

"Still no."

This Agoura, spirit Scanning, like a scanner, takes itself as the center of the circle and rotates automatically, but after 3 minutes, there is still no result.

"Isn't there yet?"

These are the last few places in the area he is responsible for. If there is no result, he might really miss the owner's reward this time. That one hundred thousand galaxy coins.

One hundred thousand Galaxy coins!

Enough for him to do too much in the original planet!

There is nothing wrong with Nasanfang concubine! You can buy a good house in the city center. The low-level planet outside, you can even buy a planet!

"This time, I am afraid I will have no chance again."


Agula sighed, he is really short of money, one hundred thousand galaxy coins , It can be said to be a huge wealth for him, after all, he is just a warrior under the silver and blue Prince, and there is not much wealth.

One hundred thousand Galaxy coins, in their eyes, is already a large number.


"That's it?"

It was just that when his spirit shot into a villa in a luxurious community, he suddenly frowned.

"What is this?"

"How do I feel that it has Spirit, Soul and Qi breath? It looks like a living thing?"

This is a An extremely luxurious villa with antique decoration inside. At this moment, there are four people in the house watching the TV screen in front of them. The TV is fifty-five inches, and it looks nothing special.

Below it is a TV coffee table with a golden stone dragon on it. It is about half a meter in size and twenty li meters in height.

It is Shilong, but it is extremely vivid, just like the real thing, especially the black eyes, which is extremely vivid.

At this moment, the spirit of the alien Agula falls on the golden stone dragon.

"What's the matter?"

"It is obviously a statue made of stone, but how do I feel Life Aura on it?"

" It even makes my heart palpitations a little?"

Agoula couldn't believe his mind. This golden stone dragon is obviously a dead thing, only for the purpose of a town house, but how can he give him such a feeling?

"Uncle, you said this alien, what are they looking for?"

"Why are they flying like headless flies?"

Shu Yishan faced Ning Rongdao in the room.

The villa that the alien Agoura paid attention to was not someone else, it was the villa of Ning Tianlin's parents. At this moment, their family is also watching the live broadcast on TV nervously. Always pay attention to what these aliens are doing.

It can be said that this is the first official live broadcast of alien invasion in modern civilization. Too many people are paying attention to the current situation. Ning Tianlin's parents are no exception.

"I don't know."

"I should be looking for something important."

Ning Rong replied to his prospective daughter-in-law, "However, I think these aliens are definitely not good at coming. Although I don’t know what they are looking for, the alien said just now that he will take care of us when things are done."

" I guess it's definitely not a good thing."

Ning Rong was a little worried. These aliens smashed the plane and displayed a powerful military force. Obviously, they simply didn't have a friendly attitude.

If it is kind, it will definitely explain it to people.

This situation now probably means that something bad will happen.


"I guess so."

"These aliens are not good birds."

Ning Tianlin's younger sister, Ning Tianxin, is also nodded at this moment.

She came back from outside.

She just bought clothes in the mall, and when she saw this situation, she rushed home. In her mind, only home is the safest at this moment. I even couldn't help but looked at the Golden Dragon placed under the TV.

Others don’t know what’s going on with this Golden Dragon, but they are a family, but they know that this Golden Dragon is exactly what Ning Tianlin deboned and skinned the Chiyan Black Dragon on that day, and it was also fused with the dragon ball keel. The Golden Dragon shaped.

It is also the first creature that Ning Tianlin created independently, Chiyan Golden Dragon!

Its owner is Ning Tianlin.

On the same day, as everyone knows, this Golden Dragon was sent to the Golden Cauldron community by Ning Tianlin, but few people knew that it was turned into a stone sculpture as a town house and placed on the TV. On the cabinet.

The Golden Dragon that the alien Agoura was watching just now is exactly this thing.

It is the Chiyan Golden Dragon created by Ning Tianlin!

"What's going on?"

"The longer I stare, how do I feel the greater pressure?"

Agoura has some thoughts Confused, he has rarely encountered such a situation. Normally In Prince's mansion, I only have this feeling when I meet those Peak experts. How come today, met on a dead object.

"It’s not the Chiyan Black Dragon that Prince is looking for, right?"

Abruptly, a single thought came out of Agula’s mind, but it just came out, He shook the head and erased the thought from his heart. How could it be possible that the silver and blue Prince was looking for the Chiyan Black Dragon, not the Golden Dragon!

He still distinguishes Black Dragon and Golden Dragon!

Besides, the Chiyan Black Dragon is alive, but the Golden Dragon is just a stone sculpture of the town house, how can there be any life! Both have shit comparability.

"However, even if it is a dead thing, it is definitely treasure Level 1!"

"If it is not, it will never attract my attention, let alone give me a kind A sense of coercion!"

At the end, this Agoura's eyes are bright, no matter what, this golden dragon sculpture is definitely a treasure! If not, it would never give him such a feeling.

"Since it is treasure, you can't miss it!"

Agoura landed with a laughed heartily in his heart and moved towards the villa and flew away.

I didn't find the Chiyan Black Dragon, but with the Golden Dragon harvest, it's not bad, maybe it's still a great treasure. Furthermore, this treasure is not what Silver Prince is looking for.

I found it my own, no one can take it away!


The figure bursts into a shot, and it falls quickly, moving towards the Golden Cauldron community and flies over.


"What's the matter?"

"How did this alien land?"

"moved Fly towards a building in Beijing North City?"

Soon, all Huaxia people noticed this picture, especially the League of Legends everyone was complexion changed, because Beijing North City, but the heart of the entire Huaxia, Too many talents and merchants gather here.

It is the headquarters of their League of Legends, which is now also located here.

If this alien rages here, I am afraid it will cause irreparable losses!

Aliens who can fly with fleshy body, their battle strength, I am afraid that a building can collapse with just one punch!

"Not good!"

"His goal is the Golden Cauldron community!"

Soon, League of Legends Vice Alliance Lord Shi Xiaojun, and Hua Complexion changed all the time, because they knew where this Golden Cauldron community was and who lived in it.

Don't talk about other wealthy people, just like Ning Tianlin's parents, can make everyone's mind tense!

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