
"If you have it!"

Hua Lao breathed a sigh of relief. This League of Legends still has satellites placed in outer space, and it has not been destroyed. In other words, League of Legends has other unknown means that can monitor outer space.

Either way, it’s good news.

If not, Huaxia people will really be blind.

Even Hualao didn’t have time to be shocked by the technology of League of Legends again this time, and hurriedly said, “Stone Alliance Leader, can you send the signal to us and share our vision with us?”

"You know, our satellites have all been destroyed."

Hua Lao made a request. This situation where everything is not under control makes him very uncomfortable. Even the signal is paralyzed, too many weapons and equipment can not be launched, the aliens are really weak, how to fight?

The target was inaccurate. Maybe the shell fell and it was yourself.

"Okay, no problem, old Hua."

Shi Xiaojun quickly promised.

The identity of the other party is noble. In the past, he was a person he admired extremely. At the same time, I felt emotional that if I hadn't become the Vice Alliance Lord of the League of Legends and made a friend like Ning Tianlin, this kind of character would never have been able to say a word to him in his entire life.

The world has changed, and it really deserves to be what kind of pattern will be after you make who. Those who work with jackals are generally tigers and leopards, not pigs.

"I will let the technicians share the signal with you."

Shi Xiaojundao, "What else do you need, just ask."

He dare not have any impudent to this old man who has a heart for the whole China. And my mind is also a little nervous.

From the picture just now, this alien seems to be very simple. Without showing his face, he had already destroyed the entire Huaxia, including the satellites left by the American Emperor Ruo at the time.

The light beam just now has proved that the other party must master extremely strong technology. At the very least, it's better than the Earth people.

He is the League of Legends Vice Alliance Lord, but he is only a youngster in his twenties, and he is still a little bit confident in his heart with a man who can maintain the affairs of the world. And just immediately, he has already called Ning Tianlin.

But somehow, I couldn't get in touch.


"If you need any help, I will notify you immediately."

Nodded, Hualao hung up the phone.

But when the signal came and the picture appeared again, Hua Lao stared at the scene on the screen, and his whole body was shocked!

"Universal spaceship!"

"Really a cosmic spaceship!"

I saw a black ship, flat, with limbs like black beetle The huge spaceship slowly appeared on the light curtain. And around it, there is a dark starry sky.

He has seen some top-secret information before and knows that spaceships in the universe are of various kinds, just like cars have too many appearances. Moreover, some cosmic spaceships are specially built according to the shape of a certain kind of creature.

Referring to its appearance, it is more streamlined and plastic, and can reduce the resistance of space.

This cosmic spaceship was probably created by referring to the shape of a certain creature.

"What is this!"

"What the hell is this!"

Hua Lao did not pay attention to Shi Xiaojun's information sharing. It is only for specific departments, but it is shared by all China at a time. In particular, the technicians thought that they wanted to restore the entire China to its original state, so they didn't pay attention.

At one time, the entire Huaxia was restored to its original state.

It’s time to connect to the Internet, those who can make calls can make calls, Alipay can pay, and Qiuqiu can log in. Everything is back to the original state and continues to operate normally.

It's just everyone's screen, all turned into a universe spaceship.

Many people didn't react for a while and looked confused.

It can be said that in a short period of time, 30% of the people in China have seen this scene. And with the continuous proliferation, the number of people is still increasing. But I didn't know for a while, what was going on.

When Hua Lao and some people reacted, they wanted to stop the scene, but think about it, that’s all.

The one who should come will always come.

This time, I am afraid that nothing can be hidden.

Aliens who make such a big move will not show up on Earth. It won’t be long before everyone will know.

"I think it looks like a spaceship, but where is this? Where is the spaceship?"

Some people asked.

Although I see the endless starry sky around, I don’t know where this location is. Few people realize that this is Earth’s outer space.

"What spaceship, I think it is a rare beast. The rare beast made by the computer, I don't know how it suddenly appeared."

Some people speculated.

"Well, it looks like it to me, like computer special effects."

Some people agreed.


Only at this time, the technical staff of League of Legends are more powerful, and the image of this cosmic spaceship is slowly coming from beginning to end. Slow motion. It also allows people to thoroughly see what this spaceship looks like.

In this spaceship, there are two double-horned objects appearing on the head, and the whole body is shiny, which seems to be specially used for lighting. There are various gun barrels all over the body, as well as many honeycomb-like things.

Below the abdomen, there are various densely packed mountain flashes. It makes people who don't understand, can't see its purpose at all.

It's just that the stretching of the lens looks slow, but it's actually very fast! Compared to the supersonic fighter flying on Earth, I don’t know how much faster. It's just on the screen, plus the technology of League of Legends, it can't be seen.


Finally, the technical staff of League of Legends, in order to give people an intuitive impression, directly put the image of Earth on the screen.




"Here is Earth's outer space!"


At this time, everyone is aware of the impact on the screen, but they don't know whether the image is actually presented or produced by computer special effects.

It’s just that if this is a special effect, it’s too realistic.


"It's so big!"

And some high-level people who understand the truth, their eyes are almost falling On the ground, they thought that this cosmic spaceship would be very big, but never thought that this spaceship would be so big!

In the image, the appearance of this cosmic spaceship is like a black cloud, pressed directly above Earth! In terms of body size, it is almost longer than the diameter of Earth! Not weak at all!

Don't guess, you all know that it is an absolute huge monster!


The intuitive picture makes them involuntarily held breath cold air, even Hua Lao, and Shi Xiaojun from League of Legends, and a lot of people, All complexion greatly changed.

The diameter of this cosmic spaceship is not worse than Earth!

How big is this!

The unremarkable barrel just returned, now it seems that it is definitely a Hegemon-like existence! If this is a tube blast, the entire Earth will probably be pierced!

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