






A total of eight people, each with a bright red number on top of their heads, let Ning Tianlin see For a moment. It was this dog's head that was also marked with a "six".

"This number represents the opponent's battle strength?"

Ning Tianlin guessed that it meant this, but still asked.

"Yes, this is the simplest answer and the most direct way of expression. As for the small attribute classification, it is useless to tell you now, and there is no time, and you will gradually learn about it in the future. "Xing Zhan answered quite simply.

"If this is the case, the trouble will be great!"

When Ning Tianlin sees the opponent's battle strength, almost all of them are not much different from themselves, and there is even one more than himself. When it is higher, it will be speechless. In this lineup, even if you have three of them, don't even think about charge ahead, let alone kill one or two of the opponents and bury yourself.

"Are you afraid?"

Abruptly, Xing Zhan's voice sounded in his mind.


"How can I be afraid!"

Ning Tianlin sneered, "I can't wait to eat the other party's meat and drink the other party's blood now! How can I be afraid!"

"I'm still alive, if I really die, the other party will feed my body to the dog. The most sad and painful thing is my parents' younger sister! My Ning Tianlin in this life Maybe I am afraid of many things, but whoever dares to make my parents sad, I dare to kill his whole family!"

Ning Tianlin has been very determined since he was a child and respects his parents extremely. Faced with today's situation, it just feels extremely tricky, so there is no fear. What he just thought about, but how to kill one or two people to bury him with him! He is not afraid of death, after all, he has already died once, and in the hearts of his parents, he is already dead and will never be possible to come back again.

"It’s good if you don’t be afraid!"

Xing Zhan chuckled, "Since I’m not afraid, I have something, do you need to try it? I can definitely let you go out. People, kill and be clean!"

"oh?" Ning Tianlin flashes through a bright light in his eyes, and asked hurriedly, "What is it?"



With his tone barely fell and his up ahead, a bottle of green potion was suspended in the void, and Xing Zhan’s voice sounded, “This is a trial version of zombie potion, which lasts for half an hour. ."

"Within half an hour, you can become an Earth zombie! Strong as an ox, impervious to sword and spear, accompanied by corpse poison, and your own battle strength, from eight o’clock, Soaring to 50 o'clock."

"How about it, do you want to try?"

Xing Zhan's tone was full of naked...naked seduction.

"Zombie potion?"

Ning Tianlin complexion changed, he just didn't see how the potion appeared, but it appeared out of thin air before his eyes , Suspended in the air, I couldn't help but feel shocked by Xing Zhan's method, and after taking it, I can turn myself into a zombie in a short time! The battle strength soared to fifty!

"Boss, okay! It's time to open the coffin!"

At this moment, a shout sounded in Ning Tianlin's ear, and at the same time, above his head, it began to hear "Ka-cha", "ka-cha", the sound of the coffin board being pushed, and even some debris, fell into the coffin.


Ning Tianlin did not hesitate, stretched out his right hand, grabbed the "zombie potion" in his hand, raised his head, and drank it instantly. At this moment, he can only choose to trust Xing Zhan unconditionally.

at worst, just die again!


"Rhubarb! Go!"

"Bite a bite and come back!"

Coffin board , Even a dozen or more li noodles will be opened by two brawny men, and the middle age person headed by this person did not hold back, and directly released the iron chain he was holding while holding a hand. Pointing to the coffin in the graveyard, indicating that it is ready to attack.



And this rhubarb, obviously listening to the master’s instructions, the dog barked when the chain was loosened Then, moved towards the grave pile rushed over, then jumped forward, and jumped directly towards the opened coffin.

At the same time, the mobile phone in the hands of the two brawny man next to him also pointed the camera at the coffin, hehe smiled at the corner of his mouth, this scene must be bloody!


What shocked this group of people was that the silhouette of the big yellow dog jumped down for less than a second, and then just "ao wu", directly volleyed into the air It flew upside down, but this time, it was not the whole body that flew out upside down, but was directly torn in half by some huge force!

Even with dog blood, it was sprinkled everywhere.


"Run, run! This Ning Tianlin has become a zombie!"

Just pushed The two people who opened the coffin board were already standing at the bottom of the grave, and they had never thought of crawling out of the grave, and they wanted to see at close range what kind of grand occasion it was for this big dog to bite the corpse. Only at this moment, the eyes of the two of them were about to widen, and they looked at the youngster, who stood up straight from the coffin, with his arms stretched out in horror, tearing the rhubarb alive!

For a while, I forgot to move.

Only when Ning Tianlin turned his head and stared at them with scarlet eyes, did they yelled crazy and crawled and wanted to crawl out of the grave.


Unfortunately, it was too late and became a zombie Ning Tianlin. It was simply not polite. With a light jump, he jumped out of the coffin, and then waved his arms, sharp nails, directly from the two of them. Scratched across the neck.

In an instant, the gurgling blood burst out.

The nails on Ning Tianlin's hands now have become more than three inches long, dark and faint, even under the black night sky, they are all shining. With a stroke, they cut the trachea of ​​the two directly.


This scene happened very quickly, from the beginning to the end, there were no three seconds. In particular, the death of the two brawny man directly shocked the rest of the people. Just now, the lord who was talking and laughing, alive and kicking, died like this!



This is everyone's only reaction. They are organized and disciplined thieves, but they are not Taoist priests who can beat zombie! Especially when they came out this time to dig a grave, they only brought a shovel, ropes and the like, as well as the tools for grabbing zombie in the legend.

They never thought that this Ning Tianlin would become a zombie!


In an instant, everyone shouted and ran wildly in one direction. Not far away, there was an eight-seater commercial vehicle. They were tonight It's just driving it! Even the one who was holding a cellphone video just now dropped his cellphone to the ground due to overwhelming fright.


At this moment, Ning Tianlin just feels that his whole body is full of explosive power, killing two people, and he does not panic, nor What is the discomfort of the first murder, but I feel a little excited, a real man was born between Heaven and Earth, it should be like this, happy gratitude!

The people who dig their own graves dare not kill, so what's the point of reworking this time!

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