Note: Add the first chapter for reader "Bingyun", continue tomorrow, thank you for the reward! Thanks! ! !

"Water is a path, rigid and soft."

"Rigid can break all things, and soft can break all things!"

"Rigid and soft are combined , Daji World!"

This is the general outline of the water channel that Ning Tianlin sounded. A few simple words let Ning Tianlin know that the water channel is not simple.

Just this time alone, there are thousands of changes.

Sharp but rigid, hard but rigid, heavy but strong but rigid, etc., etc.

The same is true for soft, light but soft, like a spring breeze but soft, quiet If there is nothing, it will be soft, even if it is transformed, it will be soft, etc.

The most important, whether it is soft or rigid, can kill people! There are killing elements!

"Now this water's Formation, the master is strong, the master kills!"

Ning Tianlin's mind is already immersed in this Formation, although it is impossible to wrap the entire Formation, but It's much better than the rest of you. Others can see a few meters ahead, but he has several li ways!

It’s not that his battle strength is not enough to break the formation, but because most of the formations have the effect of suppressing the divine sense, and even the powerful formations are suppressed to one part per trillion, one part per billion It's all possible!

"Lord Killing!"

Ning Tianlin frowned, "What is the idea of ​​this Jiumu to put this kind of Formation here?"

At the moment when the divine sense was released, he discovered that there were no fewer than a thousand corpses, and many people continued to die, all of which were pierced by Icicle. Especially he clearly saw that almost all the dead were The blood was sucked up by Icicle!

Even the essence of the whole body was swallowed cleanly!

Even Ning Tianlin did not find out for a while, where did the blood essence that disappeared with Icicle finally go?

"Great Ominous Land!"

"For the assessment students, it is no longer an assessment, but a big culprit!"

"What the hell do these nine eyes do? Huh?"

"Should you kill all the students who have been assessed?"

No wonder Ning Tianlin thinks that way, because all those who participated in the assessment are youngers from Jiumu County. The generation can even be said to be the young child generation, all of whom are under one hundred years old.

At this age, in Jiumu County, anyone with a battle strength of more than 100,000 can be regarded as a good talent. Those with a battle strength of more than 200,000 are geniuses, and those with a battle strength of more than 300,000. Already a Top Grade genius.

In the past, most of the admissions at the Nine Eyes Academy were about 150,000 to 200,000.

A very small part of the battle strength exceeds 250,000!

This is the result of a hundred million absolutely selected people.

And this time, the formidable power of this Icicle is already 200,000 battle strength. Martial Artist has tried his best. In other words, Jiumu has never thought about the survival of battle strength below 200,000! In the past, it was simply impossible to defeat them at most.

He is the supreme officer of Jiumu County, not a butcher, but he is the future of Jiumu County! Heaven's Chosen Child!

"It's only Outland now. I don't know what kind of movement it will encounter. I just don't know whether it is the main killer or just the Outland."

It is an array of water, but the water is unpredictable and the location is different. Of course, the formidable power and attribute will be different.

If the attributes inside have been changed fortunately, and replaced with an illusion that does not hurt human lives, but if the main killer keeps killing, it will be very interesting. His Ning Tianlin doesn't care about the life and death of Heaven's Chosen Child in these nine eyes county. What he cares about is why these nine eyes do this.

After all, these are Heaven's Chosen Child of Jiumu County. What he destroys is the future of Jiumu County!




Ning Tianlin is constantly exploring and thinking At that time, Ruo Meng'er took a deep breath, then walked slowly, and continued to move forward. Only this time, it seemed extremely cautiously, more careful than when I just entered the formation method.

Even the mind is highly concentrated, for fear that an Icicle will come out again.

However, thinking of the eight-legged spider that Ning Tianlin gave her suspended above her head, I also sighed in relief. Just now, it saved my life!

"This woman, simply doesn't understand Formation!"

"Although it looks cautiously, but there are no rules at all. They are all left and right, and follow the feeling! "

Ning Tianlin is a bit funny, although Ruo Meng'er has been slouching her waist, appearing extremely cautious, for fear of touching some mechanism, but she obviously doesn't understand Formation, doing this is just useless.

Formation focuses on regular changes. Although there is nothing to be found on the surface, if you really understand Formation, you can still see one or two things. In particular, although the formidable power of this Formation is not small, it is just a single attribute of Water Attribute, which is not difficult here in Ning Tianlin.

He has clearly investigated the fluctuations and laws of water.

But at this moment, he is in the form of an eight-legged spider, and he cannot speak human's words. It is also impossible for this Ruomenger to solve the crisis before it breaks out. Blocking shots is also the most appropriate choice.


And soon, Ruo Meng'er gave Ning Tianlin such a chance, and saw another Icicle, which shot towards Ruo Meng'er’s abdomen. In her horrified gaze, it happened to be blocked by an eight-legged spider.


Ruo Meng'er vomited one mouthful of impure air for a long time, if it was the first time, she still felt that she was not ready, it was Icicle who gave it to her If there is a sudden attack, she now knows that she is simply not the opponent of this Icicle!

She clearly discovered the existence of Icicle, but she couldn't hide it at all! Even tried my best!

In an instant, she knew that this was due to the difference in battle strength, and only a wide range of battle strength differences could achieve this effect!

"With you here, I am not afraid!"

"I will definitely pass this assessment!"

Ruo Meng'er takes a deep look again He glanced at the eight-legged spider, and his eyes were grateful. She already knew that the key to the eight-legged spider was whether she could pass the test this time.




Thinking about it, I went on. I can't test myself, I can only trust others.

Just very quickly, her brows frowned deeply, because every few steps she walked, she could see the dead bodies. Within a short distance of 100 meters, there were no more than dozens of them, every few days. Just one step away.

Although she has seen life and death, and is not afraid of corpses, but seeing these, she continues to breathe in cold air.

After five minutes of walking, she has not seen a living person.

"This assessment...It's so difficult..."

If Meng'er's face has become so ugly, she never thought about it. The Academy’s assessment is so cruel, how long has it taken, so many people have died!

She thought it was just failure and success. Now, failure means death!

"I thought I was very difficult to deal with, but now I know that I can't even count as cannon fodder."

If Meng'er smiled bitterly, I thought it was almost the same in my planet. , Belongs to a genius, but only here did I know that I really value myself. With my own ability, I can't even pass one test, let alone five!


Only at this moment, the eight-legged spider above her head moved towards the front like lightning.

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