One day later.

Nine Eyes Academy.

The gate.

Vast crowd, crowds of people, full of voices.

With grandiose, crowded people can no longer describe the excitement here. After all, today is the Academy Assessment Ceremony held once every ten years. Most of the people standing here are youngsters, as well as accompanying guards and waiters.

They can no longer be described as coming from all over the world, but from hundreds of thousands of different planets, gathered people, let alone tens of millions, even more than 100 million people believe!

In the sky, people are next to people on the ground, even in the underground soil.

If you want to enter the Jiu-Mu Academy, no one wants to miss this opportunity, because as long as you enter the Jiu-Mu Academy, it means that it is very likely to be ascending to the skies with a single leap! You know, most of the students who graduated from the Jiumu Academy will be able to become consuls in different planets in the future!

Although the levels are different, some are very high-end planet consuls, some are ordinary planets consuls, and some are even barren planet consuls. But the archon is the archon after all, a local tyrant of a planet.

Everything is under the control of the consul, and the worst will control the lives and deaths of several millions and tens of millions. Who is willing to give up this glory?

In fact, many people know that the true identity of Nine Eyes Academy is actually the cradle of consul training! After all, the master of the Academy is Nine Eyes!

Jiumu, the entire Jiumu County, the final controller of hundreds of thousands of planets!

The Academy, which he personally controls, and the students he cultivates, of course must serve him! Just like some government-run academies in Earth, the students trained are all officials and all enter politics.

At twelve o'clock noon.





A total of nine silhouettes appeared above the main entrance of the Jiumu Academy. Although the entire sky and the ground are densely packed, none of the courtyard walls that dared to exceed the nine-eye Academy leaned back dozens of meters.

These tens of meters is a restricted area!

It is specially for these nine people to stand alone.


With the appearance of these nine people, the original noisy and noisy Above the Heavens and Under the Earth suddenly became silent, almost everyone was screened Hold your breath and watch the nine people quietly.

"Not bad."

Although there is no smile on the faces of the nine people, they are still satisfied with the results they have achieved. What they represent is the Nine Eyes Academy, this is majesty, this is status, these people in front of you, you have to bow your heads when you see them!

"Not much nonsense."

Standing in the middle of the nine people is an old man with a white beard and fluttering beard. He is more than half a meter long, looks awkward and has embarrassed eyes. There is a god, although there are some wrinkles on his face, but when I look closely, I can't seem to find it.

If you wait and see, you will wonder if the person in front of you is not an old man, but a youngster!

At this time, he spoke slowly. Although he didn't use any equipment, his voice echoed throughout Heaven and Earth.

"I don’t talk too much nonsense! Because I can gather here today, I must know what’s going on and why I came here!"

"I’ll talk about the rules now Click. Anyone who can pass the rules can enter the Jiu-Mu Academy to study! Become a student among them!"

The old man has a loud voice, not passionate, but looks harsh and abnormal. He glanced at everyone in front of him, loudly said, "The rules are actually very simple, that is, to connect the five levels!"

"first test, the golden cut!"

"second test, the wood nostalgia!"

"third test, water immersion!"

"fourth test, fire hegemony!"

"fifth test, soil burying!"

" If anyone can pass five levels continuously, whoever can enter the nine-eye Academy cultivation!"


As the old man's words fell, the sky and ground in front of them boiled again, they thought There have been countless possibilities, but I never thought it would be like this.

Be aware that the admission method of Jiumu Academy is different every time before. There are adventurous, combative, intellectual, complicated, and sometimes hundreds of tests can be obtained.

But this time, there are only five levels!

Many thoughtful people suddenly know that the difficulty of admission this time, I am afraid it will greatly increase!

In the past dozens or hundreds of various tests, the reason why so many tests were carried out was that the number of people who were swiped each time was not up to the standard, and only a small part of people could be swiped at a time, so it was necessary Use more times to filter.

It can be said that the difficulty of each screening will never be too great, because in this way, a large part of it would have been screened out long ago!

But now, there are only five levels!

It means that countless people will be screened out in every level! Many people will be screened in one level! After all, the number of students enrolled at the Jiumu Academy is almost fixed, and it will never be too many!

If the number of screenings is reduced, the difficulty of screening will increase substantially.

"Interestingly, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth are all coming out!"

Ning Tianlin, who is far in the valley, heard the old man’s voice, frowned at first , But then there was a strong interest, because Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, this is the Five Elements element proposed by Earth Taoism.

I think that the entire between Heaven and Earth is formed by these five elements.

Ning Tianlin didn't expect how, in this distant starry sky, he heard the concept of these five elements again.

"Xing Zhan, did you say that this Jiumu County, or the Milky Way, also has the concepts of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth?" Ning Tianlin asked curiously at the battle strength system. After all, this is an invisible doctrine.

And doctrine, not every place is the same.

It's just that the battle strength system didn't reply. This scenario makes Ning Tianlin frowned instead, because with his understanding of the battle strength system, this situation is not simple!

The battle strength question he asked in the past is not answered by the system, which means something has happened!

Unless the battle strength system uses the tone of contempt or coldly snorted, because that means disdain! But silence expresses a different attitude!

"What is this gold?"

"What is this wood?"

"What is this water?"

With the words of the old man, too many people are frowned, some do not understand the situation, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, many people can hear the key to the problem at a glance, and even make various guesses.

But I don’t even know what Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth means.


"The rules have said that if you want to pass the assessment, you can enter the Jiu-Mu Academy and proceed with the assessment."

With a wave of his hand, the door of the Academy next to it slowly opened.

The location of the assessment is located in the Jiumu Academy.

"The direction of gold is to the west of the Academy."

"The direction of wood is to the east of the Academy."

"The direction of water is to the north of the Academy. "

"The direction of fire is in the south of the Academy."

"The direction of soil is in the middle of the Academy."

"The five levels are in no order. It’s okay to advance each other in order, as long as you can pass these five levels."

As the crowd passed through the Jiu-Mu Academy, the old man’s voice sounded loudly again.

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