"Shan Min?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback. He didn't know the news from the memory of the alien in front of him. He thought it was This silver and blue Prince wanted Chiyan Black Dragon, but didn't expect it to be someone else.

And it's still an eight-star Martial Artist!

There are more than 800,000 battle strengths!

“bang! ”

Ning Tianlin didn’t hesitate, a line of sight, shot the silver and blue Prince’s mind directly, and then used mysterious skills without waiting for him to react. Forcibly read his memory.

"Shan Min..."

"The appearance of the Chiyan Black Dragon turned out to be like this."

It was also from this time, Ning Tianlin knows the reason why the Chiyan Black Dragon will really appear in Earth, and behind this, there is indeed the silhouette of the eight-star Martial Artist.

Only in the memory of this silver and blue Prince, there is no reason for the eight-star Martial Artist, why he wants the Chiyan Black Dragon.

"Unfortunately, your keyboard is completely wrong this time!"

Ning Tianlin is coldly snorted, and the spirit is removed from the silver-blue Prince's mind.

Thirty years!

Thirty years later, is the deadline for the handover between him and Shan Min.

Furthermore, it will take thirty years of continuous flight to get from Earth to Shan Min's mansion.

The road is far away, and it is infinitely close to the center of the Milky Way.

"What about this Shanmin discovery!"

"Thirty years from here, that is to say, thirty years later, he may discover the silver and blue Prince's Death, and if you rush to Earth from there, it will be another thirty years!"

"Fifty years, enough time!"

Ning Tianlin is extremely confident.

For others, fifty years may not be a big deal, for powerhouse, it is just a drop in the ocean, but for Ning Tianlin, fifty years is already very long.

He is only 21 years old now.

Moreover, it has only been thirty years since I started practicing battle strength.

For more than 50 years, his battle strength has definitely grown to a more terrifying level, and he will not necessarily be afraid of him!

Furthermore, all of this must be said before Shan Min can find Earth.

From the memory of this silver and blue Prince, Shan Min now simply doesn't know what's going on here, or even the existence of Earth. He might not look far away from here.

After all, the Milky Way is too big, bigger than Ning Tianlin's imagination.

"What did you do to me!"

Silver and blue Prince woke up from the trance, immediately realized that it was wrong, and at the same time changed the reason, loudly said, "You can't kill I, you have to dare to kill me, you planet, don’t try to keep it!"

Yinlan Prince threatened, "You may not know, my spaceship stops outside your planet, you If you dare to do it to me, at the moment of doing it, I will let spaceship fire!"

"Blow your planet to the ground!"

"Let you all person give me Funeral!"

In the eyes of the silver-blue Prince, a ruthless color flashed, and he thought that for this reason, it would definitely shock the indigenous people in front of him!

You aboriginal, don’t you care about your planet, don’t you care about your kind? I don't believe you dare to do it!


Countless Chinese people have also heard this remark. You look at me, I look at you, yes, there is still a stop in outer space. The cosmic spaceship has a larger diameter than Earth’s.

No one will doubt his formidable power.

The spaceship that can conduct cosmic voyages, I am afraid that it is really capable, and it will blast through Earth all at once.

"Let him go."

"Must let him go."

Too many people are shocked by the threat from the other side, struggling so For a long time, don't you just want to die.

Even Hua Lao, who already thinks he has a chance to win, is also frowned, but he thinks more. It's just that he thinks differently from most people. Instead, he believes that this silver and blue Prince must die!

Never let him leave alive!

If you let him go, you can shoot a shot in outer space at will, it will be a huge threat to Earth!


"Your cosmic spaceship?"

As everyone knows, Ning Tianlin smiled in the eyes of everyone, and in his expression, not only did he not worry about it , On the contrary, he was full of joking, saying, "Then you call the universe spaceship, and see if it promises you?"

"Or give it a shot to see if it can penetrate our planet!"

Ning Tianlin is full of self-confidence, nothing else, because now this cosmic spaceship is already his, the battle strength system has long been exchanged for intelligent life, and the entire cosmic spaceship is controlled.

It is precisely because of this that his energy points have reached as many as eight trillion!

But this also shows how valuable this cosmic spaceship, in exchange for renminbi, is!


Looking at Ning Tianlin's ironic face, Yinlan Prince felt a sense of anxiety in his heart. He seemed to realize something, and quickly used the intelligence implanted in his mind. Information device, contact the universe spaceship.

It’s just that no matter what, there is no induction!

"No way!"

"No way!"

"How could this happen!"

Silver Blue Prince complexion Greatly changed, how did not expect this situation. He can't even contact his own spaceship 1

How can this be possible!

There is only one explanation for this situation, that is, the control system of the spaceship of the universe has been replaced or compromised by stronger technology! If not, there will never be no response!

But how is this possible!

Aboriginal planet is in front of him. How can a group of Barbarians in his eyes conquer his cosmic spaceship control system?

This is not based on battle strength, but on technological strength!

The aboriginal planet in front of you has the technological strength of a fart. If not, it would not be in outer space. It would use such an old-fashioned satellite!

"Nothing is impossible."

Ning Tianlin sneered, "Now, my mood is relaxed, you can go to death!"

Ning Tianlin So I said so much to him because of the battles, which made his divine sense extremely tense. Now, talking and satirizing the other party, it really relieved him.

“bang! ”

Without waiting for the other party’s response, a wisp of Divine Sense, it shot directly from his eyes, and the sound of "peng" directly sent the silver and blue Prince Destroyed his mind into a mess.


Before the silver-blue Prince's figure landed, Ning Tianlin waved his hand and swallowed the opponent's figure with the big mouth of the centipede. in stomach.

Even the space ring on his finger appeared in Ning Tianlin's hand.

"It is worthy of the Prince of Qatar planet, and it is also the most important Prince."

Ning Tianlin's essence points directly increased from 40 million to 6,700 Ten thousand points, let him rejoice for a while. This silver and blue Prince's treasure is almost the same as that of Zi Chengluo.

It's just that when he turned his head and looked down at the ground below, his face was gloomy.

Ten days!

Only ten days, he will leave Earth and venture into the universe.

What is abrupt, there is a deep reluctance!

Reluctant to part with parents, family, and Yi Shan.

But I was reluctant to give up, but it was also full of excitement! Because of leaving Earth, the outside world is even broader!

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