"Why are there so many..."

Ruo Meng'er was shocked, but she also knew that it was not the place where she was talking at this moment. More than 29 million, nearly 30 million, it is impossible for her to finish her entire life in this Fuchun Tower!

The food just now is so expensive!

I couldn't help but looked at Ning Tianlin worriedly. It was nearly 30 million. It wasn't anyone who wanted to take it out.


"Why should I go to the counter?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback, pretending to be ignorant, and asked curiously.

"Well, you can pay the bill here." The waiter was also taken aback, and did not anticipate what would happen, but thought that Ning Tianlin did not want to go to the counter, but paid the bill here.

He didn't think about the other side's escape, because he was just at first, but he saw with his own eyes that there are countless Galaxy coins in this youngster card!

He was certified immediately too!

If not, how could he be assured of serving nearly 30 million meals!

"I'll fetch the machine, and Mr. will pay the bill here."

As I said, I have to turn around and go to the cash machine.


It's just that he just turned around and didn't take two steps, Ning Tianlin called to stop him, hehe smiled, "Little Brother, did you make a mistake?" "

"Pay the bill?"

"Why should I pay the bill?"

"I said this banquet, did I pay the bill?"


Ning Tianlin finished speaking, not only the waiter's face changed, but all the students who were pets for one second were also greatly changed complexion.

No bills!

This Ning Tianlin does not want to pay the bill!

He actually wants to renege on a debt at this moment!


In an instant, the pet lineage was messed up. If Ning Tianlin doesn't pay, does it mean that people like them have to pay? Especially Su Qi's complexion changed even more, and she stepped forward in disbelief, and asked Ning Tianlin, "Senior Brother Ning..."

"What do you mean... ... is that you are not going to pay the bill?"

She was the sender of this banquet, even Gougir and the others said at first, if Ning Tianlin does not come, then this banquet, She Su Qi paid the bill!

At first, she still has this confidence. At worst, she pays for herself, not just 100,000! She can still afford it!

But now she doesn't have the guts to accept it, because this is nearly 30 million Galaxy coins.

Thirty million!

It is impossible to sell him Su Qi.

So, frowned, asked Ning Tianlin cautiously.

The reason to be careful is not because of anything else, but because until now, in a short time, his Ning Tianlin has killed several people, even Chen Yiming, who is ranked 99 in battle strength. !

These people, I am afraid that with strong words, none of them are Ning Tianlin's opponents.

"Ning Tianlin, what do you mean?"

"Why don't you pay the bill?"

"If you don't pay the bill, why don't you eat and drink for nothing? "

Some grumpy classmates, regardless of 3321, began to question Ning Tianlin.

"Pay the bill?"

"Why should I pay the bill?"

Ning Tianlin looked around all around and said with a smile, "I Ning Tianlin has said from beginning to end, did I invite you to dinner?"

"I thought it was you who invited me as a new student!"

Speaking, but deliberately He glanced at Su Qi's body. If there is no battle strength system, he really thinks that the other party is considering it for himself, and if he sells himself, he will count the money for her!

As soon as we met, I thought of using my "Senior Brother" to get rid of dissidents!

A female stream, this thought is vicious and dark.


As Ning Tianlin's words fell, the whole hall boiled again, but this time, it turned into a whisper of discussion, even looking for Ning Tianlin The waiter who collects the bill was taken aback, yes, the youngster in front of him, but he never said from the beginning to the end, he invited this meal!

He invited these people to dinner!

Just now he just asked the other party's bank card balance, and the other party was also very cooperative to show him, but indeed, this youngster never spoke, he wants to pay for this meal!


The student of pet lineage is you look at me and I look at you. I never thought that such a situation would happen. After the meal was over, the other party Don't admit it, say no to them!

They can think from beginning to end that Ning Tianlin is the payer for this banquet!

This banquet is held for you. Who will pay if you don’t pay?


"How old are you!"

"We also invite you as a new student!"

Gougir A thin man next to him was even more furious, and he moved towards Ning Tianlin and cursed, "You also don’t look at how many catties and how many taels! Let alone our pet lineage, it is the entire nine-eye Academy. Is there any reason for old students to entertain new students? !"

"You are the only one who brought us tea and pour water!"

This thin man has obviously lost his mind by Ning Tianlin, and has forgotten Ning Tianlin just now. Several people were killed in a row. While speaking, he pointed to Ning Tianlin with his finger and cursed.


Just as he finished speaking, a thick tongue was inserted into the entire head of this thin man and passed through. Then the scarlet tongue rolled upside down, sending all his body into the throat of the tongue owner.

I don't know when, beside Ning Tianlin, his "pet" centipede appeared again.

"I don't like other people's chirp chirp twitter twitter."

"I don't like someone pointing my head even more!"

Ning Tianlin coldly said.


The blood was lying on the ground, and people around him screamed. I just remembered that this Ning Tianlin just killed someone! They want to leave, they want to leave here, looking at the devil in front of them, they are really worried that he will kill them all indiscriminately!

"Fuchun Tower!"

"Fuchun Tower, do you care about it!"

"Someone has killed people here!"

Too many people want to shout these words out loud, but no one dares to speak, for fear that the noise will attract Ning Tianlin's attention, and then bring a killing disaster to themselves. However, they all sucked in cold air and turned their heads without speaking.

But how can I keep holding back without talking?

He Ning Tianlin doesn't pay, how can they afford this huge sum of money!

"What a very ruthless youngster!"

"Even my own same sect is such a killer!"

The void of the 9-Layer building is out. The five looked at Ning Tianlin below, frowned.

"Fifth, I will meet him next time!"

"It is true that no one in Fuchun Tower can fail!"

One of the leaders said, " Originally he planned to settle 30 million before the meal and then give him Chen Yiming's murder. Now it seems that he can't wait. This youngster actually wants to lose the account of our Fuchun Tower!"

"Really eat the bear heart and leopard courage!"

They didn't do anything just now, they were just waiting for Ning Tianlin to pay 30 million yuan and then talk about it. Now it seems that the other party doesn't even want to pay, they There is no need to stay here and watch the show.

It's the event activity.

Otherwise, the freshmen all think they are bullying at Fuchun Tower!

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