“bang! ”

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

These hideous ghosts, Coming fast, and dying fast, always before Ning Tianlin's side, it has turned into a shadow crystal, and disappeared in this yellow water. But what makes Ning Tianlin just incredible is that the ghost in the yellow water, as if it can't be killed, was destroyed some of it, and some came out in the blink of an eye.

All of them have ugly faces and hideous appearances. They are completely evil spirits in charge.

"However, for me, this place can also be said to be a treasure."

In less than a few minutes, Ning Tianlin has been killed without knowing it. There are so many ghosts and evil spirits, and each of them contributes two or three hundred spirit points to him, and some even exceed five hundred.

Although there are not many individuals, the number is a bit scary.

More than three thousand!

Almost a million points of energy!

Compared to the present Ning Tianlin with 40-50 million points of energy, it is not a mention, but you must know that it only takes a few points of minutes, and it looks like yellow water. There are endless!

Give him another half an hour, isn't it ten million points of energy!

However, the stench of these ghosts and ghosts made him sick. He had already closed the seven orifices of his body immediately, and at the same time, his body floated, swimming on the endless yellow water.

After all, although this place is good, he Ning Tianlin must also figure out where it is!

Then there is a decision to stop or stay.


the thoughts got to this point, the figure bursts out, and it turns into a rays of light directly in the yellow water, before those ghosts and ghosts have time to encircle When I came over, I had already made a "pu" sound, soaring into the sky and out of the water.

"This is..."

Only one glance, Ning Tianlin looked at the scenery on the side, a little dazed!

The surface of the endless yellow water, is a huge wave, constantly rolling, accompanied by the boundless Yin-Fiend Qi, in the sweep of the yin wind, constantly rising, enveloping this area a hundred li, shrouded in a yin wind Among the rustling.

Furthermore, on the surface of the yellow water, there are constantly ghosts and ghosts leaping high, walking through this boundless Yin Demon.

Especially not far in front of him, there are three arch bridges, three colors of gold, silver and black.

The golden arch bridge is as high as a hundred zhang and tens of meters wide. There are handrails on the edge of the bridge, and exquisite patterns are painted around it. The huge bridge stands in the yellow water and is very stable.

The silver arch bridge ten zhang is high and several meters wide. There are no handrails around, so it's simple. However, no matter how the yellow water slaps below, it still can't reach the edge of the silver bridge.

The black arch bridge is different. It is only ten meters high and its width is less than fifty-sixty centimeters. It even sways, as if it can collapse under the impact of this yellow water at any time. Especially every time the waves hit, sewage can be left on the surface of the bridge.

At this time, there are pedestrians passing on the three bridges of different colors.

It is most appropriate to say that it is a pedestrian, and it should be said that it is a ghost. Because these people don't have the slightest scent of flesh and blood in their bodies, and they are completely in the state of ghosts and spirits.

The widest and most stable golden bridge has the fewest people on it, with only two people. But there is no company, but one after the other, and there are still a few ghosts floating around, with a solemn expression, seeming to guard their safety.

But in spite of this, these two people still look cautiously, especially through the bridge body, seeing the ghosts that are constantly leaping up and roaring below, moved towards them, they are all a little frightened.

Only after a while, they also discovered that the ghosts below were basically impossible to touch them. The bridge body was hundreds zhang. Although these terrifying evil spirits were powerful, they jumped from the yellow water and reached Less than this height.

Occasionally, one or two are about to approach the bridge, and they are both scattered by the guards on the side.

On the silver bridge on the side, there are slightly more pedestrians, about a hundred people. It's just that there are no guards around them, and looking at the terrifying ghosts that jump below, they are a little trembling in fear.

It's just that their arch bridge is high enough.

Although there are many ghosts roaring below, few can reach them. When they passed through this area, the only thing that was pulled into the water by the ghost below was a youngster whose legs kept trembling.

Rather than being dragged into the water by an evil spirit, it is better to say that his temperament was not firm enough, and he fell from a bridge without handrails.

Ning Tianlin also noticed that this youngster was pulled into the water, and the evil spirit that pulled him into the water also took his place and stood on the silver bridge, shaking his body. Become an ordinary pedestrian.

Following the group of people, walking forward.

The narrowest, narrowest, weakest, shaky, black bridge that may capsize at any time has the most pedestrians, about tens of thousands of people! Because the bridge is very narrow, less than fifty centimeters, these people lined up, bowed their heads, and walked forward cautiously.

The body is shiver coldly, and from time to time, someone is unstable, being shaken and falling into the yellow water.



I was quickly torn to pieces by the evil spirits gathered below.



"Stick again, peeling and cramping! Break your necks! Kick you down!"

At the same time, these people's ears are constantly screaming and cursing!

Although it is the same as Jinqiao, it has a bad temper, but the bad temper on the side of the black bridge is far from the good temper of the other side. Theirs, but to push them down into the yellow water!

“roar! ”

“roar! ”

“roar! ”

Yin wind gusts, and keeps jumping up below The ghost of the ghost, let out a ghastly roar. Jump up from time to time, and moved towards the pedestrian on the arch bridge to grab it. The black bridge was too low, and there was always some carelessness, and it was pulled down.



In a moment, I was eaten by these evil spirits.

And Ning Tianlin also noticed that on the black bridge, the ghosts who were dragged down by the yellow water by the evil spirits died and died, and there was no evil spirit to take their place. The position just now was vacated. .

"Three-color bridge!"

"This is the three-color bridge!"

"This is the Netherworld's three-color bridge!"

Ning Tianlin is suspended above the billowing Yin-Fiend Qi, looking at this scene, somewhat absent-minded.

He didn't expect how he came here!

The three-color bridge in front of him, he had seen it before, and that time he came to the Netherworld because he wanted to recover the soul of Shu Yishan's mother, and then he met Bull Head, King Yama, and Wheel King.

Finally, they took themselves and flew over the three-color bridge!

He remembered it clearly, because at the time he was still curious about what the three-color bridge was, how could it have these three colors, and why there are so many ghosts and ghosts underneath.

At that time, King Yama, but personally explained it for him.

He can't remember it wrong, this is definitely Netherworld!

The long side Ghost Messenger, the guard, he had also seen it with his own eyes at the time!

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