"The Lord is here!"

Ning Tianlin narrowed his eyes, saw the nine pairs of eyes on the other's head, and instantly knew who came. Although he has never seen what Jiumu looks like, he has heard the name how many times.

Moreover, nine pairs of eyes are the sign of each other.


The opponent's speed is very fast, only ten seconds later, it has been suspended in the void, standing on top of several millions of students.

"Master Nine Eyes!"

"It is Master Nine Eyes!"

"The Dean of Nine Eyes is here!"

The students who were still humming and buzzing in the assessment, the moment this person appeared, became extremely quiet, and only a few people were still talking in whispers.

"pay respects to Lord Nine Eyes!"

I don’t know who it is, yelled, and then knelt down, and then countless people crash-bang began to kneel, even the original Those floating in the sky immediately fell to the ground, kneeling down!

"pay respects to Lord Nine Eyes!"

Countless people shouted, deafening.

They are thrilled to be able to see the legendary Master Nine Eyes with their own eyes, and also excited for the appearance of Master Nine Eyes at this time!

Because Lord Nine Eyes appears at this time, there is only one possibility, that is, they have really passed the assessment of the Golden Circle!

If not, how could he appear here with the identity and status of Lord Nine Eyes!

Still in remote press this time, when Formation is broken and they are at a loss!

Although it is a bit weird to come to this place of assessment in person with the status of Lord Nine Eyes, it is not impossible. During their planet, school exams, teachers, even the dean, and Principal will come over for spot checks and invigilate the exam room.

This is not impossible!

Everyone is excited, and it must be their outstanding performance that provokes the nine-eyed adults!


"What's the matter?"

"Why don't you kneel down?"

"You are crazy It won't happen!"

Just quickly, three or four people complexion changed, glanced at Ning Tianlin next to him, and scolded quietly.

Because Ning Tianlin is different from these youngsters who are kneeling. They are tall and straight, with their heads high. Not only did they not kneel down, but raised their heads, they looked straight up at the nine eyes in the air.

Exactly like a crane in a flock of chickens, so outstanding!

What's more, stretched out his hand and pulled down Ning Tianlin's trousers, wanting to make him kneel down, and at the same time the other party whispered anxiously, "Kneel down! Don't bother us!"

"Don't you dare to kneel when you see Master Jiu-Mu!"

"Even if Master Jiu-Mu is generous, we will not let you go when I will spare you!"

These people are really worried that Ning Tianlin will arouse the anger of Master Nine Eyes. This is not impossible. Often this kind of great character anger is all involved! One person can often be held accountable to ten thousand people!

Originally, the nine-eyed adults might be happily commending them. How can this youngster, who doesn’t know the immensity of heaven and earth, affect each other’s mood?


Ning Tianlin originally thought that the other party was still kind and reminded himself to kneel, otherwise there would be no good fruit, but the result was that he was afraid of affecting himself and asking him hard . Suddenly he was coldly snorted, full of vigor, and directly forcibly shook this person to death!

The flesh and blood are broken, splashing the surrounding people.

But no one dared to speak at this time. Although they were all furious, they all bowed their heads and dared not impudent. Fighting at this time, but it is reasonable or unreasonable, it will arouse the anger of the nine-eyed lord!

When the time comes, no one has good fruit to eat.



Soon, some people around knelt and moved towards and crawled to the side, for fear of waiting for Ning Tianlin hurt himself.

Totally disdain to associate with this person!

He is courting death himself, don't hurt them!

Ten seconds!

In ten seconds, Master Nine Eyes will take action and kill this impudent thing!

No one dares to be impudent in front of Lord Nine Eyes!


"What's the matter?"

"Why haven't you started!"

Just don't say ten seconds Twenty seconds and thirty seconds later, there was still no movement. The whole between Heaven and Earth seemed to be left with them kneeling and bowing their heads, as well as nine eyes floating in the air, and an act recklessly youngster standing upright.

"Did you take it?"

But just when these people were very puzzled, the nine eyes floating in the void opened their mouths, and the voice was majestic, like a buzzer, Looking around in their ears, their minds are even more straight.

Even the other party didn't do anything, just said a word, they can feel the endless pressure.

It's just that they have doubts in their hearts, and they don't even understand what Master Jiumu is saying and what to take?

What can I get in this place?

Who got it?

Master nine eyes, who are you talking to?

Too many doubts are held in these people's minds, but they dare not look up. However, none of these people who can participate in the assessment are fools. They all faintly guessed, Lord Nine Eyes, it is very likely to be Talking to this youngster who is act recklessly!

Sure enough, in their incredible shock, Ning Tianlin slowly opened his mouth and stretched out his hand, impudent scratching his ears with his fingers, and said loudly, "Are you talking to me?"


The tone is relaxed, even with a hint of ridicule.

"It's crazy!"

"This youngster is crazy!"

"How dare you talk to Lord Nine Eyes like this!"

Almost everyone is shocked by Ning Tianlin's daring, you are crazy, you dare to talk to Master Jiu-Mu like this, and you call Master Jiu-Mu "you", this is not enough respect for "you"!

Some daring, even raised their heads, wanting to see what Ning Tianlin looks like, is it a monster who gave birth to Three Heads Six Arms, dare to talk back to Master Nine Eyes like this!

In other words, this person is suffering from madness, and is he still the kind of madness who is not afraid of death?

"It seems that your courage is not small."

Although Jiumu was furious, he did not immediately do it.

If at the beginning, he had a 90% guess that it was the youngster who broke the Formation and took away his things, then now, the probability has soared to 9%. nineteen!

The remaining one percent is still because he doesn't like to do things to the full. After all, there are accidents in everything!

It's just that he is strange in his heart. How can the youngster in front of him have such courage to talk to him like this!

You know, he is nine eyes!

The only Sovereign in the entire Jiumu County!

Don't talk about youngster, he is a very old clan leader, and he must be respectful when he meets him.

This youngster, is it a lunatic?

But how is it possible, how can the person who can break the Formation and take his treasure away is a lunatic!

There is only one possibility, and that is that the young man in front of us has something to rely on! He doesn't need to fear himself!

But what is the dependency?

battle strength?

It's ridiculous!

Although he can't see the opponent's battle strength, he can know his age, never more than a hundred years old. How much battle strength will there be if you are not even this age? It is the Peak genius of the Milky Way, and it is also impossible to defeat himself when he is a hundred years old!

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