink energy of hiding the sky and covering the earth, coupled with the horrifying ice air, instantly covered everyone in the insect race.

A insect race elite, just approaching, she was charmed by the pink energy, unconscious.

oh la la!

Loss of consciousness and drooling, this group of insect race elites, at this moment, seems like a fool who has been dazzled by desire.

At the same time, the air of ice followed, and in a flash, it enveloped all the elites of the insect race.

ka beng!

The freezing cold almost froze them into ice sculptures, and then the fleshy bodies began to shatter and crumble into slag!


The sound of mournful scream resounded endlessly. These people seemed to be experiencing something terrifying, screaming screaming.

It is frightening.

At this moment, death spread.

Ten people!

A hundred people!

Five hundred people!


The area around Sophie's body has completely become a bloody abattoir. The ice slag of the corpses and the sharp bones make the scalp burst. .

Until the charm of the air and the air of ice slowly dissipated, the thousands of people who originally rushed over, only a few messengers and scattered insect race elites remained.


At this moment, the envoys of all races seemed to have drained all their strength, and lost one's head out of fear standing in place.


It's so dead!

Thousands of elite insect races were wiped out by one move, leaving only a few scattered, frightened people.

This... is simply unbelievable.

How come!

How could he be so strong, he swallowed fiercely, he just felt his Martial Artist view, completely collapsed!

Kill thousands of people in one blow!

Light the enemy!

This, even if he is also the Lord of Universe, he does not necessarily guarantee that he can do this with one blow.

Not only him, but even Tu Lun next to him was deeply shocked by Sophie's methods.

very ruthless, ruthless!

This is the method of the ancient Earth powerhouse. He looked at Sophie's eyes, full of strong worship.

"Fox Race, the awakening skill, this is a fascinating cold!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, Fox Race, this bloodline skill, only one in ten thousand may be able to awaken !"

Suddenly thinking of something silly, his mind trembled, and he looked at the corpse fragments and the dense bones in front of him, his face was full of incredible.

Hearing this horrified voice, the remaining elite insect races in the battle stage were completely scared and paralyzed.

Charm cold, one charm, one cold, murder and invisible!

They have never seen such a weird and terrifying method. In the fluttering and fluttering, they burst and die. This is simply the most evil and enchanting killer move.


At this moment, Sophie's footsteps suddenly sounded, and she step by step, walking slowly toward the front.

With the fall of each step of her, whether it is the messengers of various races, or the few remaining elite insect races, the cold sweat on each forehead is flowing down densely.

It seems that Sophie’s feet are not stepping on the void, but on their deep in one's heart.

This makes everyone tremble. Fortunately, Sophie’s goal is not here.

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