
Ning Tianlin nodded, this Jin Lei, even the entire universe is about to be destroyed, the source that caused him, the Egg of Chaos, is to Destroyed. If not, all races will cease to exist and the universe will be destroyed, so what's the point?

However, he really can't imagine the power of that day.

What kind of golden thunder can destroy the entire universe! This kind of power, it is estimated that the entire galaxy must last less than a second.

Because according to the battle strength system, the Milky Way, in the universe, is not a great existence, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a drop in the ocean.

What Earth is in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is in the universe.

"It’s a pity that the universe is the most powerful house. I didn’t think so at the time."

"Perhaps it has entered a demon, or some special state, this universe’s most powerful house powerhouse did not follow everyone’s suggestion to destroy the egg of chaos, but went crazy, trying to keep the egg of chaos turned into an egg!"

The battle strength system said, "So, What he had to face at the time was to face the heroes of the universe as a single person!"

"Including his clansman, the human powerhouse!"

"Because at this time, the human powerhouse is no longer Fight for yourself, but for the entire race, the entire universe!"

"This egg must be destroyed, otherwise, the universe will collapse!"

Heard here, Ning Tianlin was not shocked, but a fascination. I really didn't dare to think about what kind of scene it was. Not to say that this is the most powerhouse in the universe. Is it right or wrong to do this? Only with this pride, one person faces the pride of all powerhouses in the universe. , Ning Tianlin was so excited to be in the bones!

I don’t know how long it will take for him to have this kind of soaring pride and ability!

"Star River shattered and galaxies withered."

"This battle has lasted for nearly half a year."

"The universe is the most Powerhouse, I don’t know how many times his arm has been broken, or how many times his abdomen has been cut off. He is still fighting frantically. In his mind, there is only one belief, which is the thoroughness of protecting this chaotic egg."

"Must let it become egg!"

"He really wanted to see what was in this egg, what kind of existence it was, and it was so heavy at the beginning of its birth. heavenly punishment."

"At that time, he was like a gambler. The more he loses, the more he wants to make money, and the more he wants to persist to the end, he just wants to see, he desperately wants to protect well What is it!"

"Even if the entire universe ceases to exist, he will look at it!"

"Like a devil!"

The battle strength system said here, Ning Tianlin is already very difficult to guess, what kind of persistence it is, rather to be the enemy of the entire universe, but also to see what kind of thing he is protecting.

"Although he was constantly injured, these powerhouses, in his hands, also continued to die."

"Three years later, two of these powerhouses died."

The battle strength system said, "You may not know that at their level, there are no ten in the entire universe!"

"A total of five deaths, it is already OK It’s said that it’s the biggest fall."

"And in these three years, countless Star River galaxies in the universe shattered in this golden thunder, genocide, and life fell. Three years later, only those who survived There are only a hundred people!"

"These people have all joined the array against the most powerhouse in the universe."

"Because if the egg of chaos is not destroyed, they will also Was destroyed by this golden thunder!"

"The current golden thunder is already terrifying to the point of being terrifying. Even themselves, they are full of energy and blood, and can't hold it anymore!"


"Even these people can't hold on..." Ning Tianlin said "gu lu", swallowing, he really couldn't think of what kind of scene it was, the whole universe, Almost all was destroyed by this golden thunder.

I even couldn’t help but look up at the thunder of heavenly punishment. I don’t know if this thunder of heavenly punishment will eventually evolve like the battle strength system says.

Even the entire universe is about to be destroyed!

"It won't be."

"How is it possible."

As soon as this idea came up, I chuckled myself. No, now The thunder of heavenly punishment above the head is completely incomparable to the one in the battle strength system. Now the entire formidable power is in the valley.

Not even this prohibition goes out.

How does it compare with the grandiose thunder of the world.

However, he still remembers that the battle strength system just mentioned that the formidable power of the thunder of heavenly punishment was promoted based on the battle strength improvement against him. If it is the Lord of the Galaxy against him now, what kind of formidable power will it be.

"Forget it."

"I'm really worried about myself."

Shook the head abruptly to shake off this unrealistic idea. , Continue to listen to the battle strength system, "And with the persistence of the most powerhouse in the universe, there are fewer and fewer top powerhouses around."

"Not only homicides, but also chaotic golden thunders. Yes!"

"Even these powerhouses are under this chaotic gold thunder, and they are more and more unable to withstand it!"

"Until this chaotic egg, it must be completely When it broke apart, there were less than two people beside the most powerhouse."

"With him, a total of three people!"

"At this moment, they They don’t want to fight anymore, because they have to spare no effort to resist the chaotic gold thunder’s bombardment."

"Even at this time, the most powerhouse in the universe, they didn’t think about it. Drop the egg of chaos."

"The more you insist, the more you are obsessed. This is the truth."

The battle strength system sighed with emotion, "and with the egg of chaos Completely broken, this Jin Lei is getting more and more violent. When there is a head that emerges from the egg of chaos, Jin Lei, the more violent, burst out the strongest formidable power!"




"These three people, including the most powerhouse in the universe, are also here in Chaos Jinlei All of them fell, and those who died could no longer die. They lived for dozens of epochs. They did not die in the hands of anyone, but died in the golden thunder that did not know when they appeared."

"When they die, they don't know what's going on with this golden thunder."

"Just know that it came with this egg of chaos."

"Even making this The most unfortunate thing about powerhouse is that he didn't see it until he died, what kind of existence it came out of the egg of chaos. Not to mention the body, he didn't even see a head."

"However, this Chaos Egg only revealed such a head."

The battle strength system said this, so Ning Tianlin was taken aback, "Only one head was exposed. , Could it be that the whole body egged from the egg of chaos has only the head?"

"No." The battle strength system shook the head, "because with the appearance of this head, the head of the chaos The eggs are all broken, the life in it, only one head is exposed, and it also follows the most powerful powerhouse in the universe. went. "

"In this golden thunder, the body shattered! "

"It hasn't escaped this world-destroying golden thunder either! "

Abruptly, after turning the topic, he asked Ning Tianlin, "Host, do you want to see, what does this only exposed head look like?" "

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