"Long-term considerations..."

Barn gave a wry smile, muttered in his mouth, "Yes, I can only consider long-term considerations. In addition to this, it is still What can I do..."


"I have to endure!"

The original idea was after learning Perfection , Went out to fight against the enemy, at that time, his battle strength had definitely changed qualitatively. And after all, for a nobleman to take revenge, ten years are not too late.

There are also battle strength Martial Artists like theirs. They have a long life. Like him, they can live for five hundred years without any problems.

When the time comes, with the help of classmates, you can definitely get revenge!

But now, the other party has actually appeared next to him, and he is still at the same school with him. Although he won’t see each other often in the future, there will always be a chance to meet him. When the time comes, he really doesn’t I know if I can bear the impulse in my heart.

The hatred of killing the father, absolutely irreconcilable, let alone the hatred of annihilation.

Unfortunately, Barn’s clenched fists and nails were inlaid into the flesh.

"I think the first thing we do now is to find an opportunity to investigate this person’s battle strength first."

Seeing the twitching expression on Barn’s face, his ears are big Like Pu Shan thought for a while, suggested, "If he is tyrannical, let's endure it first, and the day will be long, but if his ability is all dependent on pets, we are not without a chance."

Said here, Seeing Ba En's spirits startled, the other two also stared at themselves, explaining, "Find an opportunity, when he can't have time for summon pet you, it will be the result of him."

"one strike certain Kill!"

"This is also the weakness of all cultivation pet lineages!"

This person has a ruthless eye, and what he said is true.

Pet lineage, the reason why it is not recognized by the orthodox, in many ways is because it cannot summon pets in time. Most of the battle strength lies in pets, and they have no cultivation base.

Sneak attack by someone makes it easy to die.


Barn eyes shined, nodded, "Then find a way to investigate this person's battle strength, especially his own battle strength!"

Chou must be retributed, as long as he has that strength!

"But Barn, do you think that person recognizes you?"

"He destroyed your clan, maybe he has information about your clan in his hand, when the time comes, when he saw you, he might recognize you as a fish that escaped the net at a glance."

The man with high nose and deep eyes hesitated.


Barn waved his hand, affirmed.

He never told these roommates why the clan was destroyed, because the reason is almost ridiculous.

This person only temporarily voluntarily killed his father guard, and then hurriedly killed him, destroying the entire family!

What a cruel heart!

At the very least, he never thought about killing to the last one. If anyone offends him, he will kill the other person at most, but he never thought about going directly to the Fang Family door. , Killed the other party's family!

This person is really cruel!

However, because of this, he made a temporary intention, and he was sure that the other party did not know him, or that even if he had his information in his hand, he would not remember it.

After all, the Cuttlefish star is away from here, I don’t know how many light years, I simply did not expect to encounter it here.

"You stay here first, I'll go out to inquire about it."

After speaking, Barn opened the door and rushed out.

. . . . . .

"I can't think of a teacher who has so many resources in his hand."

When Ning Tianlin exchanged all the items in the bottle bell's space ring into essence points, It was only then that the total number had reached more than 60 million, which was much higher than he expected.

He originally thought that twenty to thirty million would be dead.

However, he soon figured out the reason.

Although this bottle of bell is only a teacher at Jiumu Academy, it is also a Martial Artist with more than 400,000 battle strengths. This kind of battle strength, in some places outside, becomes nothing for the consul difficult.

It was the Archon who was originally the Cuttlefish Star, and he would be polite to see her.

Moreover, in her memory, this bottle of bell was outside, doing a lot of private work, and even in charge of two or three unmanned planets, doing mineral resources. The overseer turned out to be her two pets!

It’s no wonder that you have little assets.

"Now that I have counted it down, I have another 140 million points of energy."

Ning Tianlin sighed, but did not choose to upgrade or exchange equipment. It's not too late when things are really in danger. Whoever allows him to level up is done in an instant.

"Bottle teacher, are you there?"

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from the entire valley, making Ning Tianlin stunned, and then, It is second, 3rd, 4th.

In a short while, a total of more than a dozen different voices sounded.

It means the same thing, it's all about asking if Ping Ling'er is there.

"Her student?"

Ning Tianlin frowned and glanced at the frowned Puppet Insect, which was controlled by Puppet Insect.

These people who ask questions outside should be her students.

In Ping Ling'er's memory, she has 56 students in total. Originally, Ning Tianlin thought there were a lot of fifty-six students, which was not a small number. After all, in Earth, there were only thirty or forty students in a class.

A class of more than fifty people is already considered a big class.

But after reading the memory thoroughly, I learned that these fifty-six people are completely ants among ants, not many at all! Less pathetic!

The entire Jiumu Academy has 3 million students!

As for the pet lineage, there are only three teachers in total, her bottle bell, the Messy Old Man, and a middle age person. There are only fifty-sixty students in everyone's hands. Compared with the big ones, they are completely pitiful!

There are teachers here, and there are nearly 10,000 students!

Moreover, Ning Tianlin also noticed that the cultivation of this nine-eye Academy is different from Earth's Academy. There are several teachers leading a group of students and then taking classes together.

But here, it is a teacher who controls some students. No matter how you teach, no one can interfere!

These students are almost the teacher's private property!

What students will be taught in the end is exactly the teacher's ability.

So in this nine-eye Academy, with a teacher, you have a very key factor for your own future.

"Let them in."

Thinking about it, Ning Tianlin instructed the "Ping Linger" on the side.

Hiding is not a way, you will always encounter it in the future. After all, I am now a "Ping Linger" student, and these students are also the same sect.

Besides, Puppet Insect has all the memories of Ping Ling'er. There is no problem in dealing with these students.


Ping Ling'er faced Ning Tianlin nodded, and then said loudly, "Su Qi, you all come in."

The whole valley , Is her Ping Ling'er's private property, whether it is a student or a teacher, you must notify if you want to come in.

Of course, except for one person, that is the dean of Jiumu Academy, Jiumu!

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