
Ning Tianlin clasped his palms into claws, reached into the water, and directly caught a wet, oily carp, and then The hand raised the knife and dropped it, fiercely inserted the battle strength dagger into the fish's abdomen.

Unplug then!

In this scene, I saw the fish-selling Boss silly. He didn’t expect that the youngster in front of him was so vigorous. You know, the surface of the fish’s body is very smooth, like oily. Almost no one can grab it from the water with one hand.

He who has sold fish for a lifetime can't do it! !

But this youngster, but one hand hold blade, catching fish with one hand, is not smooth, and the skill and strength of the knife, he can't compare with anyone who has killed fish for a lifetime! A knife can always kill the fish! You know, every time he kills a fish, he presses the fish on the chopping board, stuns its head with a mallet, and then moves the knife.

And this youngster, with his hand holding a knife, in one go, he is a little dizzy when he sees it. Even he had a faint illusion that the dagger in the youngster's hand was scattering blue light under the light.

Moreover, what makes him most strange is that this youngster does not seem to buy fish for food. How can anyone kill so many fish to eat at once? One hundred thousand sticks, which means that one hundred people will not be able to eat it for a whole year!

And one year, this fish has long been stinking!

Also, this youngster simply won't let others help, these fishes can only be killed by himself! If someone killed one on purpose, he would pay 10,000 yuan less!

"Perhaps, at his speed, it is really possible to kill these fish in three days!"

One hundred thousand fish, of course, it is impossible to supply them all at once. They were piled together, similar to a small hill, and his fish shop couldn't fit it. Finally, Ning Tianlin suggested that 30,000 pieces a day would be supplied and killed in three and a half days.

Originally, his boss's proposal for this youngster was snort disdainfully, killing 30,000 fish a day, what is that concept?

Twenty-four hours a day, 86,400 seconds. Kill 30,000 fish in a day, it is equivalent to kill one in three seconds! If there is a machine, he can't do it with a knife, a boss who has killed a fish for a lifetime!

Moreover, this is still 24 hours of continuous work! Sleepless!

If it is cut by half and work 12 hours a day, then it is equivalent to kill one in 1.5 seconds!

Who can achieve this speed!

Just catch the fish, you can't catch it in 1.5 seconds!

But now, his Boss is really shocked, the youngster in front of him, from catching fish to slaughter, in one go, it only takes one second! This speed can be called a miracle! Makes his eyes a little bit unable to keep up!

This kind of speed can't even kill him!

"How much energy do you have now?"

About half an hour later, Ning Tianlin in the heart asked the battle strength system. He made a rough calculation. In this half an hour, he killed about 1,800 pieces, an average of 60 pieces per minute.

Speed ​​is not unpleasant!

"Three points."

The battle strength system answered very simply.


"Three o'clock?"

Ning Tianlin couldn't believe his ears. There were more than 1,800 carps, but only Three o'clock? You know, not counting the time spent by himself, just money, he spent nearly 10,000 yuan!

A small 10,000 yuan, only three points in exchange?

"I once said that an adult’s life can get a little bit of energy, and three points of energy is three lives. You think three lives are compared with the lives of 1,800 carps, Which is more important?"

Xing Zhan system coldly said, as if a little dissatisfied with Ning Tianlin's questioning.


Ning Tianlin didn't reply, because after such a calculation, it seemed that he had earned it by himself. More than 500 carps have been equivalent to one life! Estimated to be three o'clock, there is a decimal point behind it, and it's almost four o'clock.

That is a life, almost worth five hundred points of energy.

It's just that Ning Tianlin is a little unwilling, because if he counts it this way, even if he kills all these 100,000 carps, he will spend more than 500,000 yuan, and he will earn 200 points of essence if he is dead.

What can you do with this little energy?

I can’t even learn the seven chapters of the mysterious technique "Soul Control"! He clearly remembered that he wanted to directly penetrate this skill throughout his body and use it skillfully, but it would take five hundred points of energy!

500 points of essence, the cost alone is more than 2.5 million!

This makes Ning Tianlin a little confused, so much money, he doesn't have it now!

But he is not unhappy, because even the current 600,000 renminbi are given to him by the battle strength system for nothing. Moreover, the battle strength system has said that as a host, he will not worry about money in the future. When the money is gone, he would like to see how the battle strength system fulfills its promise!

As long as you have money, you can exchange a thousand carps for a little energy, so what's the problem! It's just the number of fish that you killed, it took a lot of effort!



"shua!" great cause. He did not use these essences to strengthen himself and upgrade, but to store them all as points, because compared with the current upgrade, he is more like to see what the battle strength system exchange platform is like!

Xing Zhan said to it that when the essence reaches a certain point, the exchange platform will automatically open for him.

"Fifty o'clock"

"Sixty o'clock!"

When Ning Tianlin kept slaughtering more than ten without eating or drinking When he was young, he had accumulated enough energy points for sixty points. And the fish killed more than 36,000! His crazy behavior really stunned the boss of this fish shop.

He has never seen a person who is so interested in killing fish that he can work continuously for more than ten hours!

What kind of hatred is this towards fish!

"Is he practicing Blade Technique?"

Boss has long no longer regarded Ning Tianlin as an ordinary person. This kind of speed and accuracy of knife release, which is ordinary? What person can do is probably if he wields a dagger for an hour, his arms and legs will become numb.


"It must be!"

"You must be using fish, practicing some kind of sword skills!"

Boss in the heart affirmed. Originally, he shouldn't bother the other party in this situation, but after checking the time, he still brace oneself and said, "youngster, take a break and come back tomorrow."

"I'm going to close the door. "

It's eleven o'clock in the evening now, and he is going to close and go home to sleep.

Originally, sometimes he was too late and would make do with the fish shop for one night, but now, he feels a little scary, because at the moment, the small house is full of fish. More than 36,000 dead bodies! More fish than he killed in a year!

It's bloody, bloody.

Even on the ground, it's all blood!

The nerves that made him accustomed to the fishy smell were a bit unbearable.

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