Note: Thanks to the book friend "Zi Yan" for rewarding 800 book coins, "Quit." Rewarding 588 book coins, and "people are cheap and having a natural income" rewarding 500 book coins. "Lane as fleeting" rewards 388 book coins! And the book friends who silently voted for the recommendation! thank you all!

Ning Tianlin heard a little drowsy during the course one morning. Although his spirit is far beyond normal, he still doesn’t catch a cold for English and high maths. He is still drowsy. They all don't understand why they want to learn this in college.

According to his original life trajectory, he has been impossible to talk to foreigners in English all his life. And even if you learn this, it's no use not to speak.

So, all morning, he fell asleep.

5-6 days of busyness, he fell asleep as soon as he leaned on the table. When I opened my eyes, it was already time for lunch. And he was awakened by his dormitory friend Shi Xiaojun.

"Tianlin, you can really sleep! I slept all morning."

"Why, did you steal the cow last night?" Shi Xiaojun jokingly said.

"What kind of cows are you stealing! I killed the people all night." Ning Tianlin grinned. There are a total of six people in the dormitory. Shi Xiaojun has a good relationship with him, and the others are just average and dispensable.

There is even one, and he has some grudges against Ning Tianlin.

The man's name is Wang Nan, the son of Shanxi Coal Mine Boss, but he is not the kind of large coal mine with a net worth of over 100 million yuan, but a small private prospecting individual who has no certificate and is not qualified. But even so, it is worth several millions.

That was not long after the freshman year started. The three thousand yuan that Wang Nan put in the cabinet was lost. For some reason, he decided that it was Ning Tianlin who did it. And reported the matter to the counselor.

Originally, more than 3,000 yuan is nothing to people like him. If you lose it, you will lose it. However, for this kind of thing, it is unlucky to be stolen by a thief on the street, but it is lost in my dormitory. It's another matter. If you don't tell the matter to the counselor, others will think that Wang Nan is a bully!

And not afraid of the thief stealing, just afraid of the thief thinking.

His Wang Nan is not the kind of person who is annoying!

I didn't know how he made the judgment, so he directly reported Ning Tianlin to the counselor. After the incident, the entire dormitory was thoroughly investigated, and even the campus security guards came over to take Ning Tianlin away and interrogated him.

Although there was no evidence after the incident and he was rushed, his Ning Tianlin's reputation in the class suddenly deteriorated, and even at that time, everyone looked at him like a thief. If it weren't for his Ning Tianlin's heart has always been strong, it is very likely to do something unpredictable at that time.

But since then, he and Wang Nan never said a word. Although he is a roommate, he has already forged a grudge.


"You killed the people all night."

"Who are the people who kill in your dreams." Shi Xiaojun I also jokingly said, "Okay, it's noon, it's time to eat, let's go and eat chicken nugget noodles!"

"The chicken nugget noodles at the door taste, but I thought about the summer vacation. "

"Well, me too." Ning Tianlin nodded, the chicken nugget noodles at the door for eight yuan, the taste is really good, spicy, and very enjoyable.

"Then let's go." Shi Xiaojun smiled.



Under the plane tree.

"Welcome new students. Foreign language department."

Under the banner, there are three tables, connected together, four women and two men sitting in a row, talking and laughing. They are the cadres in charge of receiving the New Student Enrollment of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​this time. They stayed here without even attending the morning class.

"Wow! Liu Bin, look, beauty!"

The two men don’t look good, but the foreign language department is really wolves, less meat, and not many men. , They were sent over. At this moment, a man sitting on the right, with straight eyes, looked straight at a beautiful woman walking on the road while patted Liu Bin's hand beside him.

Beside this beauty, there is a tall woman with luxurious clothes, which is not ordinary at first glance.

"Really beautiful!"

"It looks better than our willow eyebrows!"

Liu Bin was still joking with the woman next to him, hearing This glanced at it, but with just one glance, it almost took his soul away.

The other party is dressed in a white short-sleeved shirt, light purple big loose breeches, red low-heeled sandals, ponytails, and a little pink. It is youthful and full of mature temptation, so that both eyes can see Some hair is straight.


"moved towards our table is coming!"

Liu Bin's heart jumped and realized that this person is very likely It is a freshman who came to report in the Department of Foreign Languages, his eyes lighted up, and he even got up from his seat quickly, looked towards the coming person, said with a smile, "Are you a freshman here to report?"

"Aunt , You are her mother, so beautiful."

Liu Bin greeted the two quickly, trying to show his handsome like a jade tree. He knows that it is very important to give people a first impression. The man who had just sat with Liu Bin and reminded him to look at the beautiful woman also stood up and greeted the two.

It’s just that Liu Bin’s ancestor has been greeted many times in my heart. He should speak first for this kind of thing!

"Thank you."

The young woman did not speak, but the middle-aged woman had already said with a smile. At their age, they care most about the importance others place on their looks, but they still add One sentence, "I'm not her mother, I'm just her Aunt."

She wanted to say a nanny, but when she got her words, she became this remark.

"Oh, sorry Aunt, forgive me for my eyesight. Are you here to repay you?"

"Are you a freshman in the foreign language department?"

Liu Bin focused on the young woman again, she was their appetite.

"Well." The other party was nodded, and asked at the same time, "Is it here to do the procedures?" The voice was soft, and it sounded very sweet.

"En." Liu Bin quickly nodded, "Excuse me, what is your name? Can I read the admission notice?"

"My name is Lin Jiayi." This woman Answered, and at the same time, Aunt, the nanny next to him, quickly took out the admission notice from the big red bag and handed it over.

"Lin Jiayi. Good name." Liu Bin secretly wrote down in the heart, and at the same time accepted the admission notice, picked up the pen from the table and started to register. And at the end, I asked, "Is there a mobile phone number?"

"Is it a new one in the school or the original one? This needs to be registered."

Due to different cities Many freshmen will set up a new mobile phone number in the school to save money and phone bills, but Lin Jiayi, as a rich lady, doesn't care about this, so he directly reported his mobile phone number.

And this Liu Bin is overjoyed, because in the information form, simply do not need to fill in this item. Now, he got the other party's phone number in this way. Wait, you must save it in your phone.


"It's him!"

Just when I registered in Lin Jiayi, I was bored in my leisure time. I turned my head and looked around, but only one. , But shocked her mind, as if she had seen something incredible, but after that, it was a joy!

She doesn't even know where this joy came from!

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