
Only in the incredible eyes of everyone, Ning Tianlin responded to the alien with a mouthful of saliva! But it's all made up of blood, a thick mouthful of blood!

Although the muscles and veins of the whole body have been broken, the other party still left Ning Tianlin with the power to speak. But he didn't use this power to speak, instead, fiercely, he vomited blood from the other party!


Shit treasure!

It’s him Ning Tianlin wants to say, would you believe it!

How should I talk about the battle strength system? Said he was invisible and intangible?

You now want me to give you a large treasure, where can I find it!

And, isn't it just death! Since Ning Tianlin has already decided, he is not afraid of this dead word! What he can do now is to accompany countless Chinese people, accompany his parents and family to die together!

All the guardians are already not in. He is alive, what's the point?


Although this bloody water is impossible to spit on oneself, the invisible astral qi has already blocked them out, but Ning Tianlin's actions still make Zicheng Luo was furious and waved his hand fiercely, just like a "Pa".

A slap in the face, resounding through Heaven and Earth.

Even Ning Tianlin's body is involuntarily flying backwards several hundred meters.

There was also a "pu chi" in the mouth, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed again.

"Damn things!"

"It's really courting death!"

Zi Chengluo was angry, but he really didn't know how to fight Ning Tianlin. The opponent has broken limbs and is still alive now. It is already relying on his tenacious life force. If he takes it harder, I am afraid it will really be dead.

When the time comes, his treasure is truly turned into a permanent secret.



"Have a backbone!"

"I want to see, you are In front of the Heart Eating Insect, there is still a lot of spine!"

As he stretched out his palms, a black insect that was ten centimeters long and three centimeters wide appeared in the palm of his hand.

This insect, the whole body is black, but the eyes are bloody red, and the whole body is not hairy, but the root is wearing a layer of armor, as hard as iron.

As soon as he appeared, Zi Chengluo flicks with the finger and ran towards Ning Tianlin's mouth. It just didn't enter from Ning Tianlin's closed mouth, but from the nostrils, got in with a rush.

Just like cartilaginous animals.


"When the time comes, I can’t help you if I don’t want to talk about it!"

Zi Chengluo is snered, this is also his A killing move, forcing people to ask questions, depends on this Heart Eating Insect. It is precisely because of this Heart Eating Insect that he is confident and can definitely ask what he wants to know.

Because no one in the entire galaxy can escape the creeping of this Heart Eating Insect!

Heart Eating Insect, as the name suggests, is to eat your heart! Although the battle strength is not strong, the Peak is only 50,000 to 60,000, but if the opponent has no strength to fight back, it will eat people's hearts!

Especially after it is suitable for the heart, it will secrete a substance that will block the heart, and then flow to the whole body with the blood supplied by the heart.

And this secretion has no other effect, but it makes everyone feel very itchy, and even in unconsciously circumstances, it creates a hint of illusion.

In this illusion, what the other person asks, this person will answer something unconsciously.

In essence, it is similar to a mysterious technique.

In general, this question is almost the same. Heart Eating Insect has almost eaten the other's heart. At this time, the other party has no use value, it's damned.

"I want to see, how long can you last in front of this Heart Eating Insect!"

Speaking, just waiting for Ning Tianlin's change.

Just wait for Ning Tianlin's eyes to become the same red as Heart Eating Insect, which is when Ning Tianlin is almost eaten by Heart Eating Insect. At this time, it was also time for him to ask questions.

"gu lu!"

As soon as the Heart Eating Insect entered Ning Tianlin's body, Ning Tianlin felt a foreign object in the blood, especially in the heart, this Heart Eating Insect, the place where he ran to is his heart!


Just this Heart Eating Insect, before walking for three seconds, a crimson's head suddenly appeared directly from Ning Tianlin's blood, and then opened his mouth. Grabbing its body and swallowing it directly without responding.

Wanzu centipede!

At this time, Wanzu centipede finally moved! Moreover, inside Ning Tianlin's body, it also incorporates a part of Ning Tianlin's battle strength. Otherwise, it would not be able to swallow the Heart Eating Insect of around 50,000 battle strength.


"What's the matter?"

Heart Eating Insect was practiced by Zi Chengluo, so as soon as it disappeared, Zi Chengluo’s complexion was greatly changed, and he exclaimed, "You still have something in your body!"

There are incredible colors in his eyes!

There is something hidden in the body of this native!

He just felt that a big mouth flashed by, and he lost the induction of Heart Eating Insect, and he couldn't help but be shocked!

Heart Eating Insect!

This is Heart Eating Insect!

The treasures he finally got, there are not many in the entire galaxy, and he has always been a weapon for forcing people to ask questions! For the sake of caution, he usually releases it only when the opponent completely loses the battle strength.

But now, it's gone, and it was eaten by something in the opponent's body!

How is this possible?

He has just probed all of the other party's mind, so there is no foreign body! He found nothing!


Unfortunately, my mind was immersed again, and I quickly searched for my Heart Eating Insect. What was it that I was eaten, but no matter what, even if Ning Tianlin The whole body, inside and out, looked transparent, but found nothing!

Symbiosis Life Source beast, but a very rare alien beast in the universe, once fused, it is completely indifferent to the host. Not to mention that he Zicheng Luo, the master of the galaxy, has never heard of this kind of existence.

Of course he was impossible to discover.


Zi Chengluo, who was angry, slammed Ning Tianlin's head with a punch, but, in the extreme anger, he still maintained a trace of reason , Controlling most of the strength, Ning Tianlin is really dead, but he has nothing.

But even so, most of Ning Tianlin's head was dented!



"Since you have a seed, don't tell me, then I will kill everyone!"


"Destroy your home planet!"

Since Ning Tianlin is already in hand, these people, this planet, don’t have to keep it. It’s time to give it to him first. Heart Eating Insect is buried!

Speaking, the bloody sickle rose into the sky, floating in the void, and surrounded by lightning faintly, continuously accumulating power.

Three tricks!

With only three moves, he can split this planet in half!


Ning Tianlin was very anxious, but just opened his mouth, there was blood from gu lu lu, which was vague. He wanted to turn his body, but the veins were broken, and the endless pain made his mind almost fall.


"The mission is now released!"

At this moment, a long-lost voice rang in his ear.

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