
Only this time, Ning Tianlin took the phone and his face turned dark, because it was his father who was calling, not Ning Tian Xin, sighed, what happened to this family today, just don't let him kiss and enjoy Warm Countryside.

But I still involuntarily slid the phone and asked, "Dad, what's the matter?"

"Tianlin, where are you now? What's the matter with the bodyguard? This Mr. Shen wants to talk to you." After connecting, Shen Rong directly explained his intentions, and at the same time passed the mobile phone in his hand to Shen Rong next to him.

"Mr. Ning, Mr. Ning, this is Shen Rong."

Shen Rong's voice soon came over the phone.

Shen Hao is also a little helpless. He just wanted to find a breakthrough from Ning Tianlin’s parents and family, and wanted to lower the price of the bodyguard, but the other party directly stated that no matter what kind of thing, there is Talk to your son about something.

At the same time, Ning Tianlin's mobile phone number was dialed.

"I know, you said it." Ning Tianlin's voice is a little cold and full of resentment, when are you not going to do it, you have to pick this kind of time, it will be a ghost if you can lower the price this time!

"Mr. Ning, where are you now? Let's meet and talk?"

After all, it is a major event of one billion yuan. How can he be rich in Shen Hao? , And I don’t want the parties to see each other, just a phone call. Besides, one billion cash, he really couldn't get it out all of a sudden.

But just now, he was shocked by the great generosity of this family, buying a mansion for 1.6 billion! It's really extravagant. Don't want it, and it seems that you don't plan to make a down payment, but pay it all at once.

Who is this family? Never heard of it, is it a real predator hidden in the business world?

"This is not necessary." Ning Tianlin directly refused, "One billion, a penny will not be less. If you bargain with me again, I will hang up."

Ning Tianlin knew that he was going to be higher, and it was ridiculously high, but what about it, the other party's life could not be guaranteed, he would definitely pay for this money! After all, no matter how much money is, how can life be important!

"Mr. Ning, I...but I really can’t get so much money at one time."

Shen Hao has a bloody heart, this But one billion, one-fifth of his wealth!

"If you don't have any money, say something!" Ning Tianlin despised in his heart, but still coldly said, "Then sorry, Mr. Shen, we need to terminate this call."



"Mr. Ning, although I don’t have so much cash, I can transfer the company’s shares. I don’t know if Mr. Ning wishes Not willing?"

Shen Hao is anxious, all his mind is now on this bodyguard, if not, he will really die, but he knows the strength of this assassin, from that kind of place Come out, and never missed it!

If he didn't learn the news from a channel by accident, he might not know how he would die in the future.


Ning Tianlin was taken aback, but immediately followed by a joy in his heart. As long as he is willing to sell the shares, it is good to have shares in this entertainment company. You can also have more say in sister matters.


Furthermore, now that my business map has just begun, it is inevitable to enter the entertainment industry. It is much more convenient to be able to acquire ready-made shares than to start from scratch. It's just that since he has received shares, how can he Ning Tianlin satisfy this billion!

If you want to come, you must come, and it must be an absolute controlling stake.

In this way, in the future, I will add a variety of black technologies in film and television to dominate the film industry, which is also a starting point.

"Mr. Shen, shares are okay, but since it comes to shares, I won’t talk secretly." Ning Tianlin directly expressed his attitude, "You now hold 51% of Universal Entertainment The total value of the shares is 1.8 billion, which means that the market value of your Huanyu is around 10 billion."

"If you agree, I will send someone over to discuss the acquisition of Huanyu Group. .When the time comes, as long as the agreement is reached, your life is the life of my subordinates, and I will take care of you."

"Of course, free service, this billion, even if it saves you Come down."

Ning Tianlin is not afraid that the other party will not agree. It is very simple. If you do not agree with the shares, then I will not agree with the bodyguard. I want to see that your money is important. Still your life is important.

Furthermore, he didn't take the opportunity to fiercely lower the price. He would use commercial means to discuss how much it should be.


"You want to buy shares in the group!"

When Shen Hao heard it, his hands trembled, he didn't expect The other party's appetite is so big that they want to buy Universal Entertainment! You know, he is the president of this group, and the acquisition of the group means the acquisition of the power in his hands!

When the time comes, Huanyu Entertainment is not surnamed Shen, but Ning!

Especially when I heard that the other party was so clear about Huanyu's financial situation, I was even more surprised!

"Impossible! This is an impossible thing!"

Shen Hao directly refused. You must know that his company’s wealth is good now, and the entertainment industry industry chain is overwhelming in recent years. The income is higher than the year, and it is completely a golden rooster laying eggs. Selling the shares now is a complete stunner to kill the chicken to keep warm.

"Since it is impossible, then forget it."

Ning Tianlin hung up the phone directly. If you don't sell the shares, why should my bodyguard sell it to you, even though it is a billion Renminbi's rent is very expensive. He Ning Tianlin can make a lot of money, but would he care about this little money?

Furthermore, in the future, the world's top bodyguard company will be established, which will serve all kinds of top wealthy people and will not care about you.

"Mr. Ning!"

"Mr. Ning!"

Seeing that the phone has displayed the busy tone, Shen proudly wanted to drop the phone on On the ground, but when I thought that this was for Old Feng's cell phone, and the other family was here, I just endured it for a long time.

At this time, it was not a time to get angry.

"Tianlin, is this Huanyu Group doing TV movies?"

Hang up the phone, Shu Yishan next to him was a little surprised and confused.

"Do you know?" Ning Tianlin didn't expect Shu Yishan to know it.

"I just heard about it. Many movies show which company is made at the beginning." Shu Yishan thought for a while, "I remember, Hong Kong, Thai, and the like, it was them. The company organized the filming."

"Well, that's them." Ning Tianlin nodded, he really didn't notice this. He only knows what Xu Zheng is the director of Tai Yu.


I heard Ning Tianlin admit that Shu Yishan directly sucked in a cold breath of air. She didn’t expect that her boyfriend in front of her had such a great ability to acquire such a huge one. Film and Television Group.

Although she doesn't know how big this film and television group really is, she just heard about it, at least 10 billion.

What the hell does my boyfriend's house do! Why are you so rich!

Are they all dealing with him?

Note: The fourth update today.

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