"Whose bones is this person?"

Looking around all around, there is nothing left besides the jade and white bones sitting on the ground. Ning Tianlin knew that it was time to leave here. I have stayed here long enough.

Find out the skeleton and leave.

After all, this Liuli Hao Sunglass, which looks a little better than that, was taken out of his space ring. And how could Liuli Fairy's things be in his hands.

"The name is Tu Feng."

The battle strength system said, "But compared with Liuli Fairy, it's just a nobody."

" He only got this Liuli Hao Sunglass by accident."

A simple explanation of the battle strength system, and let it go.

Ning Tianlin didn't follow up, either. I don't know how many years have passed. Knowing what will not change, it is impossible to affect his current life.


"So, is this thing useful?"

"How much essence can this dry bone exchange?"

At this time, Ning Tianlin didn't think about this dry bone anymore, it was just a soy sauce maker from Ancient Times. Just staying here is always a waste, it is better to turn into your own essence points.

It's just a few that can increase some.

But he still has some faint expectations. In the battle just now, he did not damage the dry bones, and there was not even a trace of scars. Maybe, he could still exchange one hundred and two hundred thousand.

even if a little, it's still better than nothing.

"Five million points!"

It was just the answer from the battle strength system, which surprised him, and his eyes were almost staring out, five million points!

This is too scary!

It's just a dead bone, almost half of what I have now! And this net worth is just gotten rich in this within cave!

Before I changed my job, I didn’t know if I could save so much energy for half a year!


The battle strength system is nodded, but there is no explanation. Instead, it asks, "Is the host exchange it?"

"Redeem! "

Ning Tianlin was nodded quickly, of course, this is like a pie in the sky, a dead bone that seems useless, has contributed 5 million points of energy to himself, this is almost to be topped I’m on the Seventh Layer of "Body Metamorphose Scripture".

It's a pie in the sky!


"Congratulations to the host, the redemption is successful, now I have 17.13 million essence points!"

battle strength The system is just a moment, everything is done.

"Consume 6.4 million points of energy and practice Body Metamorphose Scripture Seventh Layer!"

Ning Tianlin thought for a while, decided to postpone it for a few hours to go out. Take this opportunity to practice Great Perfection in this "Body Metamorphose Scripture"! Nowadays, with so much energy, many things can be done.

Even after successful training, it is time to upgrade to one level.

His current level is still at Level 12!

Most of the spirits are based on the practice of "Body Metamorphose Scripture", and I haven't been promoted much in a long time.

Even the battle strength has been greatly improved, and the martial skills and equipment can be changed.

Since I have been in this cave for so long, I should be a new me if I go out.


"Congratulations to the host for successfully consuming 6.4 million points of energy!"

Ning Tianlin's tone barely fell, battle The strength system does everything.


At the same time, Ning Tianlin's entire body was shocked.

Because a lot of essence began to swell in his body, it was more intense than any of the previous six times!

It was just an instant, the muscles and veins all over his body began to prop up, and the veins and veins were bulging, and the blood vessels all over his body were washed by the forceful energy, and the skin was dyed blood red! Scary and terrifying!



Even his skeleton was squeezed and broken under the tyrannical energy. It became dregs, but quickly, it automatically healed and reorganized, and within half a minute, it reunited into a more solid skeleton.

Even in this skeleton, there is a hint of golden light.

It was not obvious at first, but as it cracked, the golden light became more and more prosperous.

"It hurts!"

Although I don’t know how much suffering I have experienced, Ning Tianlin, who is extremely resilient, is also suffering from unbearable pain at this moment. This pain has completely penetrated my bones. , Infiltrate the soul!

More painful than any of the previous six times!


I don’t know how long it has been, one hour, one day, or ten days, all in the spirit of Ning Tianlin, a little confused, all over the body. The moving energy gradually dissipated.

The skeleton is no longer fragmented and reorganized, and the tendons and veins continue to return to normal from the bulge.


"It's finally over."

Seeing this scene, Ning Tianlin let out a long sigh. He knew that this was a sign of Seventh Layer "Body Metamorphose Scripture" cultivation success.

Every cultivation "Body Metamorphose Scripture" is like this. It reorganizes your skeleton, muscles, and even the blood essence of the whole body with energy to cleanse the muscles. Can make one's own muscles and bones contain more energy.

Therefore, attributes such as strength and agility are enhanced.

Only this time, a trace of golden light was emitted from the skeleton, which made him a little strange. It seemed that there was no such situation in the first six times.


Only when Ning Tianlin thought it was all over, a powerful suction suddenly rose from three inches below his belly button, making it huge. Essence, all moved towards this gathering!

Especially the golden light, which has just disappeared, appears again at this moment.

Moreover, it also oozes from the skeleton tendons, moving towards that position.


Ning Tianlin complexion changed, isn't this position the dantian in Chinese legend!

How can it change?

He thought this was just a legend, imagined by Martial Artist. Dantian does not really exist. Several martial skills of his cultivation did not mention this. It was in "Body Metamorphose Scripture", There is no mention of these two words.

They are all legends handed down from Huaxia!

Why does it appear to me at this time?

Be aware that battle strength evolves on the attributes of your whole body, not this position! But now, the energy of the whole body is attracted by it!



Moreover, the suction power of this dantian position is very large, like a rotating vortex. After a while, Gather most of Ning Tianlin's essence. And slowly, this dantian position condensed a brilliance the size of a grain of rice.

Although it is small, it has not escaped the Divine Consciousness of Ning Tianlin whose complexion has been greatly changed!

"What is this!"

Ning Tianlin is already a little impatient, because most of his body's essence is attracted by this little thing, and the original essence is surging His body has become a little thin at the moment.

Go on, I am afraid he will be sucked into skin and bones!

It's just this golden grain of rice, but he doesn't stop, continuously, sucking in his remaining essence!

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