"Boss is good!"

The woman bent over and greeted Ning Tianlin.

The voice was a bit numb, which made Ning Tianlin sound. When in Earth, a famous movie star in China, it was also the voice. Even the more it seemed, the appearance of the two was somewhat similar.

Speaking, without waiting for Ning Tianlin to be nodded, he stepped forward and took Ning Tianlin's arm, but from the look of it, some were unnatural and some were sorry, obviously not very skilled.

"Let go."

Ning Tianlin frowned, coldly shouted.

Didn't expect that the other party would do such a move.


The woman was taken aback and couldn't help but stepped back, looking at Ning Tianlin with some embarrassment.

What's the matter?

Don't all men like this?

Don’t you just hug and hug when you come up!

What do you mean by accompanying tour, isn’t it a one-stop service?

Although she did it for the first time, the rules in it were already taught to him by "sisters" when she came, and she was still somewhat prepared.

"Follow me."

"I ask you to do what you do."

When Ning Tianlin was in Earth, nothing happened He has been in contact with women, except for a limited number of classmates, he has generally spent time in improving battle strength. Now, a strange woman made such a move, which made him a little uncomfortable.


The woman whispered complied, nodded, looking at the silhouette of Ning Tianlin who has moved forward, she was a little frightened.

The coldly snorted of the other party just now, although it didn't take much effort, but it made her feel a strong power, and even unconsciously, she felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped by a point.

She guessed, if she continues to hold the other person's arm, the other person will dare to hit her!

It's not like joking and pretending.



Seeing that Ning Tianlin has walked a few meters away, he hesitated, but you are walking hurriedly Shattered steps followed along.

No way.

Since I have done this, I can't look back. No matter what the guests request, no matter their attitude, she has to bear it.

If the last guest complains to the Boss, or says something bad, her business will be done in vain, and she will even face the anger of the Boss.

Although she only went to work on the first day, she also saw how the boss treats them behind the scenes.

It's possible to beat and scold, or even kill!

Who makes them just slaves!

Sell the slave of this Chang star from afar!

"Do you know this planet, where is the biggest shop?"

Just as the woman Xiaoman walked to Ning Tianlin's side, Ning Tianlin had already spoken and asked her, At the same time add a sentence, "Anything can be bought there."

"Oh." Xiaoman nodded, "I know."

"In Changming Building."

"There is everything there."

Although she went to work on the first day, she was trafficked to this planet, but she had five days to go. I still have some understanding of the things on this planet, and I have also undergone a short training in geography.

After all, their identities are tour guides who accompany the guests.

Some famous places, they must know.

However, they only know a general idea. After all, they are not real tour guides. How can guests look for them for traveling? Ninety-nine percent of them are not all that kind of thing.

To accompany the tour during the day and to accompany the bed at night.

"Take me there."

Ning Tianlin said. After speaking, with a wave of his hand, a black floating car appeared beside them.

"Hovering car?"

Xiaoman was surprised.

I didn’t expect, the man in front of me could easily make this thing!

The floating car is a tool on this planet, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, you can walk freely. Moreover, this car looks very tall and tall, much taller than the rental floating cars and private floating cars in the surrounding counterparts.

Just this streamlined style, you know it is very expensive!

most important, how did this car come from? space ring?

She has heard of a space ring that can hold such a large object, but she has never seen it, because there is such a large-capacity space ring, which is very expensive! Even hundreds of thousands, millions of Galaxy Coins are not an exaggeration!

She originally had a space ring, but that capacity can only hold water cups, books and the like. Compared with this space, it is completely one sky and one underground.

"But my space ring, already not in..."

"That's a gift from my father..."

Thinking of this, Xiaoman's expression is not a little sad, and the scenes of the ruin of the family that day did not appear in front of her, and at the same time, she couldn't help but moved towards Ning Tianlin's fingers.

Sure enough, there was a ring that was as deep as Ye Xingkong.

"Get in the car!"

Ning Tianlin just said one sentence and sat in by himself.

This levitating car, of course, was exchanged from the battle strength system. It only has 500 points of energy. In the battle strength system, things that have nothing to do with battle strength generally cost less.

Ning Tianlin was originally going to fly over.

But for the planet, humans are forbidden to fly, and only vehicles can travel through the air.

Otherwise, it’s easy to mess around with people and cars.

And some identities, who wants to fly alone. Just follow Earth. After having a car, who wants to walk or ride a bicycle?

What kind of bicycle to ride?

"Boss, your floating car is really good."

Xiaoman sits in it, assaults the senses, it is rich in luxury and nobility.

She never thought that a floating car could be so!

The central control panel is a beautiful image of an intelligent robot. There is no steering wheel. The entire car is just like a small room full of high-tech, even sofas, drinks, and refrigerators are the only ones!

The most important thing, the surrounding cortex, obviously can't be made by ordinary leather! It's not made by who works!

If she guesses right, these leathers are the fur of precious animals! She can even see the texture of animal fur in it!

Furthermore, as soon as she sat down, she could see people outside pointing fingers at the car. In that expression, apart from envy, there was only envy!

"Boss, how much is your floating car?"

"What brand?"

"I have never seen it before."

Xiaoman had a good life originally, but she had never seen this kind of floating car in front of her. Sitting in the car, she looked at Ning Tianlin and asked.

Men like luxury cars, and some women do the same. Xiangche beauty, this is a common saying.


It's just that Ning Tianlin didn't pay attention to her, and directly pointed to the intelligent video of the center console.


Following Ning Tianlin's instructions, the black levitating car started on its own, and the belly and tail section braved the light blue flames and moved towards the air.

Ten minutes later.

It has appeared in front of a huge silver-gray building floating in the air.

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