

"indeed barbaric backward planet, there is this thing!"

Earth from outer space.

black spaceship in the universe.

silver blue Prince, as well as a public servant at his side, watching a satellite congregation on the front of the screen face surface trace sneer.

satellite, and every single thing around the planet meteor, planet monitoring the situation, ready to give the latest information coming from the ground. In the Earth, it is representative of the advanced civilization reaches a certain technology is developed out of the Peak to Peak technology products.

But in the eyes of these people, only those who are very backward, the satellite will use this!

Satellite huge size, is the most obvious target is not so! The invasion of the planet, it will destroy, what is the difference with the other illiterate! Even the numerous communication signals on the ground are affected.

truly civilized planet, not long ago the satellite, but suspended ion on the line!

A Suspended ions, hidden in the void, or hide in the meteorite, can do to monitor the effectiveness of the planet. Moreover, these ions are made out of high technology, can shield the signal.

Unless you own the technology, even higher than this!

if not, certainly nowhere to hide under its surveillance.

"Yes, His Highness the Prince."

Green wrinkled turned people replied. "This planet, no mark on the interstellar map, primordial planet is certainly no doubt."

"And now there is the backwardness of the satellite, can only explain this planet, is a developing technological civilization of the planet, but is still the lowest end of it. in this respect, this planet, and certainly not a martial skill planet! "

" If martial skill planet flourished to a certain extent, this is not even bother lower science and technology! "

green Paper people some excitement, because he was just a little worried that this planet will not be martial skill civilization, because sometimes, martial skill prosperous civilization, will be counted leak .

not a member of interstellar civilization!

After all planet too, count one trillion, sometimes omissions twelve, is also common. In particular martial skill civilized disdain science and technology, networks are not even, occasionally no statistically, is not no thing.

If the front of this planet, is the kind of planet, they might also run into big trouble!

But now it seems, simply impossible, there is Martial Dao Civilization, which will fancy this slag slag technology. A powerhouse sits empty, you can feel the outside of any dynamic.


yinlan Prince head exposed naked, these, simply not what he feared, there is the other side sits powerhouse, he's not to be trifled with. Not only their own battle strength reached more than 200,000.

And this coming, but the Empire spend big price, have hired five-star Martial Artist with her.

Five-Star Martial Artist!

That was already the middle of the Milky Way expert! Peak battle strength, has reached fifty million!

There he sits, which would capsize unknown at this barbaric planet! Most of the Milky Way Martial Artist, not his opponent!

He yinlan Prince worried about is that some time has passed, it is still not Black Dragon? If not, then he does not know how long it would take, it can be found.

And he promised that name powerhouse of time, is running out.

The thought that he would faint bit impatient, waved, "Start!"

"This first planet outside gave destroyed the satellite, sending these gift indigenous meal ! "

yinlan Prince's face, emerged a hint of sneer, he did not intend to forward to the arrival of the identity of a friendly person, these indigenous, qualifications and how he mention on equal terms, is his servant do not know how many noble than these indigenous identity!

His coming, must be accompanied by a bloody killing!

And not only him, who is the other civilized planet, to the primordial planet are like this, are coming of a conqueror.

plunder plunder, stabbed stabbed, they are plundering the wealth of resources, not in the attitude of the great kindness of friends.

friend, indigenous with what!

"Then dispatched staff to find red inflammation Black Dragon!"

"news have red inflammation of the Black Dragon, you immediately report it, then think again what happen on this planet! "

said here, silver blue Prince paused," to tell you, red inflammation found Black Dragon who reward the Galaxy coins one hundred thousand! "

" message has been confirmed, payment on the spot! "

"Yes!" one man crumpled green paper, flew loudly promised, while all looked very excited.

One hundred thousand Galaxy coins! Not a small amount!

is for him, are the sum of good numbers. On top of his salary of three to five years! You know, in the Milky Way Galaxy coins are common currency, as long as civilized planet, can flow!

Also, planet some civilization behind, one hundred two hundred Galaxy currency, is not a small fortune! We can do a lot of things.

some backward planet, spend Galaxy currency, according to a few tenths of a few tenths are counted!

most important as the galaxy Leader, only be allowed to flow in the Milky Milky credits. Do not allow any planet printing money! Once discovered, kill without mercy!

Even people who have followed this planet suffers!

So, for the first time, after decades of cleaning, all join the civilized galaxy, the Milky Way coins are used, each planet is!

At the time, the means are too bloody, but the single currency in the long run, is very beneficial to the overall situation of things.

"under which to arrange!"

Green Paper middle age person, Said, elated to arrange.




After 3 minutes, Earth from outer space, from the bloom the fireworks. Very bright.

"how is it?"

"I did not signal a cell phone how?"

"After the encrypted satellite, how could!"


an important person, Calling, suddenly dropped calls, could not help him suspiciously again dialed in the past, should not be ah, his cell phone, but never broken in the middle.

You know, his cell phone signal, it took the high cost of satellite connectivity, even after the satellite encryption, while the ordinary person's mobile phone, it is a signal by the base station on the ground adapter.

North Pole is in the Antarctic, remote mountainous areas, even underground several hundred meters, he has a cell phone signal!

how suddenly cut off too!


just made him even more incredible is that he once again call each other for a moment, still is not turned on, are not frowned, because the other side also, like him, We are using a satellite phone.

This level their characters, this was only with insurance.

But now, how you can not get through?

"What happened to it?"

middle age person thought, then pick up their satellite phone to call another person, just an accident, is still unable to connect.

Also, a series of tried several times, are like this.

He called even the ordinary person without a satellite phone, and one of his subordinates, still no signal.

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