The Academy Tournament will start one month after the New Student Enrollment. At that time, the entire Academy's freshman arrangements are in place. The competition at this time will stimulate the freshmen's great enthusiasm.

Also let them know how their senior battle strength exists.

Furthermore, this is not the nine-eye academy that competes. Other academies are also the same.

All of them are selecting talents to prepare for the next grand competition in each county.

"Senior Brother, what is your message number? I will add you, so that we can contact us later."

Leader Su Qi, with his hair in a bun, two rows of faint Her curly hair slid down her ears, and she was dressed in a dark green palace costume. She was really beautiful, and she was also the best-looking woman in the entire pet lineage.

Staring at Ning Tianlin's eyes, he asked very respectfully.

"This is it."

Ning Tianlin nodded, with a wave of his hand, a row of numbers appeared in front of several people in the form of a light curtain.

Thirteen students hurriedly joined.

The battle strength system is passed at will.

Since I have to stay at this Academy for some time, I can’t always be alone. It’s good for me to get in touch with these students.

"Then Senior Brother, we have a banquet in the evening. You must come."

With the information number added, Su Qi also stated the purpose, "This evening is you When the time comes, the classmates who did not rush will also participate."

There are a total of 56 people in the class, but now there are only 13 and forty-three No one has arrived.

Now is the time of the freshman assessment. Although the Academy stipulates that no outsiders are allowed to enter the Academy, it has never stipulated that students are not allowed to go out. Most of the people who leave the Academy at this moment are going to meet relatives, friends and various deceased people, and even those who the deceased trusts.

I want these students to give them some experience in participating in the assessment, and even some structures in the Academy.

The forty-three people who just didn't arrive, almost all went out to do this kind of thing.

"teacher, you have to come too."

Su Qi blinked, before Ning Tianlin could answer, turned and said to the bottle bell.

"No need."

"I don't have time."

Ping Ling'er waved her hand directly. She has always been indifferent, and she has never participated in anything. Of course it won’t be this time. At the Academy, she has always been arrogant and cold.

"You can take good care of your Senior Brother."

Soon, Ning Tianlin will be handed over to these people. This is actually Ning Tianlin's own intention. It will inevitably be dealt with in the future, at least to remember the faces of these people.

"Then Senior Brother, you must come tonight, when the time comes, I will come to pick you up."

Su Qi was a little excited, she also knew that Ping Ling'er must be I won't go, but I still have to do it. The main purpose is also to bring Ning Tianlin to meet with classmates. This is also the rule of every newcomer.

The grade of the banquet is just set, and it varies from person to person. Look at the strength of this new student.

It even said that it’s a banquet for freshmen. If in the end, the freshmen will have no battle strength, and there will be many who pay for it themselves. And this is most often the case.


Ning Tianlin is faintly nodded.

"Let's go."

"I still have something to explain to you Senior Brother Ning."

As Jing Linger said, she started to rush For people, she is also the master of swift and decisive in the original student's impression. And as her words fell, the thirteen students also hurriedly bowed and retired.

"Okay, you can go down too."

"If there is nothing wrong, you will stay here."

Seeing a few people leave, Ning Tianlin also waved his hand and signaled Ping Ling'er to leave. This indifferent attitude and practice would definitely startled if the students were still there just now.

This is completely disrespectful to the teacher!

Don't talk about punishment, no one will redress for you even if you are killed.

. . . . . .

"Sister Su Qi, where did you say our hotel tonight?"

After the thirteen people came out, they did not immediately spread out, but a look The thin man asked Su Qi respectfully.

Su Qi, among them, the battle strength is the highest and has always been the most prestigious. It's the eldest sister of these thirteen people.

"Where is it set?"

Su Qi stopped, hehe smiled, "I think, set it at Fuchun Tower."

"Fuchun Tower?"

The twelve people behind him were all startled, their eyes were all incredulous. And after a while, the thin man who had just spoken stepped forward and hesitated, "Sister Su Qi, this place is not right..."

Hesitated. But he clearly expressed his meaning, "This Fuchun Tower requires at least tens of thousands of Galaxy coins for a meal. Although he is a new student, but the teacher just said that he is our Senior Brother."

"Obviously, his battle strength is good."

"If we slaughter him like this, let him consume in this kind of place for the first time, what should he do to us in the future."

The thin man finished speaking and looked at Su Qi's eyes timidly, wondering why she made such a proposal.

"Yes, Sister Su Qi, this Fuchun Tower, but we used to specialize in killing new students, so that he has high consumption, we are now killing this Ning Tianlin, it is a bit inappropriate... ..."

The purpose of slaying the new students is to set up WeChat among the new students to let him know that in this Academy, and in their pet lineage, they are not to be trifled with. You freshman, you will follow them as a follower from now on.

Don't think about amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, and ride on their heads.

The meaning is to give this freshman a chance.

This is common in many countries of Earth.

"Who said it was going to be slaughtered?"

Su Qi hehe smiled, "Why are you all eating and eating stupid?"

"This Fuchun Although the building is expensive, the taste and variety of the food are far from comparable to other places."

"Have I said that Ning Tianlin will pay for it himself?"

Su Qi spoke frivolously, calling Ning Tianlin's name directly, not at all the respectful appearance in front of Ning Tianlin just now.


Everyone was taken aback, yeah, do you have to let Ning Tianlin pay for it?

This is a method used to kill new students with poor battle strength.

"Can we pay by ourselves?"

"This is too expensive..."

"I see us Just find any place."

One of them hesitated and complained.

His family is poor, even if he is evenly divided, he is not willing to pay the money.

"Who said we paid for it by ourselves?"

Su Qi smiled, "Isn't there some people like Gougir and Ninja Turtle?"

"They didn't come just now, how could they know how powerful this Ning Tianlin is? They didn't know that the teacher told us to call him Senior Brother."

"When the time comes, we just need to tell him that a new life is here , They don’t know what it means to put on a banquet?"

"They must think that if they want to slaughter a new student, they must make this new student bleeding!"

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