“bang! ”

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

Golden light scattered, Razer Feiwu, all moved towards Wanzu centipede's body blasted away.

After listening to the explanation of the battle strength system, Ning Tianlin finally solved a doubt today. Although it is not thorough, it is also the origin of Wanzu centipede, with more than 90% Understanding.

Soon, I focused my attention on the Wanzu centipede who was fighting against the thunder of heavenly punishment.

It is not appropriate to say that it is fighting against the thunder of heavenly punishment, because Ning Tianlin noticed that after the Disaster Crossing Pill was swallowed by the centipede, its whole body was already covered by a layer of mysterious Energy package.

The thunder of heavenly punishment did not hit it, and was completely blocked by the energy of this Disaster Crossing Pill.

The painful thing about Wanzu centipede is the torn and reorganized fleshy body.

"If there was no Disaster Crossing Pill, the centipede would definitely be hacked to death!"

Ning Tianlin finally knew why the battle strength system was talking about evolution. It will be described as "nine deaths and still alive" or even "ten deaths without life", because facing the thunder of heavenly punishment, it is the broken fleshy body of the centipede.

Its body is completely intact, completely in the weakest state, how can it be resisted.

"It's just a hundred million points of essence, and the flower really hurts."

Ning Tianlin has some headaches, 100 million points of essence, he doesn't know how long it will take when he is in Earth In order to earn it, even outside of this Star River, it is also by means of plundering that it has the current accumulation.

But 100 million points of essence are not a small number.

"But compared with the life of Wanzu centipede, it must be worth the money."

"I only hope that this time its evolution can be perfection."

Ning Tianlin just heard that Wanzu centipede has evolved a total of nine times in its lifetime, and not every evolution can obtain special ability. Sometimes it is lucky to evolve successfully, but the battle strength has increased.

Ning Tianlin only hopes that this time Wanzu centipede can obtain an evolutionary direction suitable for it.

"Ding! Host, do you choose the evolution direction for Wanzu centipede?"

At this moment, the voice of the battle strength system once again sounded in Ning Tianlin's ears, letting him I was stunned, "What, can I choose the evolution direction for the centipede?"

Ning Tianlin was a little excited, "You mean, it will evolve into whatever it wants to evolve. What kind of ability do you want to obtain?"

Ning Tianlin uttered an involuntarily "gu lu" in his throat. If this is the case, the Wanzu centipede will develop.

Think about the temptation to plan your own evolution instead of being random.

"Not bad."

"That's what it means."

The battle strength system is nodded, and at the same time, before Ning Tianlin's answer, it is right in front of him, Presents a large light curtain.

There are many options and instructions above.

"Evolutionary direction, strength, agility, spirit, physique, special ability, skills, Formation..."

Ning Tianlin was a little confused, because he just looked at him Seeing that these evolution directions have been subdivided into 108 by the battle strength system!

In other words, there are 108 evolutionary options for centipede.

Involuntarily, Ning Tianlin chose a power at will, wanting to see what it contains.

"Choose power's attributes. After evolution, centipede will emphasize power's attributes in future growth. For example, adding a barefoot now can increase battle strength by ten points, while choosing power's attributes, it Each time you add a barefoot, besides the battle strength increase by ten points, its power's attributes will also increase by five points, ten points, fifteen points, twenty points and so on."

" Five o'clock, ten o'clock, fifteen o'clock, 20 o'clock?"

Ning Tianlin was a little confused, so I couldn't figure it out. But it was shocked by this evolution, because even if it increased by five points, it was very terrifying existence, almost half of the battle strength of the centipede itself.

At ten o'clock, it's doubled!

"After this evolution, you can add up to five points."

"Evolve again, if you still choose power's attributes, you can add ten points."

"Evolve again, or power's attributes, it will become fifteen points!"

Hearing this, Ning Tianlin understands a bit, after all, Wanzu centipede can evolve nine times in total, these five Point, just the first time.


Ning Tianlin clicked Agile again, and the same is true. While increasing the battle strength, the Agile attribute will also increase from five to ten. .

"Strength, agility, spirit, physique, these, if I choose, it will definitely be agility."

Agility, which affects speed and frequency, and more importantly, Ning Tianlin I also believe that everything in the world, only speed can not be broken, this truth. A strong man and a speed player have the same battle strength, although the speed player has a greater chance of winning.

Most important, you can save your life!

It is difficult for a power player to catch up with agile players if they escape.

And as long as he can escape and live, his Ning Tianlin has the opportunity to take revenge and fight! As long as he is given time, he can greatly increase the battle strength.

"Formation, when the centipede evolved, it automatically formed a Formation in its body."

"This Formation, also all-inclusive, has battle strength The increase, the battle strength is weakened, and the battle strength is suppressed, and even part of the opponent's battle strength is transferred to itself!"

Several changes are unimaginable for Ning Tianlin to see.

In the special ability, after Ning Tianlin clicked on, he was even more dazzled. There were hundreds of thousands of them, which completely made him a little confused, what petrification, what weakness, what charm, what vertigo.

Too many, so it simply doesn't know how to choose.

Even he saw the transfer of Thunder Attribute.


"What is it?"

Just when Ning Tianlin was looking around, swallowing four big characters, reflecting in Caught his eye.

"Really domineering's name!"

Ning Tianlin was shocked, and he didn't know what this ability was, so he was shocked by these four words first.



It made him feel a sense of greatness involuntarily.

"Open it."

Unfortunately, Ning Tianlin instructed the battle strength system.

"Swallow the heavens and eat the earth!"

"Accommodate everything!"

"No, it's very Tailai!"

"It's a universe!"

In an instant, sixteen golden light shining big characters appeared in front of Ning Tianlin's eyes, causing him to be shocked. Involuntarily chewing the meaning of each word. Especially at the end of the four words "professing the universe", it made him feel that this "swallowing heaven and eating the earth" ability is absolutely not simple!

Being a universe by itself, who can be a universe by itself?

How domineering this is!

I couldn't help but became very interested in this "swallowing heaven and eating the earth", and quickly ordered the battle strength system to start explaining.

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