
When Ning Tianlin saw Ruo Meng'er's appearance, he smiled and waved his hand, "In fact, you don't have to worry, there is nothing to be afraid of. Don’t even have a burden."

"The Five Elements array is powerful in its unpredictable, various random combinations."

"For example, gold and wood can be used. Combination, gold water can be combined, gold soil can be combined, there are three gold wood water can be combined, three gold wood soil can be combined, water, wood and soil can also be combined."

"Even four gold, wood, water and fire can be combined. Combination, gold, wood, water, and soil can also be combined."

"Five Elements are also available. After the Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth are combined, they can be changed into various random according to the different arrangement positions. Combinations, and even adding a change to it, is too many variables."

"For example, in Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, there are six types of gold that are combined together. The more you add, the more changes you will have. In the end, it will be infinitely complex and endless."

Ning Tianlin said to Formation Dao, although it is still at the primary stage, it is also the very complicated Formation of the battle strength system. Compared with other people, the primary stage on the way is completely a heaven and an underground.

His learning is complicated. If it weren't for Formation Great Accomplishment, it would be very difficult to beat Ning Tianlin at the basic stage.

Moreover, among the Formation he has learned, there is an introduction to Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth five-star Formation. And he clearly knows that the Five Elements Array method is a doctrine inherited from Earth lineage, and has a great relationship with the ancient Earth.

So when Ning Tianlin first saw the Five Elements theory of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, it was a shock. Far away in the starry sky, I actually saw something about the Five Elements Array method!

Is there something about Earth here?


"It's so difficult!"

If Meng'er's pretty face slightly red, Ning Tianlin just said something, she has already posted Stupefied, I can feel the majestic imposing manner in this Formation. If it is finally calculated, the changes in the Five Elements Array method will be endless!

After all, you can add one, two, three, or even infinite kinds of Five Elements Attribute at will!

No wonder you can change the Universe Rule!

"Nothing is difficult."

"Don't worry."

Ning Tianlin smiled and waved his hand. "What I just said was the one of Five Elements. The difficulty lies in its combination, but this time the nine-eye Academy’s assessment is a single one, which separates the Five Elements."

"Gold is gold, wood is wood, Water is water, fire is fire, and soil is soil."

"They are separated by themselves, and there is no combination relationship."

"So you have to deal with Yes, it’s actually just a single Five Elements Attribute array."

"Moreover, this is the entrance examination of the Jiumu Academy. If you think it is really too difficult, how many can pass the past? "

Ning Tianlin is not worried that Ruo Meng'er will fail the test, because he still has a killing move. As long as he is there, Ruo Meng'er will be able to pass the test with his eyes closed.



If Meng'er looked thoughtful nodded, also, if it is too difficult, how many people are there? Able to assess the past. If it is true that even the Universe Rule can be changed, it is estimated that Lord Nine Eyes will come in person, which is no use!

"Then Big Brother Ning, which Formation should I go to first?"

"Is it a golden formation, a wood formation, or a water, fire and earth formation?"


Ruo Meng'er looked at Ning Tianlin's eyes timidly, and wanted to ask him for the answer. Because at this moment, in her mind, this Big Brother Ning is omnipotent, and even the Five Elements array that she has never heard of can say clear and logical, and she will definitely give herself a better suggestion.

"Whatever you want."

Ning Tianlin laughed, but seeing the other party looking at him with wide round eyes, I knew that the answer was too general and could not satisfy the other party. Turn, "I think the northern water formation is closer to us, so you can choose this one."


Ning Tianlin didn't even notice it, he From the beginning to the end, he always smiled, and his original nature was somewhat different. At the time, he was extremely indifferent to others and ignored.

But in front of Ruomenger, he always seemed very patient.

Even he himself did not feel this change.

This attitude can only be possessed by him when he treats his family, relatives, and friends. And this Ruomenger, he only met in just two days and met twice.

But it must be said that it is fate, the vast universe, how big, even the entire Jiumu County, does not know that there are countless stars, but Ning Tianlin is just like this. Time, met twice in the starry sky.

Especially twice without warning.

Even Ning Tianlin himself thinks that the universe is so small.



"Go to this water array!"

Ruo Meng'er nodded , Asked again, "Then Big Brother Ning, when do you say I will compare when?"

"Is they almost in, or I will go now?"

"Would you like to wait for a part of the energy consumption of Formation, I will go again?"

Ruo Meng'er is thinking, although she does not understand Formation, she also knows that Formation is maintained by energy. In the future, the energy of the Formation Dao may decrease, and the formidable power may become smaller and higher.

"No need."

"This is just a single Formation."

"When the nine eyes arrange this, they will definitely provide sufficient energy. It doesn’t matter."

Ning Tianlin shook his head and denied Ruo Meng’er’s suggestion, and started playing said with a smile, "I’ll go now, go early and end early, maybe I’ll be out early, and I can catch up with dinner. Well."



Ruo Meng'er solemnly nodded, when she heard dinner, she was heart relaxed. At this time, Big Brother Ning can still make fun of it. Maybe this Formation is really not regarded by Big Brother Ning, and he can pass it.

It’s just that her mind has always been on Formation, and she didn’t notice. Just now, when Ning Tianlin talked about Nine Eyes, he used Nine Eyes, his name, not Master Nine Eyes or Dean of Nine Eyes. Such honorifics!

"Then I will go now."

Speaking, Ruo Meng'er gritted her teeth, glanced at Ning Tianlin, and was about to say goodbye.

This time, she must win!

Only by passing the assessment, can she enter the Jiumu Academy and learn the ability well! After successful cultivation, go to avenge your parents and family!

"Wait a minute."

And just when Ruo Meng'er was about to turn around, Ning Tianlin opened her mouth and called her, and at the same time stretched out her hand, one with eight legs The brown creature, fist sized, quietly lay on Ning Tianlin's unfolded palm.

"This is for you."

"If you encounter any danger, it will help you."

"It's here, you This time, there will be no problems."

Ning Tianlin smiled and appeared extremely confident.

Others don't know what the creature in his hand is, but he knows nothing more, the eight-legged spider, and it is an eight-legged spider transformed from a centipede!

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