

"There must be something wrong!"

He found it in vain Can be called a generation of War God, of course not a fool, always feel that there are places full of weirdness. Xu Fu, if he is so not afraid of death, he would still spend more than two thousand years in Dongying?

But now it is such a devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

This is not logical!


At this moment, the three heads had just been cut off, the pain was unbearable, the eight-pointed snake, at this moment, a head burst with a "peng" sound. Come on, with everywhere all is flesh and blood.

Just like a bomb buried in its head, it instantly all split up and in pieces.


Involved, Bai Qi turned his head and focused on Baqi Orochi's body. I saw it had five heads just now, and there are only four left at the moment!

"What's the matter?"

"No one touched it!"

Bai Qi was a little dazed, he was sure that this head was just fine. How could it suddenly self-destruct? There was no injury at all!


It's just that he didn't notice. Just when the head exploded and his mind was attracted to him, his arm pierced his chest and he was dead. Xu Fu, who fell, opened his eyes abruptly.

Besides, before Bai Qi had reacted, he waved his right hand directly, and he and Bai Qi had been holding tightly the scrambled whisk.


Open a set of holes in the white palm!

Then the silver wire fluttered, just like the laser shot. In an instant, there were 20 to 30 silver wires falling off, passing through Bai Qi's body, and piercing Bai Qi's body into a hornet's nest. !


Just when Xu Fu wanted to continue his action, Bai Qi had already reacted, endured the severe pain, and slapped it with a palm. Xu Fu's head. At this moment, with this blow, he couldn't care whether he would kill Xu Fu or capture him alive!


Xu Fu who had already died once, with a sound of "hong", his head exploded under the huge force, and he rolled to the ground again. He couldn't die. Die again.


Only at this time, the head of the eight-headed snake next to it burst again, leaving three out of four!


At this time, there are already many holes in the body, but I see Xu Fu's body is constantly recovering, and the newly broken abdomen is constantly renewing The flesh and blood grow out. After a while, most of the head has grown again!


My white eyes narrowed, and I realized something.

Every time this Xu Fu died, the head of the eight-different snake exploded once, so guess that Xu Fu might have nine lives!

One of my own, eight different snakes!

Each head can provide him with one for Xu Fu!

"Unexpectedly, Xu Fu actually found this treasure shell!"

Bai Qi was a little stunned. He originally thought that this big snake just looked fierce. Kind of function! This is exactly the fate of the Eight-Divine Snake, sharing it with Xu Fu!

And people all over the world who watched this scene were all shocked, because Xu Fu, like the legendary Nine Lives Cat demon, has nine lives!

At the same time, they are extremely excited, because if this continues to develop, it may not be who will die! Maybe Xu Fu is still alive! Didn't you see that Bai Qi was already injured!

When the time comes, maybe mankind is still saved!

"Unexpectedly, there is such a method in the world!"

Bai Qi sighed, thinking that he really underestimated Xu Fu. He dares to do so, there must be other means. Thousands of years have passed, the world has changed too much, and everything can happen.

"It's just my body..."

Bai Qi felt that his life force was being greatly lost. The dozens of holes in his body looked small, but But the weird one can't heal, and he is constantly damaging his internal organs.

Obviously, Xu Fu's whisk is not ordinary.

Furthermore, he can clearly remember that he has no soul now. If he dies, he will die completely, even reincarnation is impossible. On that day, Ning Tianlin shaped his fleshy body, and he had already told him clearly.


As soon as the right hand exhibition, a dark green medicine pill appeared in his hand.

Nothing else, Dragon-Tiger Vitality Pill!

The three Ning Tianlin men who found him in the land of China’s Qin Province that day gave it to him.

Originally, he thought that the other party made several moves, but now that he is so powerful, how could he take this thing? But now it seems that the other party may already know this situation.

Even knows that these eight different snakes will provide life for Xu Fu!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help being shocked by "Ning Tianlin" again!


Just looking at Xu Fu whose head had grown again, Bai Qi didn't hesitate, and swallowed this medicine pill with a big mouth. And as soon as he entered the abdomen, he felt a rush of pure energy, repairing his fleshy body.

Su Su, the hole in his body was completely repaired.

Even the strange energy in the internal organs was completely removed.

For a moment, he felt that he had returned to Peak state in vain.

"What a terrifying medicine pill!"

I couldn't help but sighed with emotion, and my impression of Ning Tianlin improved again.

"Look! Medicine pill!"

"League of Legends!"

"This has nothing to do with League of Legends!"

"If not, how could he have the medicine pill of League of Legends! I have seen the medicine pill. It is worth hundreds of points in the hero hall of League of Legends!

Just right here, when the Dragon-Tiger Vitality Pill was taken out, some of the spectators who had been in and out of the hero hall had already yelled at this moment! Because they had determined that the medicine pill that had just been swallowed was just From the hero hall of the League of Legends!

This is white, and it must have been linked to the League of Legends!

But where do they know, this medicine pill, although the same is dark green , But it is not comparable to the medicine pill in the hero hall today. The most expensive medicine pill in the hero hall is only aimed at the slightly more powerful powerhouse, and this medicine pill is aimed at the white rise.

The value is more than five thousand points of spirit!

The two are just the same color.

"Shit! "

"Just like that, you can say that this is the hero hall? "

"Who stipulated that this medicine pill can only be owned by the hero hall?" Maybe there are other ways we don't know about it! "

Only at this time, some people who firmly believe that the destruction of mankind has nothing to do with League of Legends, and that League of Legends is not a secret mastermind also retorted at this time. And it's almost all of China. People.

"Besides, even if it's the hero hall, can't it be exchanged for nothing? "

"As long as you have points, anyone can redeem them in the Hero Hall! "

"If your mother has so many points, maybe your mother will redeem it too! "

Huaxia people don’t want to carry this scapegoat, they keep talking to League of Legends on the Internet.

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