Note: Thanks to the book friends "a If you are a corpse on the street, I will clap my hands" and "NOGAMENOLIFEDESU" for their rewards.


"No money!!"

"Aren't you entertaining me?"

"No money Why are you here? If you don’t have any money, do you want to come to the Imperial Family for a massage?"

The smile on this woman’s face is completely gone, just the voice, and the tenderness just now is gone, in Ning Tianlin There was irony in my ears.

"Didn't I just remember that I don't have money."

Ning Tianlin's heart has completely cooled down, and sure enough, there is nothing to talk about with this kind of woman, just Can talk about money. Love and desire can only be built on the basis of money. The cold face of the other party also made him feel bad.

At this moment, he also noticed that the other party's face was coated with a layer of powder. It sounds good at first glance, but if you really want to look closely, it will be disastrous.

"If you have no money, do you come here to pretend to be an uncle! Has your hair grown? Seeing that you are still young, do it this time! The next time, someone will break your leg! "

The woman hates her voice, her eyes are full of contempt. At the same time, he turned around, lifted the bag on the bed, twisted and walked outside, stepping on the floor with high-heeled shoes of about eight centimeters, clattering loudly.


Faced with this scene, Ning Tianlin can only be in the heart hehe, really want to catch the other party, throw a ten-twenty thousand on her On his face, let the other person see if he has money or not! But think about it, if you really do this, the other party may not only not be angry, but will be extremely happy.

Even the body can be sold, and it pays attention to dignity.

Money is the most important thing.

"Let's go. You can leave here. This kind of place, I will rarely come in the future."

Ning Tianlin now has no mood to stay in this place, now that I have seen it Next, it's time to leave.


"Help me!"

"Someone is going to rape me!"

Just in Ning When Tianlin just walked out of the door, an anxious, even mixed with crying sound, sounded in the entire corridor, and at the same time a silhouette rushed out from the door twenty to thirty meters in front.

Just very quickly, another man ran out of the room, caught up with her, grabbed her hair directly, and dragged it inside.

"What pretend to be!"

"Pretend me innocent in this place! Isn’t it a fool?"

The man was naked. , His mouth was even more foul-mouthed, and simply didn't see if there was anyone in the corridor. After holding the woman in, he slammed the door and closed it.

"Shu Yishan!"

"This person is Shu Yishan!"

Ning Tianlin was a little confused, because the woman in work clothes that just appeared, It turned out to be his classmate, Shu Yishan!

The most important thing, this Shu Yishan, but it is recognized as a class flower, department flower, and even school flower. Although she usually wears plainly and doesn’t dress very much, she occasionally wears pink and daisy, but her appearance is all It's recognized by boys!

How could she appear here! Become a technician?

However, Ning Tianlin quickly reacted, she was in danger and seemed to be being ***he just came out of the room, but knowing what kind of scene is inside, the door closed , But just do whatever you want!


Without hesitation, he dashed out, and he can ignore other people, but this person is his classmate, even during his freshman military training. The two are still standing in front and back rows! The relationship is pretty good.

This time, he must manage!

Furthermore, at this time, he also found that there were three or five people on the corridor. They were all staff members, but they were all surrounded. No one stepped forward to help, so he could not help but sneer in his heart. He even heard a female staff member say, "This is a good show."

"Let these 36th be pure all day long, and only do Hong Kong style, Thai style, and push oil. The Imperial Family does not do massages. I have encountered stubborn stubbornness now. When I came to this place, I asked for this and that. It’s really slut. It’s hypocritical."

In the tone, it’s all about taking. The taste of pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"That is, why don't we do what she does? I heard that she is still a student from which university? Cocky, now college students are everywhere, what's the hypocrisy!" Another woman who has not yet released Also echoed the road.

"You, remember!"

Ning Tianlin has arrived at the door of this room, stopped abruptly, did not rush to kick the door, but stretched out his right arm, and his index finger was in the air moved towards The two women nodded and gave a cold voice. Decided to wait until they come out, must let these two people have a long memory.

People who chew their tongues behind are the most disgusting!


After that, he didn’t hesitate, and didn’t see the reaction of the two women. With a kick, he kicked towards the door, and then it was "boom". With a sound, the whole door flew backwards quickly under this foot, and then slammed into the wall inside, shocking the man who was lying on Shu Yishan and couldn't take off the other party's clothes for a long time.


"Fuck you, dare to take care of Laozi's business!"

The man hasn't got up yet, but his mouth is already Foul-mouthed scolded. He didn't expect that someone really dared to be nosy. But he was not afraid, he dared to do this, he had no confidence.


Just as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a powerful hand and grabbed his neck, followed by a sharp pain, and the whole body started It flew upside down, and in less than a second, it slammed into the table next to it.


Red's table directly all split up and in pieces, and even with the TV on it, his body burst into bursts, sparks splashing everywhere.

Moreover, this collision was not light. He only felt that his internal organs were shaking, and the corners of his mouth were involuntarily spouting a mouthful of blood. The spine seemed to have been broken, and even his head was a little confused. , It is totally a sign of fainting.

"Shu Yishan!"

"It's okay."

Ning Tianlin simply ignores what will happen to him, just put his eyes on the bed Shu Yishan felt a little unbearable. At the same time bend over, ready to lift her from the bed.

At this moment, Shu Yishan's face is blue and purple, her hair is scattered, her neck has obvious strangulation marks, and the clothes on her body are also very messy, but she is firmly grasped by her. The fall of the body prevented the spring light from leaking.

But obviously, she was beaten by this man before she escaped from the house.

In an instant, Ning Tianlin was angry again.


At this time, she was completely in a daze. It seemed that Shu Yishan, who had been appointed, heard someone calling her name. Seeing the front, classmates Ning Tianlin was watching himself, hurriedly got up from the bed, without seeing what was happening around him, grabbed Ning Tianlin's arm and cried, "Tianlin, save me!"

"Help Me!"

"I won't do it here. I won't do it here."

Weeping beauty, pitiful.

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