
The body shape flashed, and Ning Tianlin's body had passed through the opening of the house and appeared in the air. Opposite these five green-skinned aliens.

His eyes are extremely cold. The whole body exudes a faint killing intent.

"Ning Tianlin!"

"Ning Tianlin is out!"

"League of Legends Alliance Leader is out!"

"It turns out that he has always been there!"

Ning Tianlin's silhouette directly caused countless Chinese people to scream. It was Hualao and Vice Alliance Lord Shi Xiaojun, who were also shocked.

Everyone thought that Ning Tianlin was not in the house, and didn't know where he went. If not, how could he send messages and fail to make calls, and would not be able to contact them anyway. And the house is broken open and still can't make a move.

But now, they stand intact in front of them.

No one knows that their guess is actually correct, but Teleportation Talisman is still unthinkable to them.

"The golden light just now must be made by Ning Tianlin!"

"Besides him, there is someone else impossible!"

Many people are guessing The strong golden light that covered the light curtain just now must have been made by Ning Tianlin. Maybe he had been cultivating a certain secret technique just now and couldn't walk away for a while.

"Kill them!"

"Kill these aliens!"

Many people clenched their fists tightly, their blood was agitated, I hope Ning Tianlin can take action to kill all these aliens.

These aliens obviously didn't put the Earth people in their eyes, and they killed people when they said killing, and there was a deep contempt in their eyes that anyone could see.

Furthermore, they believe in the strength of Ning Tianlin. They didn't see that just the golden light flashed by just now, the alien disappeared without a trace!

Although these aliens are powerful, in the hands of Ning Tianlin, they may be scum!

This, but the powerhouse that even Chiyan Black Dragon can conquer!

"It's just this alien, why did you stare at Ning Tianlin?"

"Is it because of the Chiyan Black Dragon's revenge?"

" Or did Ning Tianlin offend them and rob them of something?"

Too many people have such doubts, because only these two possibilities can explain everything in front of them. If not, these aliens As soon as it appeared, it was like looking for something.

Furthermore, no one's home is gone, but he just enters this Ning Tianlin's home.

"Who are you?"

"What the hell are you going to do?"

And not very long, full of Ning Tianlin with fierce killing intents, staring Asked the five aliens in front of him.

Divine Consciousness is released, he already knows that these five people are just the vanguard, and a large number of aliens moved towards this side. Especially above his head, there was a vaguely huge energy, which made him breathless.

If not, he would be bullshit, he would have killed the five aliens in front of him.

"It was you who did it just now?"

These five people didn't do it right away, but instead questioned Ning Tianlin. They knew that their battle strength was similar to the battle strength of their dead companion just now.

If you don't know the reason, maybe you don't know how you will die.

"What are you going to do when you come to me?"

Ning Tianlin did not answer, but continued to ask. With a cold expression, murderous intention burst into his eyes.

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

And these five aliens have not answered yet , There are a dozen more silhouettes, which have quickly come to this place, all of them are just like them, scattered in Earth looking for the little characters of the Chiyan Black Dragon.

That is the cannon fodder in the mouth of the silver-blue Prince.

"A lot!"

In just a while, there were thirty-two people. And other places are coming continuously.

"What nonsense with him!"

"Kill him!"

"Do it!"

Who, both He has a bad temper and doesn't like to use his brain when doing things. Moreover, their master, Silver and Blue Prince, said that the first person to have news of the Chiyan Black Dragon was rewarded with 100,000 Galaxy Coins.

Now it is very possible to find a clue to the Chiyan Black Dragon, how can I not be moved?

And with so many companions around, only if you dare to be the first bird can you have a chance.

If not, how will you determine who is the first to spot your Chiyan Black Dragon?


As soon as the alien had finished speaking, he raised the weapon in his hand and moved towards Ning Tianlin and cut it crazily.

The golden light just now may be treasure. This youngster may only be strong in appearance but weak in reality!

Don't fight at this time, when will you wait!

"courting death"!

Ning Tianlin flashed a cold light in his eyes, his figure did not move, but his right palm was swung out, a majestic force directly destroyed the opponent's blade light, and then the invisible palm force, Shoot directly on the other person's body.

In an instant, his fleshy body was photographed into all split up and in pieces!

blood splashed, sprinkled all over the air!



"This alien is so dead!"

Too much The Huaxia people were shocked, and didn't expect it. This alien who looked so sturdy just now, just died! There is absolutely no chance to struggle!


"It's amazing!"

"As expected of the League of Legends Alliance Leader, a man who can conquer even the Chiyan Black Dragon!"

Many people There was joy in his eyes, so easy, doesn't it mean that these aliens, simply are not Ning Tianlin's opponents, can't there be any big waves!

"Fifty thousand!"

"This person's battle strength is definitely more than fifty thousand!"

In the void, there is a circle outside Star people, but all the complexion greatly changed.

Just now they knew that their first companion died, but they didn't know how it died. Now, the other party's crazy palm force makes their hearts chuckle. Fortunately, they are not the target of this palm force. If not, they will definitely become a pile of minced meat at the moment!

This youngster is amazing!

And I guessed in an instant, Ning Tianlin's battle strength definitely exceeded 50,000! If not, it is impossible to do so!

"How can this kind of existence exist in this indigenous people."

"This is not just a garbage planet in a garbage planet!"

These People you look at me, I look at you, with deep doubts.

The battle strength of the ordinary person, they have already seen it, it is not worth mentioning, they can poke each other to death with a finger. But at this moment, how come such a horrible figure appeared!

The battle strength obviously exceeds 50,000!

None of them are opponents!

"What should I do?"

"What should I do now?"

These cannon fodder-like existences want to evacuate, but they are vaguely unwilling because they are leaving at this time , It means that they are likely to miss the 100,000 Galaxy Coins.

One hundred thousand Galaxy coins, enough for them to gamble once!

birds die in pursuit of food, human beings will die for riches, this is the truth everywhere!

"Since I don’t say anything, then I will come and find it myself!"


Ning Tianlin shot a wisp of Divine Sense directly in Ning Tianlin’s mind. Lost in the mind of one of the aliens.

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