"Body shape!"

"First of all, this body shape is wrong!"

In the information Ning Tianlin gave him in the battle strength system, I have seen the appearance of the twelve ancestral witches, it is really as vast as a galaxy, and the planet and boundless can be destroyed by flipping the palm. There is also not much difference in the size of the twelve ancestor witches.

He remembers clearly that a nail of the ancestor Wu Qiangliang can transform into Hundred Thousand Great Mountains!

And now, the section of Gonggong’s section is only thousand zhang long and hundred zhang wide, less than one hundredth of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, what's up?

There is definitely a problem!

It is very likely that this is not the real severance of Gonggong!

Although Gonggong can be big or small, and fingers can of course be long or short, Gonggong is passed away, and all parts should return to the original source, so this finger should also be the most original appearance.

At the very least, it is many times the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains!

But now there are only thousand zhang length and width, there must be a problem!


Just when Ning Tianlin was thinking about it, the image of Gonggong moved in this severed finger, and a condensed arrow shot out from his mouth and went straight to Ning. Tianlin's face door, meanwhile the python held in his hand was released by him, grinning, moved towards Ning Tianlin and waved over.

Frightened buzzing, formidable power is good.

"If it is true to work together, I will immediately turn my head and leave!"

"Even if there is only one ten thousandth of the battle strength, I dare not impudent!"

"But I met you..."

Ning Tianlin looked at the surge of python, coldly snorted in his heart. Now that he has realized what is going on, it is not Too worried.

Although this python, Gonggong, coercion and everything are there, he also feels it. This Gonggong has only seventy-eighty ten thousand battle strengths. To him today, it’s not unbeatable!

It's just a tangible guy!

Although it has been a year or two since entering the galaxy, its own battle strength has not increased sharply, but it has also increased a lot. Essence and so on, it consumes a lot of battle strength of centipede, It is a qualitative breakthrough.

In general, 800,000 battle strength is not a problem to him!

His current level is only fifty levels higher than when he left Earth, from the original three hundred and seven 15th level to the current four hundred and three Level 10, which is an increase of two More than eight thousand battle strengths, nearly thirty thousand!

Equipped with martial skills, nothing has changed. Only the Promise Ring carried on the fingers has once again released a layer of prohibition. The quality has changed from the original Grade 2 to the current Grade 3.

That is to add 10,000 battle strength.

This calculation actually adds about 40,000 battle strength.

But this is not important at all, the main thing is the crazy evolution of Wanzu centipede!

Although along the way, Wanzu centipede has also been devouring creatures, that is, the big cuttlefish of Cuttlefish Star. It swallowed more than 10 million at once, as well as the creatures of the barren peak pirates, etc. The battle strength of Wanzu centipede has only increased by about 100,000.

Up to two hundred thousand.

But just a few days ago, in the valley of Nine Eyes Academy, after the baptism of Primal Chaos Heaven, the battle strength of Wanzu centipede soared, although the special ability is still not useful. Great, but the battle strength directly soared about twice as much!

Now the number of pairs of feet has grown to 20,000 pairs! That is forty thousand!

A ten-point battle strength, forty thousand is four hundred thousand-point battle strength!

In other words, the battle strength of Wanzu centipede has increased by nearly 300,000 more than it was in Earth!

To be more precise, Ning Tianlin’s current battle strength is 340,000 higher than it was in Earth!

It used to be more than half a million, now it is more than 800,000!

Almost 900,000!

If you count the Eye of Medusa, as well as the battle strength formation, he can completely compete with the millions of battle strength Martial Artists!


Thinking of this, Ning Tianlin's eyes shot a bright light!

Millions of battle strength, those with a million battle strengths will bow their heads in front of him!

even more how, this is just the remnant of the co-workers who came here somehow!

"Also, now my essence points are still more than 83 million, and I can replace them with more battle strength at any time."

These two Ning Tianlin didn't spend a lot of energy on himself in 2017. He was planning to accumulate enough energy for a qualitative breakthrough, but he never thought that it would consume more than half of it when he was evolving in the valley by the Wanzu centipede.

Almost 90%!

Hundreds of millions!

But there are still some left, plus the accumulation of these days, especially the death of so many young, talented people in Formation, their space ring and so on, all of them were exchanged and absorbed by him. .

There are still 85 million points of essence points now!

These can be exchanged for battle strength at any time.

Even some treasures.

So in the face of the surge of water arrows and python, Ning Tianlin has no fear.

If you want to fight, you will fight!

Furthermore, this python has all the coercion, but compared with the real Gonggong, it is completely the difference between Heaven and Earth!


Ning Tianlin's body shape changes, from the golden spear fish's body to a human shape. Here is in the space of the severed finger, everything is imaginary, and the humanoid silhouette is more suitable for him to fight.

He is also the most familiar.


As soon as he stretched his hands, the huge Dualbladed Halberd appeared in his hands.

Although this Dualbladed Halberd is only transformed by divine sense, it also proposes the essence of the original equipment. The essence has already acted in the body. Therefore, Dualbladed Halberd also has the addition of battle strength.

Even all equipment on the body has battle strength bonus.

After all, these equipments were originally turned into energy, which was given to him, and he could mobilize them.


With a wave of Dualbladed Halberd's halberd blade, it shoots a stream of rainbow light and moved towards python to cut it away!


Only an instant, the ferocious python has been turned into fragments and disappeared in this finger-severing space.

The water arrow that was sprayed was even an astral qi sprayed from Ning Tianlin's mouth, which was smashed into pieces.

"700,000 battle strength."

"The battle strength of this Gonggong scene is around 700,000!"

The two fight each other, Ning Tianlin also believed in his own judgment even more.

"Let’s take a look now, what the hell is this Gonggong scene!" Medusa's eyes were also let go, and Formation Dao also used it in unpredictable gestures.

The lion fights the rabbit, still use its full strength, even more how to face the ancient ancestor witch!

Although the severed fingers of this ancestor witch, it is likely to be fake. But he also knew that even though it was fake, it couldn't be separated from the real!

This thing, no one can imitate it at will!

Especially the ancient ancestor witch!

This severed finger is also related to Zhen Gonggong!

He just wants to see if he can find out what can't be achieved from the silhouette of the co-workers.


The sky is smashed.

The entire Gonggong image has turned into nothingness.

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