"Kill her!"

"A slave dare to go around here, and treat us nobles as decorations? How can we enjoy the same as our nobles? Power!"

The enchanting lady watched Xiaoman give up struggling, without a trace of mercy, she was coldly snorted.

And her two bodyguards did not stop in their hands. In the next second, their heavy hands could definitely shake the woman's head.

“weng! ”

At the crucial moment, the eyes of the two bodyguards suddenly showed horror, because they suddenly found that their hands could not move Now, even the whole body was firmly wrapped by a tyrannical force, and the body that had been leaning forward was forcibly standing still.


While they were still a little bit unable to react, their two heads, like a watermelon opening a scoop, burst instantly, blood flying, splashing everywhere Yes. But when he was about to reach Xiaoman, he was blocked by an invisible force.


The onlookers were shocked. They were watching the excitement and killing the slave, but they were not watching the slave revolt! The slave riots, and sometimes it is terrifying.

Especially now that I saw the blood, the heads of the two bodyguards were gone for no reason, and they were timid, and they all fell apart.

Crazy yelled and escaped.

But I'm still a little bold. I think the battle strength is good. I want to see what's going on and who did it.

The enchanting lady who initiated the instigator turned pale instantly and her legs were shaking involuntarily. She knew the battle strength of these two bodyguards was given to her by her husband.

The battle strength is good.

But at this moment, someone got a headshot for no reason!

Although she is arrogant, she is also timid, especially when she sees blood, the reaction she can think of is to turn around and run away immediately! What made her extremely frightened was that no matter how she struggled, she couldn't control her body!

Her whole body is like being pressed to the ground by an extremely powerful force! Can't move at all!


Xiaoman slowly opened her eyes, she was a little strange, why the other party hadn't done it yet, why didn't you feel the pain of the beating? Especially when she heard the panic calls around, she was extremely surprised.

What happened?


Only when she opened her eyes and saw the two headless corpses that had fallen to the ground in front of her, she also gave a scream, and she couldn't help holding breath cold. air.

What's the matter?

Just now I had to beat her two bodyguards, how did it become like this?

Who did it?

Who is such a bold person who dare to kill two people in broad daylight?

"It's him!"


In an instant, Xiaoman, who was a little confused, remembered something, and quickly moved towards and looked up . If at this moment, who is likely to make a move for himself, he is the only one!

But is that possible?

He is just his own guest, how can he forge such a big beam for himself?




Just when she turned her head and saw slowly When the youngster came, he understood everything, and sure enough, he did it! He saved his life!

At this moment, although the other person’s expression is still cold, as cold as ice cubes, she couldn’t help but feel a trace of warmth. She also realized that under her Boss’s cold face, there might be something of her own imagination hidden. The heart that can't be reached.


What Xiaoman said was a bit stuttering.

She has just given up struggling, but she has also imagined that her Boss will stand up for herself and stop the other party from doing it. After all, she came here with him. But this probability is probably less than one in ten thousand!

This enchanting lady is not an easy role at first glance.

But I didn’t expect it. I, Boss, not only did it, but it was so ruthless. He killed the other’s two bodyguards directly. It was still under the circumstance of so many people watching. .

Is he not afraid!

Every planet has laws and rules, especially this lady, who seems to be at home is not simple. What to do if you get revenge afterwards.


Only when she was thinking about it, a strangely shaped ion gun appeared in front of her, and while she was frightened, her ears rang I heard Ning Tianlin's voice, "Hold it!"

"Kill her!"

The voice was cold, as if from the hell of nine sides.


Xiaoman was startled, opened his eyes wide, and looked at Ning Tianlin. He didn't even dare to imagine that the other party would say such a thing!

Kill the lady!

How can this work!

The identity of the lady is far from what the two bodyguards can compare just now. Killing her will definitely be irreconcilable and completely messy.

"What is there to hesitate?" Ning Tianlin said coldly, "Didn't you just hear that she was going to let someone beat you to death just now!"

Here Ning Tianlin is here , I have never said such kind of kindness, there is revenge, there is resentment, how she treats you, how you treat her, even ten times, it is not an exaggeration to go back a hundred times.

"Besides, do you know who she is?"

Seeing Xiaoman in a daze, Ning Tianlin suddenly asked an inexplicable word.

"I am the eldest lady of General Limulus!"

"I am the eldest lady of General Limulus!"

I heard Ning Tianlin mentioned her Identity, this lady loudly shouted. She wanted to say such a thing a long time ago to show her identity, but no matter how she struggled, she just couldn't say a word.

Now, but somehow I can say it.

"You can't kill me, I am the eldest lady of General Limulus, and my husband Limulus, but the third powerhouse of our prosperous star, known as General Limulus!"

"You can't kill me!"

"If you kill me, my husband, I will never let you go!"

The lady was a bit hoarse, at this time, it turned out to be Still can't forget the threat.

"Have you heard, who is she?"

Ning Tianlin looked at Xiaoman in front of him and asked with interest.

Sure enough, hearing this lady talk about her distinguished identity, Xiaoman not only was not afraid, but frowned, even involuntarily picking up the ion gun that Ning Tianlin threw at her in front of her.

Some cold, he asked every word, "You just said, who are you?"

"I...I am... I am General Limulus.... Madam.”

The lady is not a fool, she also saw something in an instant, but the words have been said just now, and at this moment, she can only brace. oneself continued, just in a tone of voice, without the tyranny just now, but a little trembling.

I even realized something.

Her husband is Limulus, and indeed Changming Planet’s third powerhouse, with a battle strength of more than 300,000, and is the third general, but correspondingly, it is also full of hands. bloody.

Those who died in the hands of his husband were tens of thousands without a million.

In other words, in addition to high positions, there are also countless enemies.

Is the woman in front of me a fish that escaped the net when her husband slaughtered?

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