"No way!"

"Your dad and I firmly disagree!"

The woman directly vetoed it, her tone was strong, without any Room for negotiation. "Your dad and I have hands and feet. You don't need to worry about what to do with us. You go to your school and think about it!"

The middle-aged man did not speak, but was sighed. Then he bent down, took the admission notice on the coffee table in his hand, opened it gently, and looked at the "Dear Ning Tianxin, congratulations on being admitted as a major in the Performance Department of Beijing North Art Academy. Bring this notice to the school to report to school on September 3, 2007." The words were stunned.

He knows that behind this admission notice is his daughter's hard work and dedication for more than ten years. Countless days and nights, bending over and stretching, exercising flexibility, natural beauty, and studying hard, only then blazed a trail in the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

You must know that this Beijing North Art Academy is not something anyone wants to go to. I learned a few days ago that my daughter was admitted to this Peak Art Academy. I don’t know how many others are envied. Neighbors even joked that if Ning Xin becomes famous in the future, she must remember them.

The big brother Ning Tianlin was also very excited at the time, jokingly asked her to contact for autographs now.

It’s just that the notice is mailed home now, but things have remained the same, but people have changed, things have remained the same, but people have changed. The son is dead, and the daughter is not willing to go to school. They have to stay at home to accompany them and take care of them. This made Ning Rong, who has always been optimistic and alive, suddenly feel that God is so unfair!

Ning Rong is exactly Ning Tianlin, the father of Ning Tianxin.

"No matter!"

"I will stay at home and find a job with us and stay with you."

Ning Tianxin Pouting, his eyes are red, and tears are rolling in his eyes, and he seems to be crying soon.


"You are going to piss your mother!"

Chen Xi's lips were shaking, her voice trembled, and she looked extremely excited. She could not have imagined that her always well-behaved daughter would make such a show for herself. The death of her son has made her heartache, and now, she doesn't know what to say.

He leaned heavily on the sofa, dressed coarsely.

At this time, Lin Rong sighed and faintly opened the mouth and said, "Tianxin, it's not that my parents disagree, but that there is no discussion at all!"

"Son is already not in, and we will not let our daughter catch up with the happiness of his life, and stay at home with our old couple."

"Dad knows that you are kind and worried about both of us. Can’t think about it, but don’t worry, when your dad is here to promise you that after you go to school, we will take care of yourself and not worry you."

The voice is dull and decisive.

Speaking, without waiting for Ning Tianxin to reply, she got up from her seat and walked out of the house without looking back.

In this room, the depression made him breathless, and he wanted to go out and breathe.

"Dad, Mom, I...I just want to be with you..."

Seeing father suddenly a little rickety back, Ning Tian Xin's tears couldn't help anymore, and the crash-bang fell.



"I didn't find out!"

"No news at all? "

Jinchuan City.

In a luxuriously decorated, splendorous and majestic office, Lin Shuang leaned against a soft chair, frowning while listening to the report. You know, his subordinate is originally from the army to engage in intelligence.

Moreover, after years of training, both government officials and Three Doctrines and Nine Philosophies have their source channels.

Investigating a person is often easy.

But now, there is no news of the other party, especially they still have the portrait of the young man in their hands!

Yes, portrait.

After they came back, they started investigating each other's appearance, but they still had photos in their hands! The driver had taken a few photos when he started working at Ning Tianlin, but when checked afterwards, all were fuzzy.

Don't talk about the front face, even the silhouette of the back is not contoured.

But you must know that this driver’s phone is an Apple VII, which is known as the best camera phone in the world. It was taken at close range, but the other person’s silhouette was not captured! The strangest thing is that several bodyguards who were brutally beaten around were clearly photographed.

It is the splash of blood, some of which are shown in the picture!

Especially when seeing these photos, Lin Jiayi's face is even more ugly, which confirms her thoughts, that youngster is probably not a human! It was a ghost who rescued himself!

At the time, the other party was wearing a shroud! Is there any normal person who would wear a shroud and come out for activities!

It's just that she didn't tell her father about this probability, because if she did, everyone would regard herself as a mental disorder. In these last days of Dharma, almost no one would think that there really are ghosts in the world.

So, in the end, everyone can only use their own memories to depict the appearance of Ning Tianlin. However, due to the existence of those bodyguards, plus the appearance of the well-known painter, Ning Tianlin, they also portrayed bits and pieces.

After all, these people have been professionally trained, and there is a course in bodyguards that is specifically trained in how to remember and describe each other's appearance.

Finally, with this portrait of Ning Tianlin, Lin Shuang asked people to find the unit leader in charge of this aspect, but after scanning and comparing, there was no photo with this in the information database. The picture drawn is hooked!

Not even ten percent!

This person was surprised again, because this kind of situation has never happened before. It is not the person, but there should be similarities. Every time we compare, there are so many similarities. man of!

Now, there is no one!

This makes everyone deeply puzzled. Could it be that their portraits are all wrong?


"Still not."

The person who came in was a lean man, moved towards Lin Shuangzhen reported.

He is also a bit weird. It stands to reason that there shouldn’t be no information at all. He even used the people of Three Doctrines and Nine Philosophies, and published the appearance of this person in QQ groups, WeChat groups, and post bars. Even a huge bounty was issued, but as a result, there was still no.

If the other party is in this city, that is, the suburbs, counties, or even villages, this is absolutely impossible! Someone should have called him long ago!

You know, the amount of reward he offered is one million! There will definitely be countless people tempted!

But now, the mobile phone number he left has never been thought of because of this matter.

"Okay, you can go down."

"But this matter, you must continue to investigate, one or two days can't do a month, one or two months can't do a year! This person, I must know who it is!"

He must figure out this matter. There are still too many questions that make him wonder. If he doesn’t figure it out, he will not sleep well.


The thin man was nodded, and then backed out.

"Jiayi, don't think about this matter, and go to school. The notice is already in Dad's hands, or you can bring it up for a few days and relax."

"I've found someone to arrange a place for you near the school. I think it's better for you to go to school or live outside. You should also bring the nanny who has been taking care of you at home. In this way, I am more at ease in life."

Lin Shuang thought for a while, picked up the phone, and called his daughter Lin Jiayi. On his desk, there was a letter of admission. The address was from "Siyuan University in Beijing". A second-rate undergraduate college.

His plan is for his daughter to stay there for a year or two, and then think of a way to send it abroad to study, plated with gold.


"I got it."

Lin Jiayi on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, nodded.

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