"sorry, sir, you are not a member of ours, and you do not have the right to order meals for other planet guests. If you really need it, please find the other party and let the other party make their own reservation."

"This will prove whether the other party is a real alien visitor."

"This is our hotel's regulations. It is useless if you find our manager."


The waiter standing at the front desk showed a professional smile, but the meaning of the words could not be clearer. If you don't call the manager, it's useless to say more.

"Manager, find your manager."

"I know him."

Kabata still insisted, and his voice increased. Some.

How could he let Ning Tianlin come over to book a room by himself? How could this show his strength, and not just hit his own face! He just said clearly that he will arrange everything, and the other party just needs to wait to eat!

Now, let the other party come to book by himself?

When the time comes, you must show your ID card or something. People at this level of the other party will definitely find it troublesome. They just have a meal. If you are angry, you may blame yourself for doing things badly. ,boast.

What should I do if I take back the huge "tip" I just gave myself!

When the time comes, he will become an ordinary person again!

No, he must take care of this by himself, seize the opportunity to become a master!

Sometimes, human destiny is just such a moment!

Moreover, he didn’t lie. He and the manager had indeed met. The last time he accompany his eldest cousin to eat here, the eldest cousin introduced himself to the other party, maybe The other party remembers himself, for the sake of his eldest cousin's face, he will book a room for himself.

He really doesn't know that the people of this planet need members to make reservations.

“Sorry, we really don’t know where the manager is, and even if he is there, I think he won’t let us violate the rules.”

The waiter’s face , Still wearing a professional smile, but already despising the Kabata in front of him in his heart.

Know the manager?

If you know the manager, you’ve already called for it, so you’re still talking to them here?

Even if it is a acquaintance, I am afraid it is just a general acquaintance.

Those who don’t have a manager’s phone number are all nonsense!

This is also their consensus in doing this.

"Don't be ashamed and conspicuous here, get out of here."

"Country bumpkin, don't delay our time!"

It's here in Kabata, Arguing, when he didn't know what to do, a cold voice came from behind him, and at the same time a big hand pushed him away arrogantly, making him completely unresisted and rolled heavily. One side on the ground.

I saw a fatty who looked similar to him, and looked at him coldly with a sneer on his face. Even after doing this, I only felt that I had done an insignificant thing. I didn't take seriously at all. Instead, I continued to the beautiful waiter inside, "Give me a private room. I want to entertain these VIPs."

Beside him, there were five or six people with blue eyes and red hair, and their noses were a little cocked. Obviously, they were not Cuttlefish people. Four men and two women are also looking at this farce with inexplicable eyes.

"Okay, Mr. Ba."

The waiter obviously knows this fatty, said with a slight smile.


"Where did the country bumpkin come from, in this kind of place it still chirps!"

Fatty has finished the work, it seems that there is still some meaning left. , Sipped at Kabata, his eyes fierce.

"Ba...Mr. Ba."

Kabata, who fell to the ground, obviously knew each other, and did not expect that it would be the one who would push him down. he! Originally, he was ready to get up and take revenge, but forcibly endured it.

There was some trembling in his mouth.

No way, the person in front of you, simply can't afford it! My cousin is here, and he respectfully calls Mr. Ba when he sees him!

And he can know each other because Mr. Ba is so famous.

Philanthropist, educator, real estate agent, spaceship supplier, one of the ten richest people in the world, a series of names, so that the entire planet is constantly flooded with his news.

His information is available on TV and on the Internet.

Is Cuttlefish Star, one of the more famous people.

But this is only his apparent identity. Once, he heard his cousin mention by chance, what shit philanthropist, educator, Mr. Ba, in fact, the biggest identity is the entire Cuttlefish star. Boss of the underworld!

The real secret mastermind of human trafficking!

Every moment, there are many Cuttlefish people who are sold to other planets for huge profits.

It's just that the opponent's background is too strong, and his own battle strength is too strong. No one will provoke him in the entire Cuttlefish Star!

His Kabata is rich now, and still has a huge amount of cash in Galaxy coins, but he doesn't have the guts to challenge the person in front of him. Because there is no opponent's strength and background, and there is no opponent's battle strength.

The other party just need a word, he Kabata, and immediately disappear from the Cuttlefish Star!


It's just that Kabata admits to being counseled and wants to calm down, but Mr. Buta doesn't seem to let him go, especially when Kabata falls. Next, I noticed the stack of Galaxy coins overflowing from his pants pocket!

Although only half of it is revealed, Mr. Ba often deals with money, how can he not recognize that these money are pure one hundred Galaxy coins!

And the thickness is not thin!

If they are all 100 Galaxy coins. . . . . .

Thinking of this, I hurriedly released my spirits, covering the pile of money.


"One hundred!"

"One hundred one hundred Galaxy coins!"

The chubby Mr. Ba was shocked, because this was 10,000 Galaxy Coins, although he was less than his full net worth, but it was already more than half! Especially since he has so much net worth, but he doesn't have so much cash!

Who the hell is this youngster who was overthrown by him!

How can there be so much money!

Also carry it on your body and run!

Especially on the side, the six aliens who came with him also noticed this scene, and they all saw the Milky Way coins overflowing from Kabata’s pocket, you look at me, I look at you , Because this is also a huge sum of money for them!

Who is this youngster? Although it looks good, it is not top-notch, but how come there are so many Galaxy coins!

Ten thousand yuan!

They came to Cuttlefish Star this time and discussed business many times!

"Not good."

The Kabata, who fell to the ground, was also complexion changed, with a thump in his heart.

Not good!

Mr. Ba saw his money!

He understands the truth about Cai's undisclosedness, especially the boss who is a stubborn guy! This person is vicious and merciless, and he can't handle it at all now! If he was malicious. . . . . .


"You thief!"

"You dare to steal my money!"

What he even more complexion greatly changed is that at this time, the fat Mr. Ba suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at him, shouted loudly!

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