
"How could there be no!"

"I just came down from here clearly, and I saw all of them Dead here, how could there be none!"

Lin Jiayi looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief, completely dumbfounded, she just ran out from the sixth floor, the innermost house. Yes, at that time blood flowing into a river, the door fell to the ground, but now, there is nothing left.

The door of the room is still hung on the wall, and the floor is covered with dust.

In this situation, what is it like a dead room!

"Is it that I remembered wrong?"

Lin Jiayi was a little dazed, and quickly pushed all the doors of the rows aside, but what made her incredible is that, No! There are no dead bodies in all the rooms! And there are no traces of fighting!

"How...how could it be..."

Lin Jiayi shook the head with some unbelievers, and suddenly eyes shined, "Yes!"

"Not necessarily the sixth layer!"

"It may be that I remember the floor wrong!"

"Maybe it is 5-Layer!"

Hurrying to take father's hand, rushed to the fifth floor, but to her disappointment, there was no fifth floor! It's all covered with dust, and there are simply no dead bodies!


"It must be in 4-Layer!"

Lin Jiayi feels a little dizzy in his mind, why not Well, quickly moved towards the fourth floor and rushed, but this time, she didn't hold father's hand again, because her heart was a little shaken.

She just rushed down from the sixth layer! And when you throw money down from the window, I remember clearly that it is the sixth layer!


"Still no!"

Lin Jiayi leaned on the corridor, his eyes blank, how could this be? Could it be that it just happened Everything is a dream?


"It must be your bodyguard. He has hidden the body! Isn't it?"

Seeing father also follow After getting down, Lin Jiayi asked. Only in this case, she said that she was weak, because she felt that it was basically impossible. The five corpses may be hidden, but the blood stains, the door that was knocked down!

Where are the traces of the fight?

How to eliminate this?

It is impossible to do it so fast even with water!

"What did you say?"

Lin Shuang did not answer, but asked rhetorically.

However, he was faintly shaken at this time, because what his daughter is doing now does not seem to be acting at all! The despair in the daughter's eyes is not like pretending. Moreover, as of now, there is no need for such a quibble.

Is there really such a thing as kidnapping?

However, this idea just came up, and was suppressed by him again, because it is basically impossible! If there is really a corpse, how could he not see it, and there is not even a hint of it!

"Let's go."

"Don't stay here anymore."

"Whether you lied to father or not, this matter is over. "

"Interrupting the youngster's hands and feet, just to teach him a lesson."

The confusion in his daughter's eyes also made Lin Shuang very distressed. He was not unwilling. Believing in his daughter is just such a thing, he only believes in the facts that he sees in front of him. But then, after thinking about it, he said, "Don't worry, I will let someone take him to the hospital and connect his hands and feet."

"Now let him suffer a bit, always He is older than in the future and suffers more hardship! This kind of person needs a lesson!"

As he said, he took up the hand of Lin Jiayi, who had no gods, and walked towards the stairs. go.

The three floors below, don’t need to search, it doesn’t make any sense anymore.

Furthermore, the fighting outside, it is estimated that there will be results.


"What's the matter!"

"How can this happen!"

"What about others!" "

Out of the stairs, Lin Shuang looked at everything in front of him incredible, because the scene in front of him was simply not what he thought. Indeed, someone fell to the ground and moaned, but it was not the youngster, but his five bodyguards!

All of them clutched their legs and feet, and wailed in pain!

Even when he saw a bodyguard's ankle, there was a bone pierced out and it was scarlet.

It was his driver who was also stupid, with a blank face, as if he had seen something incredible.

The youngster has long disappeared.

"Lin...Mr. Lin, you are down."

Seeing Lin Shuang coming out of the stairs, the driver shivered suddenly. , Hurriedly moved towards Lin Shuang and rushed over, just talking, seeming a little incoherent.

"What's going on!"

"What about others!"

Although he had faintly realized what had happened, Lin Shuang frowned and asked. Because how is this possible! You know, his five bodyguards are all the trump cards of well-known bodyguard companies, and he hired them back at a high price.

How could you lose to a youngster who is seventeen or eighteen years old!

Once, when he saw one of them with his own eyes, he beat the three people who came to him to seek revenge!

Now, five people are going together, how come it is like this!

"They...broken hands and feet."

The driver was a little grateful that he didn't go there just now. If not, he would definitely have to add another person if he fell on the ground now. , A little scared said, "Mr. Lin, that kid is definitely not an ordinary person, he is too skillful."

"I just opened my eyes and looked at everything, but I was really surprised that I didn't see him. How did you do it!"

"They shook their bodies a few times, and they became like this."

The driver swallowed, always feeling that what just happened was like Mengmeng, five big guys, were actually scrapped by a youngster! And the waste is so thorough. Especially when the youngster left, his eyes were so sharp and ruthless, as if he was being followed by a wolf.


"Now you believe it is true."

At this time, Lin Jiayi on the side spoke up, " I have seen his skill with my own eyes, killing five people in a row without any pause!"

"Even if a person has a gun in his hand, he will still be killed!"

Lin Jiayi didn’t know why she didn’t see everything related upstairs, but she believed that everything that just happened to her was true! How could she have a play with the youngster director, as father said, Come lie to your own father!

Furthermore, the youngster just took out a hundred yuan of life-saving he wrote in his blood, but they are all true. Without it, the youngster would not come!

"Dad, maybe he covered up everything and dispose of all five corpses."

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Jiayi is eyes shined , Said to his father. As for what means the other party used to smooth everything out, she didn't care at all! She just wanted to prove that everything just now was true and that the youngster really saved her life!

Only this time, Lin Shuang didn't speak, his firm expression just now was swayed, and he looked in the direction of Ning Tianlin's disappearance, not knowing what he was thinking.

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