
Incomparably quiet!

You can hear the needle drop!

All the students who were noisy just now have their eyes wide open, looking at everything in front of them incredible.


The people in Fuchun Tower are dead!

They just blinked, the expert of Fuchun Tower just died like this? They didn't even see how the weird pet was dealt with, they saw that the forehead of Fuchunlou expert had been penetrated!


Everyone is breathing a little fast, this is Fuchun Tower! Not these students! Doesn’t it mean that the five guards of Fuchun Tower all have a battle strength of more than 400,000?

Not even lower than the average teacher!

This guard, just died like this?

You died as soon as you showed your weapon?


I couldn't help but, everyone was sucked in a breath of cold air. If that's the case, isn't the Ning Tianlin pet's battle strength definitely more than 400,000? !

Four hundred thousand!

Up to now, their pet lineage, there are no pets with more than 400,000 battle strength! Except for the high-class pets raised by three teachers!

The eyes that couldn't help but look at Ning Tianlin were full of shock.

Why does this guy come from? Even have such a high battle strength pet!

If you just killed Chen Yiming and the people around Gogil, they still have some thoughts of resistance. Maybe Fuchun Tower or the teacher can help them, but now it seems that this Ning Tianlin’s battle strength is not inferior to that of the teacher. 1

It is useless to tell the teacher to Ping Ling’er in the future!


Only at this time, there were four anxious roars, everyone just felt saw a blur, and four people appeared in front of them, about to rush to the front. Looking at the situation of the middle-aged man, I saw that the pet's tentacles flicked, and directly swung the middle-aged man's body into his mouth.

"You dare!"

At the moment, a slightly thin man was furious, and moved towards the centipede, rushing over. Holding a scissors in his hand, the sharp yellow light shone brightly under the light.

"Old Fourth, don't!"

The other three who landed complexion greatly changed, and they hurriedly stepped forward to block, but the fifth was killed in seconds. This Old Fourth is definitely not an opponent! It's just late. Old Fourth, who has the best relationship with the fifth, is not unpleasant with the momentum under his anger.

In the blink of an eye, I was in front of the Wanzu centipede.

It just made him have no reaction yet. There was a sudden pain in his chest, and then a lot of life energy flowed away. In an instant, he felt that he no longer had any strength all over his body.

Then his eyes crooked, and the arrow in his hand fell to the ground.


Seeing this scene, everyone was sucked in a cold breath again.

Second kill!

It's another spike!

This is called Old Fourth, and was killed by this unknown pet!

If the previous few have accidentally failed to explain anything, the Old Fourth in front of you is the most critical proof.

This pet is absolutely extraordinary in battle strength, even extremely domineering!

Just, how much battle strength does it have? Ning Tianlin, the owner of it, has so much battle strength!

"Not bad."

"My identity as a pet master, seems to be settled."

And Ning Tianlin saw this scene, except Over-satisfaction is nothing but satisfaction.

Wanzu centipede although the battle strength is not low, but it is not the opponent of this Old Fourth at this moment, the reason why one strike certain kill, the most important reason is that Ning Tianlin transferred part of his battle strength to him.

Since Wanzu centipede can cover all the battle strength on his body, his battle strength can of course also be used on Wanzu centipede at will.

Now Ning Tianlin plays the role of a pet master. If he doesn't become a last resort, he certainly won't expose his strength at will.

"Who are you?"

Although the eyes of the remaining three people are already red, they didn’t do anything but the left one was blocked by the middle old man. That person, moved towards Ning Tianlin asked very solemnly.

Others don't know the battle strength of Old Fourth, but how can they not know. One is 410,000 and the other is 430,000, all four-star powerhouses! Not to mention that among ordinary students, it is enough to deal with some teachers.

But today I was caught by the youngster in front of me, no, his pet was given away!

This youngster is definitely not an unknown person, he is so powerful at a young age, he is definitely an unknown person in Jiumu County! Even from Great Family, there is a big backstage!

Just what their status is, they really want to do not raise for a while. They can be said to have been moving outside, but they have never heard of this kind of genius in a similar family.

"If it's a noble family, if you do it today, it will cause trouble for your family!"

"Say the name, our Fuchun Building, maybe withhold investigating!"

The headed old man asked.

The reason why he didn't do it was because on the one hand he was concerned about the strength of the other party, and on the other hand, he was concerned about the family behind the other party. They can cultivate this kind of youngster and this kind of ominous beast, maybe they really can't afford to offend them.

Otherwise, they just killed this Ning Tianlin, they probably won't be able to eat and walk around in the future!

Although they are the guards of Fuchun Tower, they are only the guards of Fuchun Tower. If you really want to cause some great disaster, the real Sect Master of Fuchun Tower will not necessarily help them through it.

"withhold investigating?"

Ning Tianlin smiled, of course knowing what the other person is thinking, said with a smile calmly, "No need to guess, there is no family, only myself. "

"Also, if you don't hold her accountable, it doesn't mean I won't hold her accountable."

"You have trapped her here for such a long time, even the assessment will be obliterated. How could I easily let you go?"

Speaking, she took a look at Ruo Meng'er next to her. Of course she said Ruomenger is undoubtedly.

Ruo Meng'er was taken aback by Ning Tianlin. Could it be that the people who killed these Fuchun Towers were venting their anger for her?

Just as soon as this thought appeared, it was in the heart shook the head, how could it be possible, what kind of green onion she was, how could it be for her.


"You are courting death!"

The old man’s voice is already very cold and cold, Old Fourth’s death, It was he who suppressed his anger. Unexpectedly, at this moment, this youngster and this person failed to appreciate somebody's kindness, and refused to disclose the origin.

Then it's not to blame them for being rude!

Offending the Great Family is offensive! It was he who killed them unreasonably first!

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you!"

Ning Tianlin sneered, the centipede on the side jumped up and moved towards the three of them opening their mouths. It's just that it hasn't reached the other person's side, but it has already sprayed a cloud of green poison mist from the depths of its throat, directly shooting the three people's faces.

"Not good!"

"poison mist!"

The three were surprised, didn't expect this pet that I had never seen before would even spray poison!

Only when they reacted, this lightning-like poison qi has penetrated into their body skin, even though they blocked their nose and mouth breathing in an instant, Even the pores closed their breath.

But how overbearing is the poison qi of Wanzu centipede, and in an instant, it follows their skin and enters the internal organs.

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