"Let's...Where are we going?"

Ruo Menger followed Ning Tianlin in a little fear, and she did not dare to speak for a long time. I thought that she would be brought out of Fuchun Tower by verbal controversy, but didn't expect that she was killed directly!

Kill all the five guards of Fuchun Tower, and then walk out swaggeringly!

She thought about countless possibilities, but there was none!

Looking at Ning Tianlin's back, her heart trembled a little. She originally thought that his benefactor was a good talker, and that was the impression left on her in the sand of the starry sky, but at this moment, she was afraid from the bottom of her heart.

Killing like slaughtering dogs!

This benefactor's method is really too ruthless!

Although she is not aimed at her, she is really worried about being unpredictable if she disobeys the other party slightly.

It wasn't until the two of them stood in front of a valley that she tremblingly asked Ning Tianlin.

"The following is where I stayed."

Ning Tianlin of course also felt the fear of the other party, but did not explain it. After all, he killed it in front of her. Many people are afraid of everyone. This situation will be gradually eliminated only after a long time together.

Extend your hand and point to the valley below, "You can stay here for these two days."

"Isn’t the day after tomorrow a test of the Nine Eyes Academy? when the time Comes I will send you there."

Ning Tianlin finished speaking, without seeing Ruo Meng'er's shocked eyes, he jumped and moved towards the valley and flew away.

"Send...I'll go?"

No matter what Ruo Meng'er was just now, it was a joy to hear this. The purpose of her coming here is In order to enter the Jiumu Academy cultivation, and then go back to avenge clansman after full art.

I thought that the opportunity to participate in the assessment was blocked by Fuchun Tower, but now I see hope again.

Looking at the disappearing back of Ning Tianlin, clenched the teeth, and jumped towards the valley below.

No matter what, she has no choice but to keep up with this benefactor.

Although she had expected it, this might be quite unsettling the next day. How can it be so peaceful after killing so many people. It won’t take long, I’m afraid it will be crazy revenge.

Even she has been working in Fuchun Tower for so many days, and she has heard a lot of gossip.

Speaking of Fuchun Tower, there is the shadow of Master Jiu-Mu behind, but it is not exact. She does not believe it very much. After all, the entire Jiu-Mu Academy and even the entire Jiu-Mu County belong to Master Jiu-Mu. , Does he want anything, why bother to open a restaurant in Jiumu Academy to make money?

But no one knows what is true or what is false, and no one can tell.

It's just that there is no reason, sometimes gossip, there is always some side to the correct news.

"When the time comes, can you make it through?"

Looking at the valley below, Ruo Meng'er didn't know what to do. Especially she had heard at that time that this benefactor Ning Tianlin was also a new student! Newborn pet lineage!

. . . . . .

At the same time.

It's boiling!

The entire nine-eye Academy is boiling!

Ning Tianlin's riot in Fuchun Tower started to spread like wind in Jiumu Academy.



"Pet lineage, surprise the god!"

"This god The means are very ruthless, slaughter and slaughter, without fear!"

A piece of news came out very quickly, describing Ning Tianlin as Archfiend, who slaughtered people, and did not slaughter dogs and chickens. The difference!


"And slaughter people!"

"Pet lineage has a fart god!"

"A group of ignorant things! I dare to say anything!"

It's just that many people just start to hear this. They simply don't believe it, what kind of pet lineage god, there is a big god, but can it be a pet lineage! In recent years, pet lineage and a son of a bitch are generally at the bottom of the Academy, what can they do!

A great god may appear in any vein, but the pet lineage does not! Doesn't cultivate its own waste, no matter how great a pet is, there is a fart! Maybe when the backlash is disobedient and eats you, the master!

Everyone laughed and suspected, but when the video at that time began to spread rapidly, everyone closed their mouths, and even a thick cold sweat broke out behind their backs!


"It turned out to be true!"

"It turned out to be a man and a beast, and gave Fuchun Tower a place Heaven and Earth turning upside down!"

The picture did not add any bragging elements, but when everyone saw this, the first impression was impossible!

It is possible that ominous beast is so powerful! But those are ominous beasts that are not controlled by anyone! Pet lineage How can the pet that you raise is so powerful!

Moreover, it's a new-born pet!

But when the level of identification, coupled with the continuous spread of people who experienced the world at that time, everyone knew that this was true. It was a new student named Ning Tianlin who really had a pet lineage, Tu Ren Kill people!

Not only did he kill a lot of his same sect, but also the five guards of Fuchun Tower!

Five guards!

An expert recognized by Jiumu Academy!

A few of them have contributed to the existence of Fuchun Tower for so many years! The most rumored one is a Core Disciple who relied on military force. When he entered Fuchun Tower and went to make trouble, he was broken his leg, abolished the cultivation base, and was thrown out like a dog!

Although they are many young core students, their battle strength has exceeded 400,000!

"He is crazy!"

"This man is crazy!"

"He even dared to make trouble in Fuchun Tower, I am not afraid of revenge!"

"There is also the bottle bell teacher of the pet lineage. Isn’t it the most unpopular same sect slaughter one another? I bet that this person will definitely be severely punished by the bottle bell when he returns, and it may even be scrapped !"

Some idle and okay people speculated wildly.

But everyone is a single thought, this thing is endless, killing so many people at the Academy, how can it end so easily, maybe the entire nine-eye Academy guard team will take action!

"It's him!"

"It turned out to be him!"

"This Ning Tianlin is at the gate of the Academy, and it is snatched by the teacher from Jinglinger The student of !"

"The one recommended by Meng Yifan!"

Soon, the scene where Ning Tianlin first appeared was turned over, and accompanied by The video just started spreading rapidly.

"It turned out to be a person from Meng Yifan!"

"It was Meng Yifan who recommended him with recommendation qualifications!"

Some people have already started Guessed what the relationship between Meng Yifan and Ning Tianlin was.

"What about Meng Yifan?"

"What about core students?"

"Do you think such a big thing happened, he Meng Yifan Can it be protected?"

Many people sneered, and even if such a big thing happened, he Meng Yifan could not be able to hold it even if he was so powerful.

Why is Fuchun Tower so messy?

Five guards were killed. This is a major event that has never happened in many years!

The boss behind it will never stand idly by.

Is it possible to hire a Boss with such a powerful escort, and I will definitely not swallow this breath!

However, maybe at this time, you can also see if the real boss of this mysterious Fuchunlou is who are you.

Only rumors have never seen people with their own eyes, and everyone will have a keen interest.

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