"en. ”

You are young and the flowers are blooming!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, a kiss Fangze, for solving the 18-year virgin body, and special rewards of two thousand essence points."

In the arms of Ning Tianlin When Shu Yishan hugged and fell asleep, the sound of the battle strength system sounded in his ears, but maybe he was too tired, but he did not hear the prompt sound of the system.


Ning Tianlin woke up this time, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and at this time, Shu Yishan was lying on his body with his eyes wide open. , Looked at him very seriously. Seeing that Ning Tianlin woke up, his face turned red, and he quickly found an excuse, "Are you hungry? I let the chef cook for us."

"Hungry." Ning Tianlin wanted to laugh, use Gently scratched the tip of Shu Yishan's nose with his fingers, and stood up at the same time, "Well, let's cook together."


It's in Ning Tianlin When the two of them were busy in the kitchen, Shen Hao, president of Universal Entertainment, walked around in their villa.

Sit down from the sofa for a while, then walk around the room again, unsure and nervous, like a needle blanket. He turned his head from time to time, looking back and forth at something.

It’s just that all the windows have been sealed, and you can’t see anything outside.

Besides him, there are also outside the door, on the corridor, and even outside the courtyard. There are many tall black clothed persons standing, patrolling back and forth. Even the suits in their arms are bulging, and anyone with a discerning eye will know that they are weapons!

These black clothed persons are not other people, and they are exactly one hundred bodyguards whom Shen Hao spent all afternoon. A total of three days to protect him, cost a million.

As for why it was three days, it was because the youngster named Ning told him that the other party would choose to do it tonight. Therefore, he must deploy a wide range of defenses. As long as the opponent comes tonight and he really spends it, he will simply not consider the transfer of shares in the future.

These people can cope with it, and even your one billion bodyguards do it!

It's just that he also knows that if he can't make it tonight, he won't have any chance to hire him in this life. In order to guard against the unexpected, he sent his wife, child, to another place early.

After all, the other party wants his own life, not his family.

Because of this, he couldn't fall asleep at night, and he didn't even dare to close his eyes. For fear that he would close his eyes and he would never have a chance to open them again.

Also, he also wants to see if the information provided by the youngster is inaccurate, will the killer come, if it is true, the youngster is too terrifying, he didn’t say anything, the other party He has already investigated all his own information, and even knows who his enemy is.

This method is already a bit scary.

"Mr. Shen, you really don’t need to be like this. Since you leave your life to our guardian, we will take care of you. Please trust us."

" What you should do now is to lie on the sofa and watch TV and sip tea, instead of coming and going here."

The person speaking is a middle age person who is also dressed in black cloth. Shen Hao is not far away. I have already despised this fear of death in my heart. A hundred people are serving as bodyguards for him. What are they afraid of!

At the very least, they have been in the bodyguard industry for so many years, and they have never given out a hundred resources at a time to protect one person.

The richer you are, the more you are afraid of death!

He doesn't believe that there is who can kill Shen Rong under the eyes of so many people, especially he also arranged three snipers to guard in the distance. Their top bodyguard company, not to mention sniper rifles, even tanks, can get you on the battlefield in the Middle East.

I dare not say anything else. In this battle, even if a fly comes, it can definitely be destroyed with one shot.

It's all like this, and I'm afraid of woolen yarn!

It’s just that Shen Hao didn’t reply, or said that he didn’t want to talk to him because he still concealed one thing, that is, he didn’t tell the other party that he wanted to assassinate him this time, Inner Sect from Cangmen , Instead of ordinary Cangmen.

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