"Okay, let's go."

"Then those corpses of Qiangzi in the backyard, you help dispose of them."

Ning Tianlin I don't want to stay in this place too much. The densely packed corpse still makes him a little nauseous, and it is now three o'clock at midnight, and it will be dawn after five o'clock. Taking advantage of this time, he can slowly rush to school.


At this moment, Ning Tianlin felt his ears move abruptly, and then there was an itching, the centipede hidden in the earholes by him, slowly Climbed out.

"You are awake."

Ning Tianlin held the other person in his hand, looked at the fingernail-sized body, a burst of laughter, after drinking some of his own blood last time, he fell asleep For three days. At this time, he actually crawled out.

"You...do you want to eat those corpses?"

After that, a wisp of Divine Sense suddenly sounded in Ning Tianlin's mind. There was no voice, but he did He clearly felt what the other party was going to do, and he was taken aback. This centipede the size of a fingernail actually wanted to eat these corpses!

"Well." The divine sense of the other party came again.


Without waiting for Ning Tianlin’s reaction, this ten thousand-foot centipede jumped directly from Ning Tianlin’s palm, floated in the air for a while, and then quickly moved towards the backyard Rushed in the direction. Moreover, in Ning Tianlin's mind, an image appeared involuntarily, that was the image of the centipede crawling over.

Although there is already a wall blocking it, this picture is truly in his mind, as if he saw it with his own eyes!

"Fast speed!"

Ning Tianlin was surprised, didn't expect it, the speed of this centipede is so fast, like flying flies, just a flash , Appeared on the body of the nearest corpse, and drilled directly along the other's ear holes.

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

In Ning Tianlin's shocked gaze, the corpse shrivelled at the speed visible to naked eye , In a short while, it became a skin. Immediately afterwards, even the skin bags were disappeared.

"Isn't it without teeth yet."


Ning Tianlin knows that this centipede is just born , Don't even have teeth! How to swallow all the skeleton muscles of the corpse!

"Although it has no teeth, the digestive juice in its mouth is extremely corrosive. Not to mention bones, even stones, can corrode in an instant, and as it grows, the digestive juice also It will become more and more powerful."

"It's just like your human newborn child has stomach acid in the stomach, don't be surprised."

battle strength system at this time Also came out to explain.


Next, there is the second and the third. In Ning Tianlin’s incredible gaze, it didn’t take 3 minutes. This ten thousand centipede will be ten Several corpses were swallowed in, not one left.

Moreover, at this time, the body of this centipede has changed from the size of the original fingernails to the current five or six centimeters. The tender and tender body of the original milky yellow is now covered with a The strands are brown, similar to ordinary centipede.

The teeth are also growing out. Hooked in the mouth.

The feet on the body have also changed from the original pair to the two pairs now. There are four in total.

"Does it not support it?"

Ning Tianlin no longer knows what to use to describe it, why he didn't expect that such a big thing can actually be eaten More than a dozen corpses! Just put a tiger in, and it is impossible to eat it in such a short time!

"Support?" Xing Zhan hehe smiled, "When one day, when it crosses the universe, let alone hundreds of humans, it is just a small planet, a huge galaxy, it can swallow it Go down! What support?"

"The capacity of its abdomen is almost infinite!"

"The centipede is a rare life in the universe. Don't look at it with the eyes of your Earth."

"And the host, in the universe, there are many kinds of creatures with big appetites like it. All of you swallow your Earth, just stick your tongue out."

Listen At this point, Ning Tianlin doesn't want to say much anymore, this thing is too far away for him, he has seen the biggest creature now, or the elephant he saw in the zoo when he was a child.

As for a whale more than ten meters long, he has never seen it. Not to mention the cosmic creatures that are as large as a few ten thousand zhangs, and the size of a few planets.

"Then how much battle strength does it have now?"

Ning Tianlin has some expectations, but he remembers that the battle strength system used to say that the battle strength of this centipede, Will be superimposed on yourself in some way. Its battle strength is actually its own battle strength!

The more powerful it is, the more it will help you!

"Forty o'clock." Xing Zhan replied and explained, "Its current battle strength will be reflected in the number of'foot'. One'foot' represents ten-point battle strength. "

"Now two pairs of four, it is forty o'clock."

"Forty o'clock!" Ning Tianlin's heart jumped. He thought it was only five or six o'clock, and he died. Ten o'clock, unexpectedly reached forty o'clock! You know, he was only Level 10 a few hours ago, not counting equipment, the fleshy body battle strength is only these forty points.

This little thing is comparable to your own fleshy body!

But I was even bigger in my heart, but it was a surprise, because these forty points of battle strength were superimposed on my body and used for my own use. It does not mean that his battle strength is almost close even with equipment. One hundred points?

"I remember you said that I can share its battle strength, how can I do it?"

Ning Tianlin wants to try now and share the battle with this centipede What kind of situation is the strength, and can it really stack up completely?

"Of course."

"Its battle strength can become your battle strength."

Xing Zhan nodded responded, explaining at the same time, "You only need to control this centipede with your mind to melt into your body, and its whole body energy will naturally radiate to your limbs and limbs. When the time comes, your battle strength will increase."

"And this battle strength increases your fleshy body attribute, that is, your physique, strength, agility, and spirit. It is not comparable to the equipment and the like."

"For example, you The Fleshy body attribute of Level 12 and Level 12 is impossible to use the last middle grade equipment. Forced to use, that level of Spiritual Qi tank body will definitely make you burst into death!"

"But as long as you integrate with Wanzu centipede, Fleshy body attribute, you can reach the 15th level immediately. At this time, you can use it after the last middle grade equipment!"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback! , And then is overjoyed. Isn’t this the same as the lower level of equipment used in the game! It originally needed five Level 10 equipment, but as long as it is combined with the Wanzu centipede, it can be used at Level 45!

In this way, it is not only the battle strength of the centipede that is increased. The higher the quality of the equipment, the more powerful the battle strength will be added!

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