

"This alien is dead!"

When Ning Tianlin stretched out his hand and squeezed the last three aliens, many Chinese people were extremely excited and died. These aliens are all dead, doesn't it mean that Earth is safe!

These aliens are not a good thing at first glance.

"It's amazing!"

"This is so handsome!"

"Ning Alliance Leader is really my idol! A big idol!"


Many children have also seen this picture, all of them excited. They admire the powerhouse, desire to be a powerhouse, and hope that they can also fly in the void, and the fleshy body wants to cross.

I dream of flying over the great rivers and mountains of the motherland with only Fleshy body, and go wherever I want.

Ning Tianlin provided them with the best material and became an example of their thorough struggle.

This time, he was alone, but he killed hundreds of aliens to ensure the safety of Earth!

It’s just that they haven’t been happy for three seconds, the screen turned, and they saw dozens of extraterrestrials floating in the atmosphere on the screen, all expressionless. At the same time, five silhouettes continue to move towards and fly down.

"There are aliens!"

"There are aliens!"

Everyone thinks there are only so many aliens. Unexpectedly, there are dozens of aliens hidden in this void. Maybe they have been watching and taking everything in the sky. entire scene.

"Not good!"

"Ning Tianlin is going to be in trouble!"

In the north city of Beijing, Hua Lao looked at the screen and the complexion changed because After plotting against various plots in his life, he instantly understood that this was the opponent's combat strategy, and the elite troops would always stay at the critical moment to fight.

Especially play when you are sure to change the situation.

And these aliens, they have seen Ning Tianlin kill them all, and now they dare to come down, just to explain one thing, they are sure of victory, if not, they would have turned their heads and fled long ago!

"Cannon fodder!"


Can not help but, in the mind of Hua Lao, summed up the code name for the alien who had just died in action.

"What a fast speed!"

Even Ning Tianlin narrowed his eyes and looked straight at somewhere in the void. He could pass through the clouds and see everything there. , Even when he first started, he had already noticed that there were still many aliens there.

Especially from the memory that I read, I know that among these people, there is the silver and blue Prince of Qatar planet.

And what makes Ning Tianlin feel the heart palpitations most is the middle age person guard by the silver and blue Prince.

This guard, the guard whose memory was swallowed by him, doesn't know who he is and how much battle strength he has, but the silver and blue Prince is extremely respectful to him and listens to him almost everything.

During the voyage, I didn’t say anything.

This person is the biggest opponent.

Even Ning Tianlin couldn't help but rang out what King Yama said to him, telling him not to go back and run away!

Could it be that King Yama was referring to this person's failure!

I couldn't help but, Ning Tianlin's heart, there was a strong tension, and I didn't even know when, when these five aliens came to his side. The space around him was locked.

"Arrange an array!"

When these five people came, they simply didn't talk nonsense. They stood directly at five points in the void, forming a diagonal shape, and besieging Ning Tianlin like a five-pointed star. In the middle. And suddenly, a certain kind of weird energy rose up from these five people, a faint red rushing from their bodies, floating around them.

"The qi of blood essence!"

Ning Tianlin is extremely sensitive to this, and at a glance, I can tell that in the bodies of these five aliens, the qi and blood are surging, more than they When I first came down, it was dozens of times faster!

And Ning Tianlin noticed that the imposing manner of each of these five people is rising rapidly!

"Formation Dao!"

"Blood coagulation formation!"

Ning Tianlin also understood what these people were doing in an instant. And the Formation that these people want to arrange is revealed in my heart.

For others, it may be mysterious, but for Formation Dao who already has Small Accomplishment, it is nothing. You can see the mystery at a glance.


It's just that Ning Tianlin didn't do it right away, but waited for these five people to complete the Formation arrangement. He knew in his heart that if he couldn't even pass the five-person level, he would be able to drown himself in the next howling wind and torrential rain.

These five people are probably just touchstones!

"The formation is completed!"


A loud rant, plus a bloody whirlwind, rose from the five-pointed array, and, The figures of these five people also floated in the whirlwind and gathered to the most central position.



The sound of the skeleton cracking.



The sound of reorganization of flesh and blood.

"What are they doing?"

"Which are these five aliens going to make trouble?"

On the light curtain, there has been a thick blood -Reeking qi covers it, so you can't see what's going on inside. No one knew what happened in this bloody whirlwind, only the five-pointed light on the side flashed constantly.

Only Ning Tianlin can notice that the bodies of these five people continue to shatter and reorganize.

Even in his ears, the painful roars of these five people kept coming.

The pain of interrupting the fleshy body and continuing to reorganize is not something everyone can bear.


Said the length is not long, the short is not short, ten seconds later, a loud voice rang out in the pentagonal bloody whirlwind. Afterwards, the light dissipated, the blood color disappeared, and a giant six meters tall and three meters wide appeared in front of him.

"What the hell is this!"

"What is this?"

Too many Chinese people were shocked by this scene. There were five people just now. , How did it become one at the moment. But in appearance, it was not much different from the five aliens. They are all the same skin, the same nose, and the same eyes.

"Bloody Array!"

"It means to gather the blood essence, muscles, veins, skeleton, etc. of the five creatures in everything that contains battle strength to form a more powerhouse."

"The various pains during this period are very unbearable."

Ning Tianlin has a thorough understanding of this Formation. He knows very well that after this Formation, this The five-person battle strength has a qualitative improvement. Everyone who merges can add 10% of its battle strength to this giant.

It can be said that this huge humanoid monster has increased the battle strength of a single alien by only 40%!

"I just can't think of it, I can be so worthy of me. As soon as I showed up, I came to this great gift!"

Ning Tianlin didn't expect that when the other party came up, he even hit Do not fight, directly resorted to the trick.

It’s just that he doesn’t know that these five people can’t do anything about it. After all, the middle age person just now speculated part of Ning Tianlin’s battle strength.

At least they are more than 200,000.

The five of them all have a unified battle strength of 250,000 points.

Maybe, simply is not Ning Tianlin's opponent.

The minimum is 200,000, but doesn't it mean that it is 200,000! What if it is 300,000?

Rather than risk testing, it is better to take out the strongest killer move.

Success and failure are life or death. Let’s fight here!

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