Array Space is endless, if it doesn’t break open, it will never end!

Just like this Tianhe, if you fail to pass, you will never find its source!

Those people just did nothing but useless work. Running hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles, even a light-year, the same is true, there is no end at all!

A Formation is an infinite space!

These people want to go around, it's impossible with this. In the end, you have to speak with strength.

"How is it?"

"Shall we go?"

Ruo Meng'er asked with her huge eyes wide open and staring at the eight-legged spider. , "Xiao Bajiao, you say, I will listen to you."

"You stupid woman!"

"You have to listen to a brute for this kind of thing!"

"I really shame your pet lineage, you are the master, shouldn't you let it listen to yourself!"

At this moment, there was someone coldly snorted, right Ruomenger taunted. He also regards Ruo Meng'er as the driving pet lineage.


Ruo Meng'er's face was angry, but before she could speak to fight back, the eight-legged spider on her shoulder had already jumped from her shoulder, and then like Like a sharp arrow, it shot at the center of the opponent's eyebrows.

The speed is so fast, in this space is the sound of thunder.


The person wanted to hide, but the complexity was greatly changed in an instant. In extreme panic, a hole appeared in the center of his forehead. The blood hua hua rushed, accompanied by the pale white of your brain.

After that, the whole body moved towards the back and fell straight down.

Destroyed in one blow!


Ruo Meng'er took a deep breath and said nothing. Since the last time this eight-legged spider swallowed the rainstorm, she wanted to fight for shelter with her She knew that these eight-legged spiders were extremely cruel.

Although he was peacefully beside himself, it was after listening to Ning Tianlin's instructions.

Whoever irritates it, it will kill him without the slightest hesitation!

However, she is also delighted in her heart, because in this way, it does not mean that the eight-legged spider can understand people. If not, how does it know that others are insulting it? So as to take the initiative?

That way, doesn’t it know what it’s talking about?

I just wanted to go right or left, she was asking about it!

"It's amazing!"

At this time, a lot of people gathered by the big river. Seeing this scene, they didn't say anything, and no one came out for a dead person. , Besides, just now everyone has seen that this ominous beast is extremely powerful.

It's better to be less provoked.


Only the eight-legged spider that killed one person, did not return to Ruo Meng'er’s shoulders again, but suspended the void, which became bigger and bigger. When he stopped, he already had the body of several ten zhang.

Like a mountain, pressing on everyone's head!


"What the hell is this?"

Everyone is shocked, even Ruo Meng'er is a complexion changed, I don’t know what Ning Tianlin wants to do. Others were completely shocked by the huge size of the eight-legged spider. They were still the size of a hand and couldn't see anything. Now the pressure of several ten zhang, they can't breathe completely!

Even some people are sweating from their palms, for fear that the ominous beast will run away and attack them!

The eight-legged spider is just floating quietly in the void, doing nothing. Its scarlet eyes are shooting at everyone, not knowing what it is thinking. And whatever is swept by its eyes, the heart is beating wildly.

These eyes are terrifying, tyrannical, manic, like Death God.


After two minutes, Ning Tianlin suddenly spit out a long silk thread from her mouth, moved towards Ruo Meng'er, but in an instant, she wrapped her body.

Ruo Meng'er was surprised, but she did not hide, nor was afraid, nor struggle. Although she was nervous, she knew that this eight-legged spider would definitely not hurt herself.

She believes in it, and she also believes in Ning Tianlin!



Soon, this long spider silk thread will wrap Ruo Meng'er's whole body tightly. In fact, like a zongzi, the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, etc. are all entangled and airtight.

If Meng'er had battle strength on her body, she would change to an ordinary person, this kind of entanglement method would definitely cause shortness of breath for a while and be forcibly suffocated by the air.

"Don't ask anything."

"Just wait."

When Ruomenger was a little embarrassed, in her mind, There was a sudden voice.

Husky, dull.

Although she doesn't know who it belongs to, she feels relieved, because 99% of the chances are that the eight-legged spider is talking to her.

It will not harm itself!

Although this kind of thing is almost a fantasy story, how can ominous beast speak, but she firmly believes that nothing else is possible, it does not mean that she can also not be Big Brother Ning!

Believing in the eight-legged spider is to believing in Big Brother Ning who saved her several lives!


After doing all this, the eight-legged spider suddenly opened its mouth, and when the spider silk turned, it brought Ruo Meng'er, who had become a zongzi, to her mouth. Then put it into a gap in the tooth socket.

Strictly strict.


Then he closed his mouth, and in the incredible gaze of the people around him, he jumped into the billowing sky in front of him.


"Go in!"

"This ominous beast went in!"

Many people were shocked with their mouths open. What's the situation in Tianhe? They already knew, but no one dared to act arbitrarily. What happened here has also been spread.

A little carelessness, the skeleton doesn't exist.

But this ominous beast, I jumped in at this moment!

He even brought its owner in.

Could it be that they are trying to force through it?



"This ominous beast is not dead!"

Many people are Eyes stared into the distance without blinking, especially the examiner who saw someone die in the river with his own eyes, and stared at Ning Tianlin's silhouette until it completely disappeared in the field of vision, Divine Consciousness, without splashing. It’s only when it’s bloody that it puts out a long breath.


Just stay alive!

Although I don't know if it can pass, it means that the river cannot kill them at will.

"Should we go in too?"

Soon, someone's mind flashed again, and they were preparing to pass this Heavenly River Water.

It’s not a way to spend all the time here.

Besides, this ominous beast can be safe and sound, what can they not?


"A beast is not afraid, what else can we worry about!"

The other is nodded, seriously said, "I Count one, two, three! Let's go in together!"

"Okay!" The man was nodded.




The other person starts counting and reaches the third At that time, he jumped straight and moved towards the river and jumped in.

Only the person who proposed at the beginning, but just pretended to jump for a while, at the last moment, forcibly stopped, and did not jump into the river.

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