"embarrassing Tai Ming?"


"shout the name of the consul who would dare be so impudent?"

too many Martial Artist cry heard this road, are turned pale in fright, one you look at me, I look at you, absolutely could not believe my ears. Some even into the sky, to see this voice come from.

Who is so bold son, dare to directly address the taboo consul!

You know, embarrassing Tai Ming, not just as simple as consul, or battle strength number one expert! Not this ability, he did not qualify as a consul of the planet!

Now, who would so call name battle strength number one expert in?

even him to kick out?

They planet, although the information is relatively developed, but not to a few minutes of terror, the information can spread throughout the world to the point where no particular horseshoe crab generals such a big thing, but also face some powerful blockade.


Tai Ming is embarrassing himself is surprised a moment, who is so bold, dare to address him by his name?

This thing is not how many years had happened.

is the most intimate friends met themselves, but also calls out sir.



around the right-hand man, but also loudly shouted, deep anger from the heart out of direct injection, Who! Who is so bold, dare to address him by name of consul! I want to live it!

quickly flashing stature, rushed out from the sites.

while the residence of many of the guard, rushed out too early, glaring at the sky, and even a few leading, but also onto the sky, glaring eyes of a man and a woman, loudly demanded, "just Archon's name, is not your health and happiness? "

pretty close, because at the moment the whole sky, so only two.

But also at the residence!

or never seen the face!


Just answer them, is a very strong underlying strength in their complexion greatly changed, just want to avoid the whole body, it has turned into the flesh sky, falling down from the sky.


"completely finished."

"He ...... in the end he going to do?"

"Why do this?"

man and a woman, none other than Xiao Ning Tianlin and Da Man.

Ning Tianlin done all this, his face as usual, while Da Xiao Man was already pale in the pale, she had not thought, in front of Ning Young Master could even take her to a place like this, to Chang star throughout most guarded off-limits!

but also airspace in suspension!

Although she was a slave, but I know that, over the entire mansion consul, is not allowed to fly!

offenders execute without any mercy!

is a fly, there is no such possibility!

But how she did not expect, Ning Young Master with her not only here, but also a shot, also beheaded several escort!

They are easily able beheaded it!

But the consuls of their escort, extremely distinguished identity, offended them, that is equivalent to offend the whole teeth Chang star!

"However, he did not even dare to shout out the name of the consul, afraid of what?"

Da Xiao Man smile soon, he did not even dare to offend consul, then kill a few guards, it seems to be so well deserved. But why would he do that?

Why should bring their own here?

And just tone, and kill the guard action point of view, not to talk about friends, look for a job that is!

He even made it clear that, to the consul to kick out!


"Kill me!"

Just out of the house embarrassing Tai Ming's right-hand man, to see the sky shall be meat volley fall, was suddenly furious, to the edge of the guard loudly shouted. At the same time personally approached, moved towards Ning Tianlin rushed.

just did not rise to the air, but he is forcibly stopped in her tracks, complexion greatly changed, "Yes you are!"

Meanwhile stature Baotui.

He knew he did not rival each other!

Even without Limulus not, how could he!

Although he trusted consul, he is the most effective stop, but this is only an identity on the real battle strength, he really was not Limulus unopposed!




Ning Tianlin just a breath, will rush to the guard gave all kill, then stretched it out right hand, palm into a claw grip, an enormous attraction, who will be the body's right-hand man, forcibly sucked to the side.

"Do you know me?"

Ning Tianlin some doubts, but before he could answer, an tyrannical divine sense, it is also emitted directly from the lane, not into each other's essence Divine Consciousness Sea, just five seconds later, Ning Tianlin to come to the answers they wanted.


"intelligence network is not bad."

know the entire process of development, the opportunity did not struggle for mercy to the other party Ning Tianlin, some on right hand wrist, neck and right-hand man to direct these shape into pieces. While loudly shouted again, "how, embarrassing Tai Ming, I really want to ask you out?"

Ning Tianlin come here, not going to do a good thing, so security is no need to mention it.

"I counted three times."

"After three times, you do not come out, then you do not ever come out."

Ning Tianlin cold coldly shouted.



Just finished, already broke two numbers.

"courting death!"

"This man is really courting death!"

"dare to call our consul! Niwai fully alive!"

many Martial Artist, are far watching all this, mouth shouting, but too timid. Because they are noticed, this man just a shot, but the guards will be consul all to kill!

Even out who expert, also died blink of an eye!

But they are not on, but they found the man set the absolute death!

consul who is? Although a long time has been to no one shot him, but his battle strength, definitely not covered, truly planet number one expert! He can not do?

This is crazy, back to three seconds, I think, and so will the consul out three seconds will be able to put you off!


one second is enough!


When the last digit of the time, a silhouette, rushed out from underneath the government office, dressed in white clothed, covered with flying underlying strength, not embarrassing Tai Ming who else. With his presence, far too many Martial Artist cheer.


out of it!

and so will you absolute death of residue left!

"Who are you in the end?"

"Why should we do?"

Just make them feel puzzled that a consul embarrassing Tai Ming out, this youngster did not immediately start work on this youngster, but asks.

But this should not be ah!

on ah!

He will direct slaughtered is!

Waste nothing ah!

And that look, that expression, it seems very afraid of each other.

"Why not."

Ning Tianlin know each other already know yourself, know that they killed no horseshoe crab, indifferently said, "just took a fancy to all your net worth, think with all your net worth, and you exchange something. "

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